How to tell better stories | Matthew Dicks (Storyworthy)
发布时间 2023-12-15 12:00:15 来源
Matthew Dicks is a best-selling author, columnist, blogger, podcaster, playwright, and teacher. He wrote my all-time favorite book on storytelling, Storyworthy. He is an elementary school teacher by day and by night teaches storytelling and public speaking to individuals, corporations, universities, religious institutions, and school districts around the world. He’s taught storytelling at Yale, MIT, Harvard, and Purdue, along with Amazon, Salesforce, Slack, Lego, and others. In this conversation, Matthew shares insights and techniques for effective storytelling, including:
• The benefits of good storytelling in business
• The five-second moment and why it’s so important
• Why you should start every story at the end
• How to build a vault of stories that can be deployed in business situations
• Tips on how to be funnier
• His life-changing “Homework for Life” practice
• Advice for dealing with nervousness in public speaking
• The power of saying yes
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In this episode, we cover:
(00:00) Matthew’s background
(04:27) The five-second moment
(10:29) Knowing the ending
(14:28) The importance of including a transformation
(15:59) The dinner test
(18:19) You can’t tell someone else’s story
(20:24) Vacation stories
(23:14) Adding stakes to the story
(25:12) The power of surprise
(29:20) The benefits of storytelling in business
(32:20) An example of adding stakes
(34:02) Storytelling in the workplace
(44:29) Using personal inventory to make stories relatable
(48:46) Four ways to keep people listening
(50:52) Using humor in business storytelling
(53:09) Advice for adding humor
(58:43) An example of how storytelling helped a biotech company sell product
(1:02:06) Advice for people who don’t want to become storytellers
(1:06:35) The power of “Homework for Life”
(01:15:26) Practical tips for starting Homework for Life
(01:19:28) Dealing with nervousness in public speaking
(01:24:42) Preparing for a talk or presentation
(01:25:24) The power of saying yes
(01:30:55) Lightning round
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