The Biggest Tesla News of the Year ⚡️
发布时间 2023-09-08 22:09:46 来源
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00:00 - Cybertruck Crash Test
00:26 - Biggest News of the Year
10:42 - Powerwall 3 is Here
14:10 - Domestic China Sales
14:39 - Police Vehicle Display
15:06 - Detroit Auto Show Changes
15:40 - UK Largest Charging Hub
16:05 - Lotus Emeya
16:42 - Chinese Invasion
17:52 - Stellantis Said What?
18:29 - New F150 Lightning Feature
18:52 - Rivian CFO Comments
19:09 - All Eyes on Tesla Semi
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*Disclaimer: I was a financial advisor with Edward Jones for a number of years. That said, I am not your financial advisor so please always do your own research and do not base your investment decisions on my videos alone.
#Tesla #TeslaNews #TeslaRobotaxi
Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Lumis. So as it turns out, those giga Mexico delays may not be as impactful as we once thought. Axios just released an excerpt from the upcoming biography Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson and there are some gems.
Here's the backstory. November 2021, Elon and his top 5 lieutenants will call them, had decided the Robotaxi would be a smaller, less expensive, less speedy car than the Model 3, our main focus has to be volume. There's no amount that we could possibly build that will be enough, some day we want to be at 20 million per year.
这是背景故事。2021年11月,埃隆和他的五位高级副手(我们称之为这样)决定,机器出租车将是一款比Model 3更小、更便宜、不那么快的汽车,我们的主要关注点必须是量产。无论我们生产多少,都不可能满足需求,我们希望有一天能达到每年2000万辆。
Behind closed doors now, for years there have been debates between Elon, Franz and the rest of the team. Do they go all in Robotaxi style, put all their chips in, or do they still have a car that you can buy with a pedal, wheels, etc. But when talking about the Robotaxi specifically, they said they need to make sure it can shut its own doors if somebody gets out and forgets to close the door, and they've been asking the questions how can this Robotaxi get into gated communities or a parking garage, maybe it needs an arm that can punch a button or take a ticket.
And back to the internal debate, no surprise Elon was pushing for all in Robotaxi but most of the engineers were going for the safer, more conventional option. Some were of last year August 18th they had a meeting to figure it out. Elon's had suggested that Tesla makes a car that had a steering wheel and pedals that could be easily removed so once the regulatory environment is set and they solve for autonomy, they can just take them off.
Elon was not having it, he said no, no mirrors, no pedals, no steering wheel. This is me taking responsibility for this decision. Let me be clear, he said, this vehicle must be designed as a clean Robotaxi, we're going to take that risk. It's my fault if it F's up, but we're not going to design some sort of amphibian frog that's a halfway car. We are all in on autonomy.
A few weeks later, as they were rolling with that decision, Elon on the phone said this will be a historically mega revolutionary product. It will transform everything. This is the product that makes Tesla a $10 trillion company. People will be talking about this moment in 100 years.
What did I just say earlier this week? Sometimes it's a superpower being able to change your mind. Well, that's exactly what happened. After that meeting though, Franz and his engineers kept putting bugs in Elon's ear trying to convince him to build a more traditional vehicle. Lars said we brought him new information that maybe he wasn't fully digesting over the summer. Even if self-driving vehicles were approved by regulators in the US, it would be years before they were approved internationally. So it made sense to build a version of the car with a steering wheel and pedals.
All along throughout these debates, Elon thought the Robotaxi would make this other more traditional car unnecessary, but Franz quietly kept it alive as a shadow project in his design studio. Then September 2022, the lieutenants got together for a secret meeting and they presented data showing in order for Tesla to grow 50% per year, it needed to have an inexpensive small car. The global market for a car was huge, by 2030 there might be up to 700 million of them, almost twice as many for the Model 3 and Y category.
在这些辩论中始终如一,埃隆认为机器出租车将使这款传统车变得不必要,但弗朗茨在他的设计工作室里悄悄地将它作为一个影子项目保持了下来。然后到了2022年9月,副官们聚集在一起进行了一次秘密会议,并呈现出数据,显示为了让特斯拉每年增长50%,它需要拥有一款廉价的小车。全球汽车市场巨大,到2030年可能会达到7亿台,几乎是Model 3和Y类别的两倍。
And this is the meeting where they showed Elon that the Robotaxi and a more traditional $25,000 car could be made on the same assembly lines on the same platform. After the meeting, Elon was unenthusiastic about the $25,000 car saying it's really not that exciting of a product. His heart was in transforming transportation through Robotaxis. But over the next few months, things changed.
At a design meeting February of this year, Franz had both the $25,000 car and the Robotaxi design side by side. Both had a cyber truck futuristic feel. Elon loved the designs. When one of these comes around a corner, he said, people will think they're seeing something from the future.
And that's when the new mass market vehicle, both with a wheel and as a Robotaxi became known as the next gen platform. And then that's when we heard about Gigamexico, but the more Elon and team thought about that, that wasn't the best option. Elon always believed Tesla's design engineers needed to be located right next to the assembly line rather than allowing manufacturing to be done at a remote location.
This way, engineers can get instant feedback on how to design innovations that would improve the car and make it easier to manufacture. Elon said Tesla engineering will need to be on the line to make it successful and getting everyone to move to Mexico is never going to happen. So may of this year, Elon changed the initial build location for the next generation cars and Robotaxis to Austin where his own workspace and that of top engineers would be right next to the new high speed ultra automated assembly line.
So it sounds like the next gen platform will make its debut in Austin potentially in the current factory that's there now without needing a new building somewhere else near it in Austin.
And yes, if I'm reading this correctly, it sounds like these lines for the next gen platform are already existing to some degree.
Throughout the summer of this year, Elon spent hours each week working with his team to design each station on the line, finding ways to shave milliseconds off each step and process.
As Elon has done in the past, he knew there was something just as important as the design of the project, the design of the manufacturing systems that would build the products at high volume.
So what does all of this mean? Well, we could see a Robotaxis and a $25,000 Tesla much sooner than we thought. Rather than waiting a year or two for Gigamexico to be built, we just learned Tesla is already working on the next gen manufacturing lines in Austin.
So now the Gigamexico delays become much more of an afterthought than a potential deal breaker. I bet we get an unveil event for these two products sometime next year, and perhaps by 2025 or 2026, we could begin to see some production of these next gen vehicles.
Tesla will use these trial lines with the new unboxed automated lines in the current factory in Austin. Tesla will need to do plenty of testing here and this is going to be an entirely new method of making a vehicle. Presumably with Optimus accounting for at least a portion of the automation of these lines.
It's really encouraging to hear Tesla will be rolling out a more affordable vehicle with wheels, pedals and mirrors as not everyone is going to want to live a Robotaxi life right away, summoning a vehicle every time they just want to run to the store.
And there will be others who just aren't ready to trust a new technology with their lives and we have all of the regulatory hurdles that Franz had mentioned too.
But these vehicles on one platform will yield great cost savings, faster manufacturing times, more shared parts and better economies of scale and more flexibility to pivot as the market warrants.
So now Gigamexico will be the factory where Tesla imports all of their learnings from the trial production in Austin. Since Tesla will need time to work on the new manufacturing lines and designs, this gives Gigamexico time to work through the permitting and the construction.
And then just like Tesla did with them model 3, they'll export their learnings and Gigamexico will start off with refined lines and techniques.
然后就像特斯拉对Model 3所做的那样,他们将输出他们的学习成果,Gigamexico将以经过改进的生产线和技术开局。
So while Gigamexico will still be the plant for mass market volume production of these vehicles, we could see some early official production coming out of Austin first.
What's more profound than the news of the next gen platform though is how committed Elon still really is. That line about Elon spending hours each week to shave off milliseconds of each process and step is just incredible.
As Elon said replying to Jason, Tesla is still hardcore after all of these years and Elon doubts there's a harder working company of Tesla's size in the world.
You guys have heard me say it 100 plus times but it's core to who Tesla is. Constant innovation like they're on the verge of going bankrupt or being disrupted. It's just a culture of the company that's been built and this cannot be duplicated or replicated overnight.
So yeah to everyone out there even many in the Tesla community that like to argue Elon is distracted with X and not focused on Tesla, come on now, it's just not true.
Now I will say I've been on the record as saying one of the bigger risks to Tesla was if the more affordable vehicle is too polarizing or too futuristic and now we've been told it will have a cyber truck futuristic feel.
现在,我要说的是,我一直认为特斯拉面临的较大风险之一是,如果更实惠的车型过于极端或过于 futuristi ,我们刚刚得知,它将具有飞行汽车 futuristi 感觉。
Now yes this doesn't mean it has to have sharp angles and a planar polarizing design but clearly Elon wants it to be differentiated from any other car.
If Tesla wants to sell millions of this car every year it's going to have to have mass market appeal. Buying a car is just a very personal choice.
We know it'll have industry leading specs but a car is an extension of our personalities and our tastes so we'll see what Tesla comes up with.
I will say though if history is our guide they'll get it right, they understand the task at hand and Franz and Elon really don't miss.
Publicly we've heard Elon mention a $4 trillion valuation as the unspoken target for Tesla stock over the next 5-7 years but in this excerpt we learn that he has $10 trillion in mind once this next gen platform becomes a reality and is humming at scale.
Clearly the importance of these two vehicles cannot be overstated.
So we still have a lot to learn and it should go without saying but this is some of the biggest and most exciting news we've heard all year.
The implications of the next gen platform are massive to the tune of trillions and it may be a lot closer than we were previously expecting.
And how about this one on the Tesla Motors Club forum we have a user posting some pictures saying the installer said this was only the third Powerwall 3 he's done so far. Then to confirm it, replying to Sawyer, Elon said Powerwall 3 is optimized for ease of installation and high power which means a single Powerwall can serve as an uninterruptable power supply or UPS people will call it for most homes. This is a big deal for ensuring that the lights stay on and you can power all of your devices in the event of a power outage.
在特斯拉汽车俱乐部论坛上,有一名用户发布了一些图片,声称安装工人告诉他这已经是他做的第三个Powerwall 3了。为了确认这一点,埃隆回应索耶尔时表示,Powerwall 3经过优化,便于安装且功率高,这意味着一个Powerwall可以成为大多数家庭的不间断电源或UPS(不间断电源装置)。这对于确保灯光通电并能支持所有设备在停电时使用是重要的。
So the Powerwall 3 is here. We don't have any update on pricing or any of that. I don't know if we're going to get a Powerwall 3 event but maybe they just start transitioning over in the background. And what I could find online it looks like you can vary the output power from 5.8 to 11.5 kilowatts based on the breaker and wiring sizes. The poster of this info did say the circuit breaker in the backup gateway 2 that was connected to the Powerwall 3 was 60 amps.
所以,Powerwall 3终于来了。关于定价和其他方面的更新我们还没有消息。我不知道我们是否会有Powerwall 3的发布活动,但也许他们会悄悄地开始转向新版本。我在网上找到的信息显示,根据断路器和布线尺寸,输出功率可以在5.8到11.5千瓦之间变化。发布这些信息的人说,与Powerwall 3连接的备用网关2的断路器为60安培。
And it should be noted the higher output power will allow owners to use higher capacity things, think about AC, but then the variability could allow for more flexibility so as to not waste that extra power. The poster said the size is about 43 inches by 24 by 7 so it is slightly smaller than the previous version. It weighs 286 pounds which drops it in between the Powerwall plus at 344 pounds and the Powerwall 2 at 251 pounds. It appears to have the same 13.5 kilowatt hour capacity as the Powerwall 2 and Powerwall plus and many people out there are suggesting it uses LFP cells but personally I'm not ready by any stretch to say that that's official. The plate image we got just says lithium ion which could of course encompass LFP as well.
值得注意的是,更高的输出功率将使用户能够使用更高容量的设备,比如空调,但是可变性可以提供更灵活的选择,以免浪费那些额外的能源。海报中提到,尺寸约为43英寸 x 24 英寸 x 7 英寸,因此略小于先前版本。它的重量为286磅,介于Powerwall Plus(344磅)和Powerwall 2(251磅)之间。它的容量似乎与Powerwall 2和Powerwall Plus的13.5千瓦时相同,有很多人认为它使用了LFP电池,但我个人并不准备断言这是官方说法。我们获得的板子图片上只说是锂离子电池,当然也可能包括LFP电池。
So it sounds like the main differences in performance are the higher peak power output being potentially double that of the 5 kilowatts from the Powerwall 2 and the fact that Elon is claiming this is a UPS for most homes. On the older versions some people would still experience a quick switch over period meaning appliances and devices would go out temporarily which should not happen with the 3. And of course the install times should be much faster and the Powerwall 3 does contain the inverter. I wish I could give you guys more information on this right now but we're only working with a few pictures of one install so hopefully in the weeks ahead we get some more official info.
所以听起来,性能上的主要区别在于峰值功率输出更高,有可能是Powerwall 2的两倍,并且埃隆声称这是大多数家庭的UPS。在旧版本中,一些人仍然会遇到快速切换的时期,导致电器和设备短暂断电,这在Powerwall 3中不会发生。当然,安装时间应该更快,Powerwall 3中还包含逆变器。我希望我现在能给你们更多关于此的信息,但我们只有一些一个安装的图片,希望在接下来的几周内我们能获得更多官方信息。
Don't quote me on this and things like this are always subject to change based on supply and demand but there are some people online that are saying you can buy the Powerwall 3 stand alone meaning you can buy it without getting solar to go with it. I'd also add there's still a good chance some new Powerwall customers are getting the Powerwall plus. It's still on the website they're still offering $500 rebates for each new Powerwall so maybe these Powerwall 3 installations of which there have been 3 are more in a test employee people Elon knows type of capacity. On Tesla's website they still only have Powerwall plus and Powerwall and for the regular Powerwall or Powerwall 2 they still have the 5.8 kilowatts of continuous power.
别引用我说的话,这类事情总是受供需影响变化无常,但有些人在网上声称你可以单独购买Powerwall 3,这意味着你可以不用搭配太阳能板也能购买它。同时我要补充一点,仍然有很大可能有新的Powerwall客户购买的是Powerwall plus。网站上仍然提供每台新购买的Powerwall可享受500美元的减免,所以也许这些已经有3个安装的Powerwall 3只是作为测试员工或是伊隆认识的人的一种特殊情况。在特斯拉的网站上,他们仍然只有Powerwall plus和Powerwall两种选择,并且对于普通的Powerwall或Powerwall 2,他们仍然标明5.8千瓦的持续功率。
And correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that KVA for all intents and purposes is the same as kilowatts. We got the domestic China sales figure for August 64,694. Plugging that data in turns out this is the best second month for domestic China sales of the quarter ever. Now let's not get too crazy because of course part of that is due to the lower export number for this month relative to prior months for the second month in a quarter. And we should get the official production number soon which will be interesting to see what's going on with the Model 3.
如果我错了,请纠正我,但我相信KVA(千伏安)和千瓦是一样的。我们拿到了中国国内销售数据,八月份销售量为64,694辆。将这些数据插入后发现,这是本季度国内销售量最好的第二个月。现在我们不要太疯狂,因为当然其中一部分原因是由于出口量相对较低,相对于上个季度的第二个月。我们应该很快得到官方的生产数据,看看Model 3进展如何,那将是很有趣的。
You may have heard about some of the changes in.32.1 like police vehicles display. Well shout out to Marcel because we got just that. What do we have here? Keep in mind with V12 the importance of the UI will be much less because Elon said it's essentially going to be more of an approximation of what the car is actually thinking than exactly what it's thinking. Either way though it's still cool to see the progress.
Tesla may have made a change to their planned presence at the Detroit Auto Show coming up September 13th. As you can see in the section 4 corporate region supported vehicle displays Tesla which was on the list earlier this week is now nowhere to be found. Show officials are reporting there will be a few surprises added to the list. However if you scroll down it still says Tesla will offer EV experience indoor track ride alongs and street course ride and drives. Just like Tesla will be there in some capacity maybe just without an official display.
The UK has just opened its largest public EV charging hub with 30 ultra fast 150 kilowatt bays and 150 not so fast 7 kilowatt charging points. Meaning 180 EVs can charge simultaneously. Good to hear it's powered by renewables including a rooftop solar canopy at the site. This is a joint venture between BP pulse and the NEC group.
英国刚刚开设了最大的公共电动汽车充电枢纽,配备30个超快速的150千瓦充电位和150个不那么快的7千瓦充电设备。这意味着180辆电动汽车可以同时充电。令人高兴的是,该充电站采用可再生能源供电,包括车顶太阳能遮篷。这是BP Pulse和NEC集团的合资项目。
Lotus just revealed the 2024 EMEA electric hypercar going 0-60 in under 3 seconds. This car is supposed to go into production in early 2024 and it's supposed to compete with cars like the Audi E-Tron GT and the Porsche Ticon. Lotus really didn't give us any specs but they did say it should be broadly similar to Lotus's first EV the Eletra which got around 310 miles of EPA range. More information set to come in the fourth quarter of this year. Lotus did however say it can accept up to 350 kilowatt charging speeds.
莲花刚刚揭示了2024年度EMEA电动超级跑车,其0至60英里/小时加速时间低于3秒。这款车预计将在2024年初投产,并与奥迪E-Tron GT和保时捷Taycan等车型竞争。莲花没有透露太多规格,但他们表示该车应与莲花的首款电动车Elettra相似,后者的EPA行驶里程约为310英里。更多信息将于今年第四季度公布。莲花还表示,该车可以支持高达350千瓦的充电速度。
You know that theme I've been harping on all year Chinese automakers invading the European market? Well twice as many Chinese car makers were at exhibits at the Munich Auto Show this year compared to 2021 occupying almost two thirds of the floor space.
Thomas Ingenloth said it's always a big threat when other people catch up. Other countries have found an edge to technology which legacy car makers might have ignored for too long. The question is always how fast can you react? This is the type of response you love to hear not like what we talked about from VW yesterday. An operations chief at Stellantis said we have to fight. We must be very careful because when you have a new technology somebody who has already invested for some time in this technology there's probably a lack of competitiveness. That's dangerous and we have to fight and make sure that we are coming back to a competitive situation.
Thomas Ingenloth表示,当其他人追赶上来时,这总是一个巨大的威胁。其他国家已经找到了传统汽车制造商可能长期忽视的技术优势。问题始终是你能多快做出反应?这是你希望听到的回应类型,不像昨天我们从大众汽车讨论的那样。Stellantis的一位运营负责人表示我们必须奋战。我们必须非常小心,因为当你拥有一项新技术时,那些已经投资了一段时间的人可能缺乏竞争力。这是危险的,我们必须奋战并确保我们回到一个竞争的局面。
Ingenloth said I'm not so much afraid of the price position speaking of the Chinese. I'm much more afraid of the kind of technology they bring whether they're somewhere ahead of us that is unreachable. That would be frightening. Either way this will be a very fun battle to watch in the years ahead.
The Stellantis technology chief just said EV batteries were just too heavy making vehicles not compatible with sustainability purposes. So what I have in mind and a very hard goal for my team by 2030 is to change the battery weight to at least 50% lighter battery. Even more encouraging he said however he really had no idea what the battery of the future will look like. We'll have to think about completely new materials, new chemistry, a new way of replacing this heavy heavy heavy materials to something much lighter. I hate to sound like a broken record but are they not seeing Tesla doing just fine with the current heavy batteries?
From cars direct and a bulletin sent to dealers Ford is set to bring Apple Maps EV routing to the F-150 Lightning EVs before the end of this year. The Maki has had this feature and now the F-150 Lightning will join in Q4. This means Ford will have two of the three vehicles that currently are using Apple Maps EV routing, the third being the Porsche Ticon.
据汽车直销和一份发给经销商的公告,福特计划在今年年底之前为F-150 Lightning电动车引入苹果地图的电动汽车路径规划功能。Maki已经具备了这个功能,现在F-150 Lightning将在第四季度加入。这意味着福特将拥有当前使用苹果地图电动汽车路径规划功能的三辆车中的两辆,其中第三辆是保时捷蒂康。
Rivians finance chiefs said they will benefit late this year and in 2024 from a significant deflation for battery material prices, a theme we've touched on all week. She said falling commodity prices will likely be felt in the fourth quarter of the year and into next year.
This should sound familiar because we touched on earlier this year that Tesla would be involved for the first time and the North American Council for freight efficiency is running its run on less electric depot. This virtual showcase will track information on charging infrastructure, cost of ownership, truck performance, charge management and other metrics for three weeks. We talked about the importance of this event earlier this year and yes most likely all eyes will be on Tesla as the newcomer to the event and PepsiCo's Tesla fleet will make up one of 10 fleets participating in the event which is focused on sharing information about scaling EV fleets at depots.
From September 11th through the 30th a virtual dashboard will monitor 21 trucks installed with tracking equipment that will show miles driven types of deliveries made and their states of charge at different points throughout the day. The executive director of this event said a lot of people will be watching that Tesla send my not by the day maybe by the hour. Are they getting the 400 to 500 miles that Elon said. The time has come for Tesla to show the heavy trucking industry what they're all about.
Hope you guys have a wonderful and a safe weekend. You can find me on X linked below. Please like the video if you did and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters.