Incredible FSD Data / Tesla: Faster Improvements Coming / Competition Praises Tesla ⚡️
发布时间 2024-03-29 01:09:44 来源
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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. Quick reminder, there will be no video for me tomorrow on Friday the 29th for Good Friday. Elias Martinez on X who has been tracking FSD disengagements now for some time using some software had some interesting things to say about the latest version. The results are the most mind-blowing thing I've seen for data on FSD in 2 plus years. After driving 500 plus miles on 12.3, the data currently shows that all of his persistent disengagements, DE, have been resolved.
This is not a typo, all of them. Looking at this chart, you can see the percent of disengagements at the same location and for all of the different FSD versions at the bottom, 12.3, the first one that gets anywhere close to a low number and it's actually zero. This does not mean there are no disengagements at all, it's just that while some of the single disengagements from 12.3 show up in the same area of the 11.4 issues, they're unique issues and not persistent.
I can't vouch for how accurate this data is, but from everything I'm picking up, it should at least get us in the right neighborhood. And I know not everybody is having this same type of experience, but contextualizing all of the feedback we've gotten this does seem to be pretty representative. This is a hard man. We're gonna make this. Can we make this straight? Let's see, but we're not gonna happen. Oh, we're going for it. We're gonna go for it, but no, no, no, actually, we're not gonna go for it. Yeah, I don't know if we can make it. Oh my. Holy. How do we do this?
This one from Chuck was possibly some new emergent behavior. He's pulling up to a T intersection and you can see this tree right here. On version 11, he said it would always pull up forward to try to see, but then would get blocked by the tree. This time around, version 12.3.1 actually held back because that's where it has the best visibility with that tree not being in the way looking to the right. It's the subtle things like this that people like Elon and others are calling baby AGI. Dirty Tesla had a pretty impressive clip of a left turn.
Chuck的这次表现可能是一种新的紧急行为。他驶向一个交叉口,你可以看到这棵树就在这里。在第11版中,他说他总是会正面停下来尝试看,但然后会被树挡住。这次,第12.3.1版实际上退后了,因为那里可以获得最佳视野,树不会挡住向右看的路。正是这些微妙的细节,像埃隆和其他人所说的那样,被称为Baby人工智能。Dirty Tesla展示了一个相当令人印象深刻的左转片段。
He said this is the most impressive improvement I've ever seen out of FSD. I did not think he would ever be able to handle this left turn. So the car knew to pull to the right hand side of this car to allow for more room behind these two vehicles as they waited for this white van to go. Then, version 12 just pulled up a little closer to the stop sign, waited for a clearance, and went straight through.
Not only did V12 know to pull off to the right of this car, but it stayed back far enough so as to not block the vision of the white van in front of them. A choke was asked, should we expect Auto Park to increase its parking speed at the current rate? It's still a bit too slow for normal drivers to use. He said it'll be faster over the next few releases, was tuned conservatively for the first release.
V12 不仅知道要把车停靠在这辆车的右侧,而且它停车的位置远得足够不会挡住前面那辆白色货车的视线。有人问到一个问题,我们是否可以期待 Auto Park 以目前的速度增加停车速度?对于普通驾驶员来说,它仍然有点慢。他说在接下来的几次更新中会变得更快,第一次发布的时候保守调整了速度。
A lot of you know I'm not a big fan of JD Power, but they did just drop their home charging study for 2024. An interesting takeaway, nearly half of EV owners say they're unaware of the programs offered by their electric utility, and 18% say their electric utility does not offer any programs. Just in case any of you out there are in that 49% if you're looking to install a level 2 charger at home, do not forget to check with your electric utility.
很多人都知道我不太喜欢JD Power,但是他们刚刚发布了他们2024年的家庭充电研究报告。有趣的是,接近一半的电动车车主表示他们不知道自己的电力公用事业部门提供的计划,18%的人表示他们的电力公用事业部门没有提供任何计划。如果你们当中有任何人属于这49%的人,想要在家安装二级充电器的话,千万别忘了和你们的电力公用事业部门联系。
They may be offering incentives for installing these home chargers. Not only that, but you should also be familiar with your utilities different plan options if they have various ones. There's time of use, there's tiered system so just know what your utility has to offer. Back to the JD study, they said Tesla ranks highest among level 2 permanently mounted charging stations for the fourth consecutive year. Emporia came in second and Grisel E was in third.
他们可能会为安装家用充电器提供激励措施。此外,您还应该了解您的公用事业公司不同的计划选项,如果有多种选项的话。有按时段计费的,也有分层系统,所以了解一下您的公用事业公司提供了什么服务。至于JD研究,他们表示特斯拉连续第四年在二级永久安装充电站中排名最高。Emporia排名第二,Grisel E排名第三。
Here's the leaderboard based on a 1000 point scale, Tesla had 790 and second place was at 764. The segment average was 744. We've talked in the past about how Tesla has released the new yoke and overwhelmingly the comments and feedback on the new one is very positive. Honestly, if even the Reddit comments are overall mostly positive, you know Tesla has a winner on their hands.
Everything from the new stitching to the more premium materials to the more tactile feel of the buttons to the camera button to the horn back in the middle, people are loving the upgrade. If you have not been around the Tesla story for long, you may not even know what a Tesla power pack is, but the Tesla Mega Pack account said, in Australia, a battery storage project using power packs is currently providing 10% of monthly frequency control and silary services to the Australian national grid.
从新的缝纫到更高级的材料再到按钮的更加触感良好的手感,再到中间的喇叭按钮,人们都喜欢升级。如果你并没有很长时间接触特斯拉的故事,你可能还不知道特斯拉电池包是什么,但特斯拉Mega Pack账户称,在澳大利亚,使用电池包的储能项目目前为澳大利亚国家电网提供每月10%的频率控制和铀服务。
This is a good time to quickly explain what these ancillary services actually are, so if you ever see FCAS, FCAS, you'll know what it means. Simply put, it helps to balance the supply and demand of the grid. For example, if there's a grid event, the grid wants to maintain a set frequency, so a Mega Pack or a power pack could reduce the frequency of the grid by charging itself, or on the flip side, it could help to boost the frequency of the grid by discharging energy. And we know, batteries can do that nearly instantaneously, which historically has been a job for coal and gas. And that is FCAS.
这是一个很好的机会来快速解释一下这些辅助服务到底是什么,这样当你看到FCAS时,你会知道它的含义。简单来说,它有助于平衡电网的供需。例如,如果发生了电网事件,电网希望保持一定的频率,所以一个Mega Pack或者一个电力包可以通过充电来降低电网的频率,或者相反,它也可以通过释放能量来提升电网的频率。我们知道,电池几乎可以立即做到这一点,这在历史上一直是煤炭和天然气的工作。这就是FCAS。
Doug Demerro put out his Cybertruck review, and at one point talking about the front, he put a T-shirt there and then pressed the button to close it. The front did actually close. Then he went on to say, don't put your arm there because the front lid will cut off your arm. Then we had Holmarz upload a video of his own with a blow-up doll right there, and the front lid did not crush it, it actually touched it, and then went back up. Dirty Tesla also did his own demo, putting his actual leg there, and the front touched it, he said it didn't hurt, and went back up. Certainly didn't cut off his leg. However, please be careful because this video is out there, they put a cucumber and a carrot, actually right where the hinge is on either side, and in that case, the Cybertruck front did not stop. I can't test this myself, but I just wanted everybody to be very careful about testing it with your hands on the sides.
道格·戴默罗发布了他的Cybertruck评论,其中有一个地方是在讨论前部时,他放了一件T恤,然后按下按钮关闭它。前部实际上关闭了。然后他继续说,不要把你的手臂放在那里,因为前部盖会割掉你的手臂。然后霍尔马兹也上传了一个视频,他放了一个充气娃娃在那里,前部盖没有压扁它,实际上触到了它,然后又弹了回去。Dirty Tesla也做了自己的演示,把他的真正腿放在那里,前部碰到了它,他说并没有受伤,然后又弹了回去。当然并没有割掉他的腿。然而,请注意,因为这段视频出现了,他们把黄瓜和胡萝卜放在了两侧的铰链处,而在这种情况下,Cybertruck前部没有停止。我自己无法测试此事,但我只是想告诉大家在测试时要非常小心,不要把手放在两侧。
Kim Kardashian did post some photos of the Cybertruck in the background on Instagram to her over 300 million followers, which yes is free advertising, but nowhere did she say anything about Tesla or the Cybertruck, and most of the comments have nothing to do with the truck. I had to scroll for quite a while to find one comment that did say, what is the name of this car, please someone help me. There's a Tesla marketing asset going around that says, feel the ground tremble, Thailand, so it looks like the Cybertruck will be continuing its global tour in Thailand. Gregor truck shared some communication from Tesla that said there's been an immediate pause on accepting Fisker Ocean trade-ins. That's thanks to the disruption of the expected values of these vehicles.
金·卡戴珊在Instagram上发布了一些Cybertruck的照片,供其3亿多粉丝查看,这确实是免费广告,但她并没有提及特斯拉或Cybertruck,而且大多数评论与卡车无关。我不得不滚动相当长时间才找到一个评论说这辆车叫什么名字,请有人帮帮我。有一则特斯拉营销资产显示,感受到大地的颤动,泰国,所以看来Cybertruck将继续在泰国进行全球巡回展示。格雷戈·特鲁克分享了特斯拉的一些沟通内容,称暂时停止接受Fisker Ocean的交易。这得益于这些车辆期望价值的混乱。
For the next month and a half, my primary fitness objective is golf. I have a guys trip to Big Cedar around the corner, and we're all ultra competitive, and they can play. I'm looking to lose a few pounds, get my mobility up, and dial in my touch. Luckily, whether I'm looking to build functional strength or slim down, AG1, the sponsor of this video, can help propel my activities. A lot of creators out there that promote AG1 will talk about benefits they've experienced. It's probably time I mention why I usually don't. Simply put, coming from a fitness background, I understand deeply we're all wired differently. I hesitate to say things like I feel more focused and more sustained energy throughout the day because your expectations are then going to be set there, and the truth is, I don't know how you'll respond. But what I am sure of is that if you have the funds, giving AG1 a try for at least a few quarters will most likely be a wise choice. 75 vitamins, minerals, and probiotics in each serving. It's independently tested. They do annual reports like Tesla. They care about the little things, and they're conducting their own studies. Huberman and Atia are continually pushing the science forward. No GMO. No artificial nonsense. No gluten. No dairy. Each serving is only 50 calories, 6 carbs, and 1 gram of sugar, so it's super-nutritional-y dense. David Sinclair would be proud. So, if you'd like to check it out for yourself, you can use my link below to get 5 travel packs and a 1-year supply of Vitamin D3K2 for free. You can use the QR code right on the screen, or it's Enjoy.
There was an article from the New York Times that was trying to paint Tesla and Elon as having ties to China that are far too close. They talked about Tesla getting incentives from the Chinese government. They talked about Tesla lobbying for some pollution standards that they ultimately got. And they talked about how Tesla expanding in China would ultimately hurt their operations in Fremont, in Texas, and New York. Rohan Patel responded to this who has effectively been Tesla's one-man PR team. In summary, he said, we only sell cars in the US, made in the US. This will increasingly also be the case in Europe. Tesla has likely invested more than any other company in US manufacturing over the past decade. He mentioned Fremont being the most productive factory in North America, Giga Nevada, the most productive battery factory, Giga Texas, the largest auto factory in the world, Giga New York, the most productive EV charging factory in North America. And Berlin is one of the largest foreign direct investments in European Union history. And finally, he just said that Tesla has pushed for climate and pollution standards in every region around the world, simply because it aligns with their mission.
The mayor of New York has just laid out the plans for the state on how they plan to adopt autonomous vehicles and what will be required for companies to do AV testing. Consistent with state law, a trained safety driver will still be required to sit behind the wheel and be ready to take control at all times. Applicants will need to be approved, there's a form they have to fill out, and they must submit information on their previous testing experience and technological capabilities. Applicants must obtain approval from the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles before starting an on-street testing program. So far, there's nothing out there about how this would impact Tesla, if it will, at all. My guess here is that Tesla will not have to pause or change anything right away, since technically their vehicles are not autonomous, they're still level 2. But obviously, the more states that preemptively put their own plans in place for AV adoption will make things easier when the time comes for Tesla to flip the Robo Taxi switch.
纽约市市长刚刚提出了州内采用自动驾驶车辆的计划,并公司需要进行自动驾驶测试的要求。根据州法律,仍需要一个训练有素的安全司机坐在驾驶座后,并随时准备接管控制。申请者需要获得批准,填写一份表格,并提交有关他们以往测试经验和技术能力的信息。在开始街头测试计划之前,申请者必须获得纽约州机动车部门的批准。到目前为止,还没有关于这将如何影响特斯拉的信息,如果有的话。我猜想特斯拉不需要立即暂停或更改任何事情,因为从技术上讲他们的车辆并不是自动驾驶的,它们仍然是第2级。但显然,在更多的州在采用自动驾驶时设置自己的计划,那时特斯拉打开Robo Taxi开关的时候将更加容易。
The full be-evy market in the UK has been growing pretty well, and I just wanted to highlight here are their mandates for ZEVs by year starting in 2024, which is 22%. Then we see bigger jumps starting in 2027, where they go from 38% to 52 to 66, and then to 80% by 2030. Tesla Europe posted they delivered their 200,000 Tesla in the UK. This has been the talk of the town today as Xiaomi released the pricing for their SU7. This is the company that historically has been known for selling smartphones and cheaper products. The SU7 will start at $30,000, and the CEO said they will be selling each car at a loss. This is about $4,000 cheaper than the Model 3 entry price in the Chinese market. Lejune, the CEO said the SU7 beats the Model 3 on more than 90% of specifications, except on two aspects that he said it might take Xiaomi at least 3-5 years to catch up with Tesla on, those two areas being powertrain efficiency and autonomy. The company said orders exceeded 50,000 cars in the first 27 minutes since sales started. Deliveries are set to begin at the end of April, and right now an SU7 is rolling off the line every 76 seconds.
英国的全电动车市场增长势头良好,我想在这里强调的是他们自2024年开始对零排放汽车的法规要求,达到22%。然后我们可以看到更大的增幅从2027年开始,从38%增长到52%,再到66%,然后到2030年达到80%。特斯拉欧洲宣布他们在英国交付了第20万辆特斯拉汽车。小米发售了他们的SU7,这在今天成为了城中谈资。这家公司历来以销售智能手机和廉价产品著称。SU7的起价为30,000美元,CEO表示他们将以亏损销售每辆汽车。这比中国市场Model 3的起售价便宜了4000美元。CEO勒容表示,SU7在90%以上的规格上可以击败Model 3,除了两个方面,他表示小米可能至少需要3-5年才能赶上特斯拉,这两个方面分别是动力传动效率和自动驾驶技术。该公司表示,自销售开始的头27分钟内订单就超过了5万辆车。交付预计将于4月底开始,目前每76秒便有一辆SU7下线。
I found this interesting. The CEO said they are going to have a max version of the SU7 that is going to be aimed at the Porsche Taycon. So the same vehicle that costs $4,000 less than a Model 3 is also going to have a variant that is way up there with the Taycon. The SU7 will first be sold to consumers in China, and they said it will take at least 2-3 years for any overseas launch. Their CEO did say that Xiaomi aspires to become a top global carmaker in 15-20 years. Their CEO is actually low-key, a fan of Tesla at the SU7 launch event. He actually said that Tesla's FSD is the benchmark worldwide. Yet another data point that the Chinese EV makers are swinging for the fences right now.
我觉得这很有趣。CEO说他们将推出SU7的Max版本,目标是保时捷Taycon。所以,与Model 3相比价格低4000美元的同一款车型也将推出一个与Taycon相当的变种。SU7首先将面向中国消费者销售,他们表示至少要经过2-3年时间才会进行海外推出。他们的CEO表示小米希望在15-20年内成为全球顶尖的汽车制造商。在SU7发布活动上,CEO其实低调地是特斯拉的粉丝。他实际上表示特斯拉的FSD是全球的基准。这再次证明中国电动车制造商目前正在全力以赴。
At a bank of America Summit, Ford's CFO has said that their next-gen affordable EV platform will underpin multiple different models. Of the EV industry, he said we're moving into the early majority, and early majority is much less forgiving. We did not get any detail on their more affordable platform, but he did say it could be an SUV, it could be a truck, it could be a van, it could be a lot of different things. We also learned that Ford plans to trim its workforce when it comes to lightning production once again.
A Ford spokeswoman said they're cutting its staff at the Rouge EV Center, which currently employs 2,100 workers, by around 2-thirds starting next week. The automaker plans to shed 1,400 of those workers in various ways. About 700 will head to a Michigan assembly plant, and the other 700 will be given the option of accepting a reassignment somewhere in southeast Michigan, or taking a $50,000 retirement package. 2024 F-150 lightnings have been held due to quality reviews since early February, but they're expected to be shipped to dealers in April.
福特汽车公司发言人表示,他们将在下周开始裁员位于 Rouge 电动汽车中心的员工,目前该中心有 2100 名员工,裁员幅度约为三分之二。汽车制造商计划通过各种方式裁减其中的 1400 名员工。大约 700 名员工将前往密歇根州的一个装配厂,另外 700 名员工可以选择在密歇根东南部其他地方重新调配,或者接受一笔 5 万美元的退休金方案。由于自 2 月初以来一直进行质量审查,2024 年款的 F-150 闪电型号一直被搁置,但预计会在4月运送给经销商。
They didn't say specifically, but this is most likely collateral damage from Ford announcing plans earlier this year that they were cutting F-150 lightning production in half to roughly 1,600 per week. The auto industry has just surpassed the consumer electronics and industrial sectors to become the third largest end user of semiconductors worldwide. Automakers and suppliers accounted for 17% of global microchip purchases in 2023. According to the semiconductor industry association, today's vehicles have between 1,000 and 3,500 microchips.
Through the CHIPS Act, TSMC had plans to set up a fab in Arizona, but they have since delayed those plans back until 2027 or 2028, citing unknowns around the local workforce and federal funding. But these new fabs are mainly for cutting-edge chips when many of these semiconductors that are automotive grade are a few technologies behind. Nissan just said their major shift to be a more competitive EV player will start in 2028. At that point, they plan to have two U.S.-made EVs, one from Nissan, one from Infinity. Whatever they are, by that time, they may be dead on arrival. New Jersey did go ahead and finalize that new legislation that now requires EV owners to pay a registration fee of $250 per year, which is the highest in the country. Tesla stock closed the day at $175.79 down 2.25%, while the NASDAQ was down 0.12%.
It was a lower volume day for Tesla trading about 20 million shares below the average volume the past 30 days. That concludes the news portion of today's episode, but I have something more important I'd like to share. Alright guys, I really just want to have a friendly conversation about eternity because we all know it's a fact for every single one of us. It doesn't matter your walk of life where you come from, what you believe in, it faces us all. For pretty much my whole life, I've always thought about death a lot more than most people, and that may sound morbid or whatever, but the truth is, we're here for such a short time, and eternity is forever. So, I've always thought it would be wise to at least spend some of our time here trying to figure out the truth about what happens when we die.
My ultimate goal here is really just to encourage you to keep an open mind and to spend some time exploring things eternal because I think it's worth the investment. And really challenge your own beliefs. Why do you believe the things that you do about God or why there's not a God? Is it because it's how you were raised? Is it a few articles you read? Is it a few debates that you listened to? Really ask yourself how much time and how convicted you are about these beliefs that you hold. More importantly though, how much of that conviction is actually rooted in historical data and not just some talking point that you may have seen somebody else share.
Another fact, I think we can all agree on money, status, fame, followers, influence, all of these things that the world are constantly seeking. They do not provide lasting joy in that true soul level fulfillment that so many people are looking for. Now, of course, these things can solve problems, they can make life easier and even provide happiness for a time, but again, it does not provide what people are actually looking for. In my story, I've walked through seasons where we've had very little and went through some really hard times and I've of course had other seasons where we've been blessed abundantly and overwhelmingly.
At the end of the day though, I have found Jesus to be the answer for my soul level contentment regardless whether we have a little or a lot from a worldly perspective, Jesus at any point can give you that satisfaction that we all really desire. And I just have to say on the Christianity front, please be aware that not everybody that claims to be a Christian actually is. So if you're looking to form your worldview about Christianity or Christ, do not look to other human beings, do not look to religion, look to the person Jesus Christ himself, who he was, what he taught, what he claimed and what he ultimately did.
My point, there's a lot of people that claim to be Christians that really are not an even true, born again, genuine Christian believers are also going to let you down because at the end of the day where all humans were all sinners, we all fall short of the glory of God. So please, do not make judgments about Christ or Christianity based on other humans or these man-made institutions like religion.
And on the Jesus front, listen, he was absolutely a real historical figure. Some 2000 years ago he walked this earth, it's well documented by non-biblical sources, so anybody out there that tries to argue Jesus himself was a myth, you would be laughed out of any academic institution. And I guess it's kind of wild nowadays, I have to clarify that we're talking a legitimate academic institution, not some woke infiltrated place. Now, you may ask Dylan, why Jesus among all of these other gods? It's a fair question. I don't want to turn this into an hour-long rant, so I'll just say Jesus is the only person that has claimed to be God and proven it by overcoming the grave. He claimed that he was going to raise from the dead and then I believe that the data and the historical evidence said he actually did it.
All of these other little g-gods are dead, Muhammad is dead. Jesus is the only one who is living today, of course that's what I believe. Plus, Jesus and Christianity preach done, it's already done for us. Our salvation has been earned by Jesus, there's nothing we can do, we cannot earn it, we do not have to have enough good work. We have enough good works to get into heaven. The only way to get into heaven is accepting Jesus in his perfect life that he lived for us. He died the death that we deserve on the cross to take our sin, so when we accept him as Lord and Savior, when God looks at us, he sees Christ's perfection.
All other religions teach some form of do, saying you must do something to be good enough to get into heaven. That has a host of problems, not the least of which is well, what's good enough, how good do I need to be. The Bible says God wants us to have the assurance of salvation. He doesn't want us living our lives wondering if we're good enough, so he made it clear that there is no way for us to earn it. At this point, I do just want to share why some Christians like myself feel the need to share our faith.
It's pretty simple. If the Bible is true and hell is real and heaven is real and Christ is the only way to heaven, how will people hear if no one is preaching? I have to share these things with people that I love. A simple analogy is like if I had the cure for cancer but I didn't share it with anybody, how cruel of a person would I have to be. Then with an eternal matter, how much worse would it be if I had this free gift of salvation that I knew was true and I've experienced it. But yet, I didn't share it with anybody else so that you guys could have the same hope, enjoy and love not only eternally but in this life right now no matter who you are and what you've done.
So listen, I know a lot of Christians out there don't really share out of love. They share for many other not great reasons but true born-again believers will be sharing from a place of love because they care about you and your soul both right now and for eternity. I also have to say when it comes to the Bible, I've read a lot of books in my day, I've listened to an absurd number of podcasts and stories. At the end of the day, the Bible is still the most interesting book ever written. Even if you were to take God and faith out of the equation and just look at it as a literary document, the foreshadowing, the prophecy, the story lines, the motifs. It is seriously actually the most mind-blowing thing you'll ever read. Now yes, it takes time to learn how to read it properly because parts of the Bible, just one example, some are descriptive. They're explaining things that happen. That does not mean those parts are prescriptive, meaning it's something that we should be doing ourselves. I could go on and on about the Bible and its beauty but ultimately I have found it to be the only book that perfectly explains our human existence. Everything. Creation. Love. Joy. Pain. Suffering.
Death. Loss. Morning. The whole thing, it explains it and no other document has even come close. And it's just disheartening because there are so many people that will take a scripture, pull it totally out of context and twist it and take it to mean something that it actually doesn't and there's just so much mishandling of scripture so you really need to be careful who you're listening to. Just take a look around the world and look at how much craziness there is, how lost people are, how twisted the truth is. It's because Satan is real. Some people hear the word Satan and they think about this red thing with horns but ultimately Satan is just the master of deception. He's going to twist and distort the truth and it's not always going to be glaring and in your face like a satanic statue although yes, wild enough we do have that. But sometimes in subtler ways, just one example take the rainbow. So the LGBTQ gang has now used that as their flag in their banner. In reality in the Bible, God actually uses the rainbow as a promise that he made to humanity that he would never wipe out the earth again via a flood. That's why I love the verse that says we're called to be wise as serpents but innocent as doves. I could ramble on and on so I guess I'll just wrap this up by saying grace is a free gift from God. You do not have to do anything you can never be good enough to get into heaven. Jesus has already lived the perfect life that we could never live. He died the death again that we deserve all we have to do is accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior to be forgiven for all of our sins past, present and future and be accepted into his eternal kingdom. Not only does doing that make your life now much better filled with joy and purpose and peace and again all of the fruits of the Spirit but it gives us an eternal security that we will be with Christ forever in paradise. And I know that sounds like the height of lunacy as an unbeliever but what happens when you actually accept Jesus as your Lord and he gives you the gift of faith. Again it is a gift to be received if you seek him with an open mind and an open heart for long enough you will find it. And it's really only at that point that your eyes will be opened and it's almost like you now see the world in color. You see everything for what it is and you understand the truth of the gospel and the truth of Christ. It's impossible to out-sin the love of God. It literally does not matter what you've done, who you are. You can lay all of that down at the cross and he will take that from you. His yoke is easy.
And look I've been blessed with an incredible life. I have a beautiful wife who loves me. I have a beautiful family who loves me and has always been there for me. I have a career that I genuinely enjoy and look forward to.
Tuning all of that out and just withdrawing occasionally to sit in the presence of the Lord and to worship him and to seek him and to want to walk and to nurture the Holy Spirit that lives inside of us when we actually become true believers. There's nothing that the world has to offer that will compare to experiencing fellowship with the creator of the universe. And it's there readily available to anybody that genuinely wants it.
And all of these rules that people talk about Christianity taking the joy out of life, none of them. That could not be further from the truth. That's another deception right from Satan. These rules that God gives us are meant to lead us into true life and true joy. Think about if you have a child, you give him rules. Don't play in the street. It's because you love him or her and you don't want them to get hit by a car. Rules are a good thing in the proper context.
So there you have it. I really do love you guys. I pray for you often. I will continue to do that. If you ever need somebody to talk to, to open up to, to vent to, to ask questions, please shoot me an email. I would love to hear from you. Jesus is real. I've met him. I know him. I fail him every day. But he loves me more than I can imagine. He forgives me every day when I go to him and confess my sins.
So I pray that you find the same love and peace and joy that I have found in Christ alone. And again, just keep an open mind. Spend a couple minutes a day exploring things eternal. God bless. God bless.