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Tesla China: Are We Looking at the Same Data? / Lucid Investors Call Out Rawlinson ⚡️

发布时间 2023-05-05 20:18:12    来源
There are a couple of other things that are very interesting about this new model S-Done. It's the fact that Tesla hasn't really shouted about some of the improvements. This feels like a completely different car to the one that I drove four years ago. It's actually shared 100 kilos overall over the last model, and that's thanks to a battery with better energy density so there are actually less cells for the same amount of range. And tricks by using a strip brace as the volume and the reservoir for the air suspension. It's clever stuff, and Tesla just doesn't shout about it.

Also guys, just a quick channel announcement. There will be no video from me on this coming Monday or Tuesday. I have to get some testing done to see how much damage this parasite has done. So my next upload hopefully will be Wednesday of next week.

Welcome to Electrified. It's your host, Dylan Lumis. You may recall Tesla's price cuts earlier in January this year. Well, that re-qualified the Model 3 for the iZ7 Centives in Canada, so just a quick check-in. In March, deliveries across all brands reach 9.7000 during the month, more than the level in January and February combined. So of course, the Model 3 is driving a significant portion of that number, but just wanted to see how this unfolds in the months ahead now that the Model 3 qualifies for these again.
大家好,欢迎来到“通电”节目,我是主持人Dylan Lumis。或许你还记得今年1月份特斯拉的降价,这使得Model 3在加拿大重新获得了iZ7 Centives的认证。现在我们来简单了解一下情况。3月份,各品牌汽车月交付量达到97000辆,超过了1月和2月份的总量。当然,Model 3占据了这个数字的很大一部分,但我们还想看看未来几个月的发展,看看Model 3再次有资格获得这些奖励后的情况如何。

If you guys missed it, there were three original Tesla rosters found in China and shipping containers with no miles on them. They are currently being auctioned off right now. So I just wanted to share the latest bid is $500,000 for all three, but apparently the seller is open to splitting them up. You can email your bids to ev at gruber.com, but this will all be below just in case somebody's interested.
如果你们错过了,最近在中国发现了三辆全新的特斯拉轿车,并且从未使用过。它们现在正在进行拍卖。所以我想分享最新的竞价是50万美元买下所有三个汽车,但据说卖家愿意分开销售。如果有人感兴趣,可以通过电子邮件[email protected]投标,但以下信息仅供参考。

Tesla has now raised the price of the Model S and X in China, but not just China, South Korea and Germany as well. Model S and X are not being delivered in South Korea yet, but it sounds like in the next month or two deliveries will begin. Across all of those regions, the average price increase for the Model S and X was about $2,750, or roughly 2-3% of the purchase price. In tandem with the price increase Tesla is also now offering new Model S or X buyers three years of free supercharging. Here's a quick summary of those changes specifically in the Chinese market.
特斯拉现已在中国、韩国和德国上调Model S 和 X的价格。虽然韩国还未开始交付Model S和X,但似乎在下个月或两个月内将开始交付。在这些地区,Model S和X的平均涨价约为2750美元,大约占购买价格的2-3%。与价格上涨同时,特斯拉现在还向新购买Model S或X的车主提供三年免费超级充电服务。以下是有关中国市场特别变化的简要概述。

Speaking of said market, Tesla Chan reporting and sharing an image of Gigashanghai adding some more solar panels, which is always nice, but more importantly, they said Shanghai to resume production available after May 5th after the holiday shutdown. Zooming out to the broader NIV market for the month of April, CPCA is estimating the number to be 600,000 wholesale sales unchanged from March and up 114% year over year. Just a fun fact, in March, there were 11 manufacturers making up for almost 81% of all wholesale sales. More importantly though, year to date in China, wholesale sales are up 43% year over year. Remember this 43% number because we're going to have a look at Tesla's in a moment. The CPCA also said that the price war in China's auto industry receded in April, easing consumer weight and sea sentiment and releasing previously suppressed demand. Here are the numbers broken out by brand and you can see Tesla for April the wholesale number which is both domestic and export 75.8000. Here's that data plugged into the table and we'll get the actual breakdown in the days ahead. This is the best first month of the quarter for this wholesale figure. The previous high watermark for the first month of the quarter was 71.7000 back October last year and in the same month last year the number was actually 1.5000 when it was shut down for COVID.
说到这个市场,特斯拉陈报道并分享了一张吉格沙亚加装更多太阳能电池板的图片,这总是愉悦的,但更重要的是,他们表示上海假期结束后可恢复生产,即5月5日后可用。观察4月更广泛的新能源汽车产业市场,CPCA预计批发销售数量为60万辆,与3月相比没有变化,同比增长114%。有趣的是,三月份,有11家制造商占全部批发销售的近81%。更为重要的是,在中国的批发销售额同比增长43%。记住这个43%的数字,因为我们接下来要看特斯拉的销售情况。CPCA还表示,中国汽车行业的价格战在四月份有所减弱,缓解了消费者的负担和观感,并释放了之前被压制的需求。以下是按品牌分解的数字,您可以看到特斯拉在四月份的批发销售数量为75.8万辆,包括国内和出口。这是本季度这个批发数字最好的一个月。而去年同月的数量实际上只有1.5万辆,由于 COVID而被关闭。

And those Tesla numbers I mentioned we'd come back to, well here they are and yes I did check these numbers. Year to date in China, Tesla sales are up 66% from the same time period last year. This includes the first four months of the year so a bigger sample set than just one month. So for the same time period we have the overall NAD market up 43% year over year and Tesla's sales up 66% year over year so zooming out everything looks very good to me. One more Tesla China item we have Chris saying tweeting out China's official media put out a new article called Into the Tesla Town saying that Tesla speed has become an economic landmark in the new area of Shanghai Lingyang. So relations between Tesla and the Chinese government seem to be very strong.

When it comes to the midnight cherry red over in Europe from Drive Tesla Canada, Tesla will be hosting a special event to release this vehicle in Parsdorf, Germany. Sounds like this event will run most of the day with food trucks and some other things to do as well.

Responding to Holmars, Elon said version 11.4 is excellent. Several days of driving to random pin drop locations in Austin, zero safety critical interventions.
回应 Holmars 的评论,埃隆表示,版本11.4非常优秀。在奥斯汀随机停车地点驾驶数天,没有发生任何安全关键干预。

It's being reported that this Korean company has one in order from Tesla for Cybertruck A, B and C pillars but there may be some conflicting reporting, some things lost in translation so just tread cautiously. But if this is accurate the order could be in the neighborhood of about $300 million dollars for the Cybertruck.

They mentioned at one part this is a three year deal between Tesla and this company but then later they say the contract period goes until 2028. So you could think well maybe the contract doesn't start until 2025 but then they say this company rented a factory in Monterey Mexico where they will produce Cybertruck filler parts so maybe that's separate from the actual filler contract and they're producing those parts there next month.

Either way though even if the dates are amounts are slightly off in this early reporting if there's any truth to this deal being done of course a good thing for Cybertruck production later this year.

This sounds like a pretty cool initiative from Tesla they have this get to know your Tesla for Australia and New Zealand it's going to be a live virtual introduction to teach people about their new cars led by Tesla's product team of experts where people can submit questions in real time. It looks like right now Tesla has two different session dates for this live event the first one being May 18th.

Polestar is going on a little marketing spree with its Polestar 3 for its upcoming release in the United States later this year. I'll include this link below so you can see all of the different locations and where it will have the Polestar 3 for people to actually take a look at.
Polestar正在为即将在今年晚些时候在美国发布的Polestar 3展开一次小型营销活动。我会在下面包含这个链接,让你可以看到所有不同的地点,以及人们可以实际看到Polestar 3的地方。

The writing has been on the wall for this one for some time but Lordstown Motors now saying it expects to end production of the endurance pickup truck in the near future very shortly after it just began. They said to date we have not identified a strategic partner for the endurance to the extent we don't identify one we anticipate production of the endurance will cease in the near future. Why? Well Lordstown said it has extremely limited ability to raise capital in the current market environment.

Lucid is set to post its first quarter financials this coming Monday but now they're opening up some questions for investors like Tesla did and have a look at the most popular one. With over 14,000 votes in first place by far an investor asked Peter you have said I like to under promise and like to over deliver when will we see under promising and over delivering it has been the complete opposite so far.

There are definitely going to be some other hard questions for Lucid on Monday.

Here's that BYD global expansion we've been talking about BYD just announced six dealer stores in the next six months in Ecuador where they'll have the Han the one and the dolphin.
这就是我们一直谈论的比亚迪全球扩张计划,BYD 刚刚宣布将在接下来的六个月内在厄瓜多尔开设六家经销商店,将有汉、唐和海豚等车型。

You can find me on twitter at dillinumus22 hope you guys have a wonderful and a safe weekend please like the video if you did and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters.

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