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Apple CEO Tim Cook on How Steve Jobs Recruited Him and More | The Job Interview

发布时间 2024-10-21 01:00:32    来源
You know, Steve was a teacher. He taught me the value of focus, the importance of simplicity, the fact that making things simple is so much harder than making things complex. For those of us that were fortunate enough to work with him, he was the teacher of a lifetime. Hi. Hi. How are you doing? Great. It's my first job interview in a while. What is the first thing that you remember being good at? I think math, surprisingly. You know, I was a pretty good student, and I loved math. I loved figuring out complex equations and so forth. And I wanted to be an engineer, and so math and engineering really went well together. Tell me about the first job you ever had. Oh, my first job was delivering papers. And I was about 12 years old. Everybody was sort of expected to work in my family. And I'd get up at three in the morning, pick up the stack of papers, and start throwing. And usually come back and take a nap before school. Throwing papers helped start my college education. And I was the first person in my family that went to college. I knew that doing, being able to do that was a privilege that I needed not to waste. Everyone saw college in those days and hopefully today as opening many doors and being able to stand on the shoulders of your parents, that education would do that.
你知道吗,Steve曾是一位老师。他教会我专注的重要性、简洁的重要性,让我明白创造简单的东西比创造复杂的东西更难。对于那些有幸与他共事的人来说,他堪称一生的良师。 嗨。嗨,你好吗?很好。这是我很长时间以来的第一次面试。你记得你最擅长的第一件事情是什么?我想是数学,令人意外吧。你知道吗,我那时是个相当不错的学生,我很喜欢数学,喜欢解决复杂的方程等等。我想成为一名工程师,所以数学和工程对我来说是很好的搭配。 告诉我你第一份工作的情况。我第一份工作是送报纸的工作,那时我大概12岁。在我家,大家都被期待能够工作。我每天凌晨三点起床,拿报纸,然后开始送。通常送完报纸再回去小睡一下然后去上学。送报纸帮助我开始了我的大学教育,我也是家里第一个上大学的人。我知道能够上大学是一个不应该被浪费的机会。那时以及希望现在的每个人都会认为,上大学能打开很多扇门,并让人站在父母的肩膀上前进,教育就是为此而存在的。

Your first job after you graduated from Auburn was at IBM. Yes. Tell me about your first day. I started at the beginning of January of 83, and I drove with everything I owned in my car, rented an apartment, my own apartment for the very first time, and had no furniture at all. I was sleeping on the floor for a while, before I could afford to actually buy a bed. It was the first time I really had to dress up to do anything, other than maybe go to church. But it was a marvelous place where there were a lot of really smart people from all around the world. When Steve Jobs recruited you to join Apple, you said you trusted your gut. How did you know you made the right decision? There was a feeling that I had in talking to Steve that he was a very different kind of CEO. He was focused on products, products, and products, and had a belief that small teams could do amazing work. I love that vision, and I also love that in an environment where everyone was going to an enterprise kind of company, he wanted to refocus Apple on consumers. And it was brilliant because at the time nobody was doing that.

Everybody thought you could not make any money selling to consumers. And I never thought it was a good idea to follow the herd. I thought I had a chance of a lifetime to work with the creative genius that started the entire industry. And I didn't want to pass that up. Did you feel like you were bringing something to Apple that was missing at the time? People have forgotten this, but Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy. And it was a really awful time, and people advised me not to come to Apple because they thought that it was headed straight down. But I saw something different. I saw sort of the sparkle in Steve's eye. And it just meant that we could pull out this turnaround for this American treasure. And I'm so glad to have been a part of that team. What lessons about management from Steve did you learn? He taught me the value of innovation, the fact that small teams could do amazing things. I look at the size of the iPod team initially. I look at the size of the iPhone team. These were very small teams in the scheme of things. Hiring the best people to surround you, that challenge you, that have skills that you don't, and being confident with that. And also not to be married to my past views. You know, not to be so proud you can't change your mind when you're presented with new evidence and things.

He could change like this. I initially was sort of taken aback by that, and then I became so enamored with it. Very few people have that skill because they get married to their past views. And I thought it was a brilliant skill. Did he change your mind about anything? Oh, he changed my mind about a lot of things. And he changed his mind about a lot of things. Did you change his mind about something? Of course, he loved to debate. And he loved someone to debate him. And you could always change his mind if you had the best idea. We changed each other's minds. That's the reason it worked so well.

Where does your passion for understanding logistics come from? Manufacturing has always interested me because I'm very curious about how things are made. I'd like to go to factories and see how things are put together, how they're created. My degree is in industrial engineering, my undergraduate degree. And industrial engineering is essentially the study of people and machines and how the two working together can create things that they couldn't create on their own. And I've always viewed the supply chain piece of it to be a bit of a piece of art when it was done correctly. Because it's a symphony of things coming together of thousands of different components and parts coming together to create something.

What sacrifices do you feel like you've had to make to get to where you are now? Sleep. And fortunately, I love coffee. How much coffee are you drinking a day? Many cups. Please do not benchmark that. So tell me about your morning routine. How do you start your day? You know, I get up very early and I quickly go to the Mac and begin to go through the emails that have come in for the last several hours. A lot of what I'm reading are from customers that are telling me how they're using our products and what it's doing for them. And so I get notes both that are positive and some that are not so positive because people feel free to reach out and voice their opinion. And I think this is great because it keeps my hand on the pulse of the company. How do you deal with some of that criticism? I have relatively thick skin. And so I try to internalize it and ask myself, well, is that accurate or not? And not just quickly put up a defensive shield and say why what we've done is right.

What do you think people don't realize about your job? How much fun it is. At times I hear some other CEOs talk about how terrible their jobs are. Mine is fantastic. I love it. Do you think that the Tim who was throwing papers, saving money to go to Auburn, did he have any idea that he would be sitting here today? Zero. You know, I did a 25-year plan when I was in graduate school at Duke. And the first year or two was reasonably accurate. After that, it wasn't worth the paper it was written on. You know, life has a way of happening and throwing you off from some well-crafted plan. And I think the most important thing is to roll with it and make sure that you recognize when doors are opening, that they're opening, and you choose the one to walk through.

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