Tesla Changes Compensation / Tesla: Advertise This Now / Investors Slam Toyota ⚡️
发布时间 2024-06-19 01:01:37 来源
If you'd like to get your privacy back and support the channel, you can get 20% off DeleteMe at https://joindeleteme.com/electrified ...
Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dylan Loomis. First up today, in an Australian first, over 1,700 community housing tenants are being invited to Tesla's virtual power plant, which previously was only accessible to public housing residents. This partnership with Tesla is with Unity Housing, one of the state's largest community housing providers, and this will be the first time that this virtual power plant is being opened to load a moderate income tenants in community housing. Tesla will install batteries and or solar panels to the homes of these eligible tenants, and they can generate and store green energy, returning access to the grid at no cost to the tenant. These Unity Housing tenants could save up to $562 per year. So Tesla's VPP in Australia continues to grow, and whoever said that solar and battery backup are just for rich folks, are not clued in to what's really happening. Along those lines, the Tesla Energy account on X said Powerwall 3 is now available in both Germany and the UK.
欢迎来到 Electrified,我是主持人 Dylan Loomis。今天的第一个新闻是,一个澳大利亚首次的项目,超过1700名社区住房租户被邀请参与特斯拉的虚拟电厂,此前这个项目只对公共住房居民开放。这个与特斯拉的合作项目是由Unity Housing,一家州内最大的社区住房提供商之一,推动的。这将是首次向中等收入社区住房租户开放虚拟电厂。特斯拉将在符合条件的租户家中安装电池和/或太阳能板,这些租户可以生成和储存绿色能源,将多余的电量无成本地回馈到电网中。这些Unity Housing的租户每年最多可以节省562美元。所以,特斯拉在澳大利亚的虚拟电厂项目持续扩展,反驳了那些认为太阳能和电池备份系统只属于富人的观点。同样值得关注的是,特斯拉能源的X账号宣布Powerwall 3现在在德国和英国都已上市。
The government of British Columbia in Canada has now changed its EV rebate program, so now most Tesla models do not qualify. The first change to the program, now SUVs and station wagons are being moved from the larger vehicle category to the car category. The other important change is the price cap for cars is being dropped from $55,000 down to $50,000. These rebates were good for up to $4,000, and these changes will take effect by the time you're hearing this video. However, there will be a 30 day period for grandfathering some in. If you can take delivery by July 17th and you meet the criteria, you may still qualify. A representative said with EV sales increasing and currently at record levels, we're making these changes given available program funding and to ensure rebates are targeted to vehicles for middle income families.
In response to these changes, Tesla has already dropped the price of the entry level model 3 to get it below that $50,000 cap by $10. But as it stands now, the rest of the vehicles, including all Model Y variants, do not qualify again because the limit for even Model Y's is now $50,000 and the entry level starts at $53,990. We don't get to say this too often, but Model 3 performance deliveries have begun ahead of schedule in China. The word is Tesla has already started deliveries of the new Model 3 performance in China when all along we've been expecting that first deliveries wouldn't happen until Quarter 3. We also got the Tesla China weekly insurance number it came in at $11,700, comparing that to the same weekend Quarter 1 that number was $12,300.
为了应对这些变化,特斯拉已经将入门款Model 3的价格下调了10美元,以使其降到5万美元以下。但目前,其他车型,包括所有的Model Y型号,仍然不符合资格,因为即使是Model Y的限额现在也是5万美元,而入门款的起售价为53,990美元。我们不常有这种机会,但这次Model 3的性能版在中国提前交付。消息称,特斯拉已经开始在中国交付新的Model 3性能版,而我们一直预计首次交付要到第三季度。我们还获得了特斯拉中国的每周保险数据,这次的数据为11,700美元,相比第一季度同一周末的12,300美元有所减少。
So quarter over quarter through the first 11 weeks Tesla is up 11.7%. However, week 11 of Quarter 2 last year came in at 14,500 so year over year Tesla China is down 8.4%. Of this weekly number, 2,400 were Model 3 and 9,300 were Model Y. Looking at the last 2 weeks for Quarter 2 last year, it was a high number averaging around $17,000 per week. And then the last 2 weeks of Quarter 1 averaged out to about $15,450 per week. Thus, it looks like Tesla China's Quarter 2 will be slightly up quarter over quarter, but still will be down year over year.
在前11周里,特斯拉的季度环比增长了11.7%。然而,去年第二季度的第11周销量达到了14,500辆,因此同比来看,特斯拉在中国的销量下降了8.4%。在这周的销量中,Model 3 占了2,400辆,Model Y 占了9,300辆。看一下去年第二季度最后两周的销量,平均每周约为17,000美元。而第一季度最后两周的平均值约为每周15,450美元。因此,看来特斯拉中国第二季度的销量环比会有小幅增长,但同比仍然会下降。
We got the 2024 Cars.com American Made Index. They really don't share much of their methodology, but the 5 main factors they consider, the locations of final assembly, percentage of US and Canadian parts, countries of origin for all available engines, countries of origin for all available transmissions, and the US manufacturing workforce. Taking home the number 1 most American made car was Tesla's Model Y, followed by the Honda Passport, VW's ID4, Model S, and Honda Odyssey round out the top 5. Tesla's Model X is in 9th, and Tesla's new Model 3 has dropped down to number 21. Ford's F-150 Lightning is down at number 56. The Cadillac Lyric is at 71, and believe it or not, rounding out the list of full EVs is the Mercedes EQE down at 98. That's correct, only 7 out of the top 100 are fully electric, and 4 of those are made by Tesla.
我们拿到了2024年Cars.com的美国制造指数。他们没有分享太多方法论,但考虑的主要五个因素是:最终组装地点、美加零部件的比例、所有可用发动机的原产国、所有可用变速器的原产国以及美国制造业劳动力。获得排名第一的最美国制造汽车是特斯拉的Model Y,其次是本田Passport、大众ID4、Model S和本田奥德赛。这五款车构成了前五名。特斯拉的Model X排名第9,特斯拉的新Model 3下降到第21名。福特的F-150 Lightning排在第56位,凯迪拉克的Lyric排在第71位。难以置信的是,排在电动车列表末尾的是梅赛德斯EQE,名列第98位。是的,前100名中只有7款是全电动汽车,其中4款由特斯拉制造。
Which makes posts like this from Joe Biden's account on X even more frustrating as he said the future of electric vehicles will be made in America by union workers. When in reality, the Cadillac Optic built in Mexico. Chevy Equinox built in Mexico. Chevy Blazer built in Mexico. Ford's Mach-E built in Mexico. So you get the picture, Cars.com said though Tesla is no longer hold a vice grip at the top of the order thanks in part to changes in this year's workforce calculations. It's worth noting the Model X has the same overall US and Canadian parts content as it did for 2023, and the Model S has 5% more. Only the Model 3 saw a drop in overall parts content percentage. Even so, the Model 3 features a variant with 75% US and Canadian parts content, a requirement of the original American made index only one other vehicle managed for 2024.
“乔·拜登在X平台上的帖子让人感到更加沮丧,因为他说未来的电动汽车将由美国的工会工人制造。但实际上,卡迪拉克Optic是在墨西哥制造的,雪佛兰Equinox是在墨西哥制造的,雪佛兰Blazer是在墨西哥制造的,福特的Mach-E也是在墨西哥制造的。所以你能明白其中的矛盾。Cars.com称,尽管特斯拉不再像以前那样牢牢占据榜首部分,部分原因是因为今年在劳动力计算方面有所改变。值得注意的是,Model X在2023年的美加零件含量保持不变,而Model S的美加零件含量增加了5%。只有Model 3的整体零件含量百分比有所下降。即便如此,Model 3的一个版本仍然有75%的美加零件含量,这是原始美国制造指数的一个要求,而在2024年,只有另一辆车达到了这个标准。”
There are a lot of people out there saying that Tesla is the only automaker in which 100% of the vehicles it makes in the US are sold in the US. Technically that's not true because for a majority of last year Tesla was exporting the Model S and X from Fremont to China. And unless something has changed that I'm not aware of, they still are. But what I found most interesting was this, a Cars.com survey found that 56% of vehicle shoppers were willing to pay more for a vehicle if it created more US jobs. Of that group, 58% said they were willing to pay at least an extra 10%. Given all of the American jobs Tesla has created, I think they should be advertising that very heavily. If you're wondering why the Cybertruck and Rivian vehicles are not on the list, it's thanks to the American Automobile Labeling Act which says vehicles cannot be over 8,500 pounds. And specifically the gross vehicle weight rating which for the Tesla Cybertruck is 8,800 and up. As Tesla leads the auto industry toward more connected vehicles, this may be one of the most slept on stories. You have a car that is connected with the outside world. Any of those connections potentially could be targeted by hackers. Cars aren't a means of independence and privacy anymore, we can be spied and surveilled. And that leads us here.
有很多人说,特斯拉是唯一一家在美国制造的100%车辆都在美国销售的汽车制造商。技术上来说,这并不完全准确,因为在去年的大部分时间里,特斯拉将Model S和Model X从弗里蒙特出口到中国。而且,除非情况有我不知道的改变,他们现在仍在这样做。但我觉得最有趣的是,Cars.com的一项调查显示,56%的汽车买家愿意多花钱购买能创造更多美国就业机会的车辆。在这些人中,58%愿意多花至少10%。考虑到特斯拉创造了这么多美国就业机会,我觉得他们应该大力宣传这一点。如果你在想为什么Cybertruck和Rivian车辆不在名单上,这是因为美国汽车标签法规定,车辆重量不能超过8,500磅。而具体到总重量评级,特斯拉Cybertruck的总重量是8,800磅及以上。随着特斯拉引领汽车行业迈向更加互联的车辆,这可能是最被忽视的故事之一。你的车与外界连接的任何一个点都有可能成为黑客的目标。汽车不再是独立和隐私的象征,我们可能会被监视和追踪。这就引出了我们的讨论。
GM is now facing a second lawsuit over collecting driver information and sharing it with third parties, whether it's data brokers or insurance companies without the consumers consent. And it's not just GM so as consumers, what can we do? Well, I for one would recommend signing up for Delete Me yesterday. Now yes, they sponsor the channel and they're a US based company that's doing all of the time consuming work, removing all of my personal information from these data brokers continually. So I get to sit back, relax and just read the reports every quarter. Delete me is super affordable and in my opinion, it's a no brainer. Given the fact that last year 2.7 billion dollars was lost to imposter scams and there was 2.5 million reports of fraud. And data brokers are often the catalyst for these events because nefarious actors have easy access to your sensitive info whether you think they do or not.
通用汽车(GM)目前正面临第二场诉讼,原因是未经消费者同意收集并与第三方(无论是数据经纪人还是保险公司)分享司机信息。而且,问题不仅仅出在通用汽车。那么,作为消费者,我们能做些什么呢?我个人建议昨天就去注册Delete Me。是的,他们赞助了这个频道,他们是一家美国公司,负责进行所有耗时的工作,不断地从这些数据经纪人那里删除我的个人信息。所以我可以坐下来,放松,每季度只需阅读他们的报告。Delete Me的费用非常实惠,我认为这是一个明智的选择。毕竟,去年有27亿美元因冒充诈骗而失窃,并且有250万个欺诈报告。而数据经纪人经常是这些事件的催化剂,因为那些不法分子很容易获取你的敏感信息,无论你认为他们是否能够。
I just got my fifth quarterly report from Delete Me and in June alone, they reviewed nearly 4000 listings, removing my information from 40 of those, saving me over 50 hours of time. And I would add the avoidance of all of the headaches of making all of these phone calls is absolutely priceless. You can always see the status of each individual data broker and your information, whether that removal is in progress or actually complete. Plus new data brokers pop up all the time so Delete Me continually scans for those new ones to ensure your data is removed. So if you'd like to get your family's privacy back and support a US based company doing what I think is important work, you can head to join deleteme.com slash electrified and use my code electrified to get 20% off. The link is below. Here we have a weekly report from Auto Forecast Solutions. They're now predicting that the Tesla Roadster won't start production at Fremont until January 2027, which is certainly news because most of us are expecting the Roadster sometime in 2025. At the end of February this year, Elon said production design is complete and the unveil will be the end of the year, aiming to ship next year. It is tough to put too much stock in Elon's timelines and I'm not putting all of my eggs in an auto forecast solutions prediction, so I'll split the difference in hope for 2026. So if you were eagerly awaiting Tesla to begin production of the Roadster in the first half of next year, I would certainly be tempering those expectations.
我刚收到 Delete Me 给我的第五份季度报告,仅在六月,他们就查看了将近4000条名单,并从中删除了涉及我的40条信息,为我节省了50多个小时。而且避免了打这些电话的各种麻烦,这一点真是无价之宝。你随时可以查看每个数据代理商的信息状态,看看信息删除是正在进行中还是已经完成。而且新的数据代理商不断涌现,Delete Me 会持续扫描这些新出现的数据代理商,以确保你的信息被删除。所以如果你想让你的家庭隐私得到保护,同时支持一家我认为非常重要的美国公司,你可以访问 join deleteme.com/electrified,并使用我的代码 electrified 以获得20%的折扣。链接就在下面。
这里我们有 Auto Forecast Solutions 的每周报告。他们现在预测特斯拉 Roadster 要到2027年1月才会在弗里蒙特开始生产,这确实是个消息,因为我们大多数人都预计 Roadster 会在2025年某个时候推出。今年二月底,埃隆说生产设计已经完成,并将在年底揭幕,目标是在明年发货。很难对埃隆的时间表抱太大期望,我也不完全相信 Auto Forecast Solutions 的预测,所以我选择取个中间值,期待2026年。因此,如果你期待特斯拉在明年上半年开始生产 Roadster,最好降低一下这种期望。
We're not going to dive into this one, but just so everybody is aware, there is another new lawsuit against Elon and Tesla. This time we have shareholders complaining that Elon has been diverting resources and attention away from Tesla and to XAI a competitor. I've already laid out my arguments for why I do not believe XAI is a competitor to Tesla and I've also said that Tesla will benefit from advancements at XAI. And what did we talk about right when Elon's 2018 complaint was actually rescinded? That was going to open the door for many more lawsuits against Tesla and the board because of that supposed lack of board independence. Unfortunately, as predicted, that has come to fruition. I'll have this lawsuit linked below if you're interested. As Chuck pointed out, as part of the foundation series package for the cybertruck, owners are supposed to have power share and FSD. Well, so far, cybertruck owners do not have FSD and most don't have access to power share yet.
Good news though, Wes, a cybertruck engineer has confirmed on X that the OTA update for the cybertruck when it comes to a better charging curve is still coming later this quarter. I would point out that this quarter only has about two weeks remaining. He also said the range extender is still on track for those who really need it. But some cybertruck owners like techie danny do actually have power share installed and it's up and running, although it is still a beta. So what we're installing here is the new power share of gateway. The way this will work is we're going to install a hundred amp breaker at the main panel. That is going to supply our gateway. What this gateway does is when the power goes out, there's an automatic switch in here that is going to disengage and allow the truck to power everything downstream from this. That way, no power flows back out onto the utility side to, you know, if they're working on the grid out there, nobody gets hurt. So everything behind this will get backed up.
好的消息,Wes,一位Cybertruck工程师在X平台上确认,关于Cybertruck优化充电曲线的OTA更新将在本季度晚些时候推出。我需要指出,本季度只剩下大约两周时间。他还说,对于那些真正需要的人,续航扩展器仍在按计划推进。但一些像Techie Danny这样的Cybertruck车主确实已经安装了电力共享功能并且正在运行,尽管这还处于测试阶段。我们这里安装的是新型电力共享网关。这个系统的工作原理是,我们将在主面板上安装一个100安培的断路器,它将为我们的网关供电。当电源中断时,网关内部的自动开关会断开连接,让卡车为后面的所有设备供电。这样,电力就不会回流到公共电网,确保没有人在维护电网时受伤。因此,网关之后的所有设备都能得到备份供电。
The next thing my guys are going to do in here is we're going to come out of here, we're going to install your backup loads panel. So everything that we're going to bring out of the main panel for the loads we're going to back up is going to get relocated into the new panel. That way, anything that we leave in the main, it will not be energized if in the case of a power outage, but everything we relocate would be. So here we are with the final install. I think it looks super nice. This is the Tesla gateway. It has the Tesla branding, super beautiful, shiny glass front. And then over here is the sub panel. And then this is the raceway, which basically just hides all of those wires.
Okay, so Corey is going to go flip the breaker to simulate a power outage. Give us a good okay. So the power just went out and it went back on. It was that fast. You guys saw that it was like off and back on the cyber truck, a little emblem that glows is purple. So what this is showing is that we are currently using 1.4 kilowatts of energy to run our house and we're just running our house like normal. We're not trying to be conservative. And so with our current state of charge at 78% and our lower limits at a 20%, that gives us 58% to play with and will allow us to power the house for about a day. Pretty cool early beginnings. And it's always in the back of my mind wondering if Tesla will ever bring this to the rest of the fleet. In another survey from McKinsey, they found 30% of global EV buyers said that lack of support for smartphone integration is a deal breaker. Think Apple Car Play and Android Auto. The only reason I'm sharing this is to say I think most consumers don't actually know what they really want. Example, if I didn't know anything about Tesla's native software, I may have ended up in that group saying it would be a deal breaker for me too. In my opinion, just another reason to get more butts and seats.
麦肯锡的一项调查研究发现,全球30%的电动车购买者认为缺乏智能手机集成功能(例如Apple Car Play和Android Auto)是无法接受的。之所以提到这个,是因为我认为大多数消费者其实并不真正知道自己想要的是什么。举个例子,如果我对特斯拉的原生软件一无所知,我可能也会在调查中表示这对我来说是无法接受的。在我看来,这只是另一个让更多人亲身体验特斯拉的理由。
According to Reuters, Elon told employees that Tesla is working on a stock based compensation plan for high performing employees. In an email, Elon said over the next few weeks, Tesla will be doing a comprehensive review to provide stock option grants for exceptional performance. Of the two people that reviewed this email, one was in China and one was in the US. The email said there will also be an ongoing program to award spot option grants for anyone who does something outstanding for the company. Thanks for everything you're doing to make Tesla successful. You may remember that late last year, Tesla had decided to skip its yearly merit based stock compensation. Now Tesla is bringing that program back with a new twist. It just makes sense as Elon is clearly motivated by performance, so he would want his employees to be as well. I saw some people talking about Warren Buffett selling a bit of BYD.
Listen, he only sold $40 million. He still owns over $2 billion in BYD, and he's currently sitting on roughly a 41x for this investment. So the way I see it, a little trimming of the hedges is not a big deal. On X, Alex has reported that an arsonist has been setting fire to a few different Tesla vehicles across Berlin. Hopefully the authorities can track this person down, but at some point, I think the German government needs to step in and do something here. I would also love to know what Elon really thinks about being in Germany facing all of this backlash over the years. I'm wondering if he regrets that decision. Especially given the fact he has a line of countries around the world right now that are wooing him and Tesla by and he means necessary.
I hate to say it, but so far this year, things for Tesla have really deteriorated in Germany. Weimos said over 14.8 million rider only miles driven through the end of March, it was up to 3.5 times better in avoiding crashes that caused injuries, and two times better in avoiding police reported crashes than human drivers in San Francisco and Phoenix. Honestly though, with all of this data, they acknowledged the problem they said comparing autonomous vehicle and human driver's crash rates is not a trivial task. Their co-CEO also shared a nice little highlight clip. Also, if you see Weimos talking about RO, that's just rider only.
Toyota just held its annual meeting and oh boy does this sound familiar. Shareholders were criticizing Toyota at the meeting. They slammed Toyota for its ongoing safety testing and certification scandal. They grilled the board about its oversight and even accused the chairman of spending too much time on motor sports as his personal hobby. There was also a proxy advisor campaign that questioned Toyota's leadership, the board's independence and the company's environmental policies. Two prominent proxy groups, Glass Lewis and ISS, recommended voting against reappointing Toyota to the board. Glass Lewis faulted Toyota for overseeing a board it calls insufficiently independent. The California public employee's retirement system voted against every company executive nominated for reappointment to the board. Apparently there's a group of shareholders these days that doesn't want CEOs to have any hobbies at all.
丰田刚刚举行了年度会议,哦,天啊,这听起来真是熟悉。股东们在会议上批评了丰田。他们猛烈抨击了丰田在安全测试和认证丑闻中的持续问题,并质疑董事会的监管,甚至指责主席花太多时间在赛车运动这种个人爱好上。另外,代理顾问公司发起的活动也对丰田的领导层、董事会的独立性以及公司的环保政策提出了质疑。两个知名代理小组——Glass Lewis和ISS,建议投票反对丰田的董事会重选。Glass Lewis指责丰田领导的董事会缺乏足够的独立性。加利福尼亚州的公共雇员退休系统投票反对每一个被提名重新任命为董事会成员的公司高管。显然,现在有一群股东根本不希望CEO有任何个人爱好。
And I don't follow Toyota closely enough to know if that's actually a problem but I do know that these scandals certainly are. We've been talking about it for months, this is where it was going to end up and now it's finally happened. Fisker has officially filed for bankruptcy. Tesla's a really different company to Fisker. I mean we're Tesla's a hardcore technology company and we do really serious engineering. In the case of Fisker it was headed by Henry Fisker and he's a designer so he's good at the styling of the cars but he thinks it's all about styling and it's not. The reason we don't have electric cars is not for lack of styling. At this point it's still too early to know how Fisker plans to handle its six year warranty.
我并没有密切关注丰田,所以不知道那是不是个问题,但我知道这些丑闻肯定是个问题。我们已经讨论了好几个月,这是预料中的结果,而现在终于发生了。菲斯克(Fisker)公司正式申请破产。特斯拉(Tesla)和菲斯克是完全不同的公司。我的意思是,特斯拉是一家以硬核技术为主的公司,我们进行非常严谨的工程。而菲斯克则是由亨利·菲斯克(Henry Fisker)领导的,他是一个设计师,所以他擅长汽车外观设计,但他认为一切都关乎外观设计,这其实并不是这样。我们没有电动车的原因不是因为外观设计的问题。目前来说,还不清楚菲斯克打算如何处理其六年的质保。
Audi has revealed some new information about its upcoming 2025 ETRON GT but we don't really have any official US information just yet it's supposed to come in a few months. The 2024 model started at $108,000 and the RS variant was around $149,000. They did mention a zero to 62 time of 2.5 seconds and the battery pack being bigger up to 97kWh from 84 prior. But as mentioned we're still waiting for official EPA ranges and US pricing. Tesla stock closed the day at $184.86 down 1.38% while the NASDAQ was up 0.03%. It was an average volume day for Tesla trading about 6 million shares below the average volume the past 30 days. And today NVIDIA shareholders are celebrating what Tesla shareholders are looking to celebrate in a few years becoming the world's biggest company by market cap. NVIDIA has officially passed Microsoft for the number one spot sitting at over $3.3 trillion.
奥迪透露了一些关于即将推出的2025 ETRON GT的新信息,但我们尚未获得任何关于美国市场的官方信息,预计几个月后会公布。2024款的起售价为108,000美元,而RS版本约为149,000美元。据称,该车型从零加速到62英里每小时的时间为2.5秒,电池组容量从之前的84千瓦时增加到97千瓦时。不过,正如前面提到的,我们仍在等待官方的EPA续航里程和美国定价信息。
Also if you'd like to support Tesla's letter to the court and Amy's objection to the lawyers $6 billion fee in that Elon Comp plan case, Alexandra has set up a quick survey for anybody who has voted so if you want to take a few seconds and fill this out it would be very helpful. The link is below. The form says the ratification is now effective and the undersigned shareholders want it to stand. We approved it now twice and it should not be cancelled again. We want Tesla to be run by its board and executives not by a courtroom. We further support the objection brought forward by retail shareholder Amy to limit the plaintiffs attorneys fees. Sign me up. Don't forget to check out Delete Me linked below. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X linked below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters. you.
如果你愿意支持特斯拉给法院的信,以及艾米对律师请求60亿美元费用的异议(关于埃隆报酬计划的案件),亚历山德拉为所有已经投票的人设立了一个快速调查。如果你能花几秒钟填写这个调查,将会非常有帮助。链接在下面。表格上写着,现在批准已经生效,签名的股东希望其继续有效。我们已经两次通过了它,不应该再被取消。我们希望特斯拉由董事会和高管管理,而不是被法庭控制。我们还支持零售股东艾米提出的反对意见,限制原告律师的费用。报名参与。别忘了查看下面链接的Delete Me。希望大家有美好的一天。如果你喜欢这个视频,请点赞。你可以在下面找到我的X联系信息,非常感谢所有的Patreon支持者。谢谢。