What a Joke / Tesla's Massive Step Forward / LCID, RIVN & NVDA Earnings ⚡️
发布时间 2024-02-22 01:53:41 来源
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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to my newest patrons, Paul to Pilot and Evie Kalk. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. Last November, we already had the Swedish electricians union saying they were going to stop servicing Tesla superchargers. Now this Seiko union is saying they're mainly aiming to prevent Tesla from expanding the supercharger network. This year, Tesla has been planning to open around 20 new supercharging locations in Sweden, so now if these are going to be blocked from actually being connected to the grid, we'll see if Tesla can find a workaround for this one. I will say this one might be a bit more difficult than finding a different supplier for something like aluminum.
If you'd like to support Tesla against the nonsense taking place in Oklahoma, they have this form. I'll include it below. You just click contact legislators, fill in your information. Hint, I am not in Oklahoma. It didn't matter, it still auto-populated this message, then you just click send and there you go. It only takes about 30 seconds and you don't have to be in Oklahoma. Across all of Europe for the month of January this year, full B.E.V market share was up to 12%. Tesla accounted for 14.5% of that B.E.V share in January. That's up from 10% for Tesla last year and was never higher in any first month of the quarter.
On Reddit, pristine floor 7545 has shared a new picture of an engineering vehicle from Tesla with the new upgraded performance seats for the Model 3 Plus, but in the white version. It's not the best picture ever, but you can see that the headrest is much more integrated and there's much more side bolstering support. As we've talked about in the past, this center section here should have some sort of badging, whether it's performance, plaid, ludicrous, whatever it ends up being. That's what we might see here. Remember Tesla's director of vehicle programs, Daniel Ho has called the Model 3 performance a quote, pretty special project. Last time we heard Tesla was hoping to launch this sometime in the first half of this year.
在Reddit上,用户pristine floor 7545分享了一张特斯拉工程车辆的新照片,展示了Model 3 Plus的新升级性能座椅,但是是白色版本。这并不是有史以来最好的照片,但你可以看到靠背更加整合,侧部支撑更多。正如我们过去讨论过的那样,这个中心部分应该有一些徽标,无论是性能、方格格子还是荒唐,不管最终会是什么。这可能就是我们在这里看到的。要记得,特斯拉的车辆项目总监丹尼尔·何曾称Model 3性能为一个“相当特别的项目”。我们上次听说,特斯拉希望在今年上半年的某个时间推出这款车型。
The official Tesla energy account on X has confirmed something in this post. Not only that, but Drew Baglino said excellent summary. I just wanted to clarify, I think most people here already know this, but the Powerwall 3 is indeed using LFP cells. I still see a decent amount of confusion on this topic, so I think we can put that in their rearview for now. Eat the adoption, just put out this chart and we hear these numbers, but sometimes it's good to see them in context. This is showing us all-time DC fast charging ports and Tesla at the top of the list with almost 62% of all-time DC fast chargers. This data is specific to the United States and for January this year, Tesla is at almost 64% of all new DC fast charging ports. And we touched on this theme yesterday, but we have the sample average total hardware costs for these nevy applications. Tesla coming in with the lowest cost per port by far at $18.6,000. Second lowest would be company A at $47.1,000. Responding to this post from Colin where he said still some moments of confusion, but nothing deal-breaking referring to FSD 12. Elon said these issues are addressed in version 12.3. There really were not any other issues mentioned in these videos either.
特斯拉官方能源账号在X上确认了这篇帖子中的一些内容。 不仅如此,德鲁·巴格里诺说得很好。 我只是想澄清一下,我认为这里大多数人已经知道了,Powerwall 3确实在使用LFP电池。 我仍然看到有相当多的混淆在这个话题上,所以我认为我们可以暂时将这个问题抛诸脑后。关于采用情况,只是呈现了这张图表,我们听到这些数字,但有时候在上下文中看到它们也是很有用的。 这显示了有史以来的直流快速充电口数量,而特斯拉以几乎62%的份额位居榜首。 这些数据特指美国,截至今年1月,特斯拉几乎占有64%的所有新的直流快速充电口。 昨天我们已经提到了这个主题,但对于这些新能源汽车应用的平均硬件成本进行了采样。 特斯拉以每个充电口的成本为18.6万美元远远领先,第二低的是A公司,每个充电口的成本为47.1万美元。 对于Colin的这篇帖子做出回应,他说FSD 12仍然存在一些混乱,但不是什么大问题。埃隆表示这些问题已在版本12.3中得到解决。 这些视频中也没有提及别的问题。
We talked yesterday about that survey at Gigabrelin how it was not binding, it was really just to get a feel on how the community was feeling. Commenting on that, Rohan Patel said there is zero impact on any future expansion plans. The zoning plan would potentially shift more freight traffic to expanded rail infrastructure and that would be an environmental and traffic benefit for the community. He also clarified the zoning changes have nothing to do with water. There is no need for additional water for any potential expansion of the site. Gigabrelin is one of the most water-efficient vehicle factories on earth with the ability to recycle 100% of processed water. So at least right now, no, the Gigabrelin expansion is not in any real jeopardy.
昨天我们讨论了Gigabrelin的调查,这并不是有约束力的,只是为了了解社区的情绪。就此评论,Rohan Patel表示对未来扩张计划没有任何影响。区划计划可能会将更多货运交通转移到扩建后的铁路基础设施上,这将对社区带来环境和交通方面的好处。他还澄清了区划变更与用水无关。对于网站的潜在扩张,不需要额外的水资源。Gigabrelin是地球上最节水的汽车工厂之一,有能力回收100%处理过的水。所以至少目前而言,Gigabrelin的扩张并不受到真正的威胁。
You may have seen the articles talking about the highest mileage Tesla in the world, a 2014 Model S getting over 1.1 million miles. Just wanted to point out there were three battery replacements during this time and 13 motor replacements. That is still however over 393,000 miles per battery in this vehicle that's now close to a decade old. It will be interesting to watch the next decade to see how long some of these current vehicles built in 23 and 2024 can actually last. It would be pretty awesome marketing material for Tesla to have some of these battery packs lasting in excess of 500,000 miles before needing replaced. Joe Tett-Mayer shared this afternoon for the first time just over 100 cyber trucks were visible at Gigab Texas today. Even more were exiting the factory during his drone flight. I'm assuming most of you have already seen this clip from AI driver of FSD v12. So if you have time stamps are below just skip ahead. But in case you're not one of these 108,000 views, you have to see some of this costco parking lot behavior. It is 1000% vastly improved. It makes me feel like we're going to get the actually smart summon any day now with how it's handling parking lots to be honest with you. Just a huge step forward compared to version 11.
你可能已经看过有关世界上最高里程的特斯拉的文章,一辆2014年的Model S行驶超过110万英里。只想指出,在这段时间里进行了三次电池更换和13次电机更换。然而,这辆车的每个电池仍然行驶了超过39.3万英里,这辆车现在接近十年了。看看接下来的十年,看看这些建于2023年和2024年的车辆能够持续多久,这将是很有趣的。特斯拉要是能够让一些电池组的寿命超过50万英里才需要更换,那将是非常棒的营销素材。乔·泰特-迈尔今天下午首次分享,吉加布德州工厂今天有超过100辆赛博卡车可见。在他的无人机飞行中,更多的车辆正在工厂出厂。我假设你们中的大多数人已经看过了这段来自FSD v12的AI驾驶员的视频。所以下面是时间戳,可以直接跳过。但如果你不是这108,000次观看中的一员,你必须看一些这个Costco停车场的行为。这种改进程度是千倍地提升。老实说,它让我觉得我们很快就能实现真正智能的自动召唤。与第11版相比,这是一个巨大的进步。
The next move is incredible and I'm going to pause real quick to tell you why. So in a situation like this where pedestrians are actively walking towards you like the people from our right, version 11 would just get stuck. It would wait until there's absolutely no pedestrians around at all to continue going. Version 12 on the other hand successfully shoots the gap between these pedestrians even though they're off to our right continuing to walk towards the car. I can already feel the comments coming in of people disagreeing with this move but that is how you have to drive in a Costco parking lot. They didn't even look twice at us because the car did exactly what they were expecting it to do. And you'll notice the cop in front of us starts to move forward and we actually don't move with him. The car stays perfectly still because it knows to wait for this car who's backing up. It's so nice how the car isn't twitchy in situations like this anymore. As we make our way out of the parking lot from the same way we came in, a semi truck is now there unloading and a car appears from behind it. Pretty tough situation but version 12 actually heads towards the curb and gets within one foot giving this car as much room as it can before it continues.
According to studies around the world 8.8 million people die prematurely because of air pollution every single year. According to a study from 2023 that simulated air quality levels on a neighborhood level showed that if just 30% of all vehicles in the Chicago region were replaced with EVs, it would save more than 1000 lives and more than 10 billion dollars a year due to fewer deaths related to pollution. If you want to see that actual study it's posted on IOP science and I'll have it linked below. At least for now Ford has avoided another strike from the UAW as both sides have reached a tentative agreement on a local contract for Ford's Kentucky plant. The ratification vote is tentatively scheduled to take place next week starting February 28th. According to GM CFO, the Cadillac Lyric has now regained eligibility for the full $7,500 tax credit. It has not however made it to the fuel economy official list just yet. Shout out to a subscriber of mine who sent me this but Reuters has now won an award the Polk Award for its coverage of Elon's business empire. Listen to this the staff of Reuters has received a George Polk award for its coverage of how Elon's manufacturing operations harmed consumers, workers, and laboratory animals. The prestigious Polk Awards honors special achievement in journalism with a particular focus on investigative reporting in the public interest. The series of scoops and investigations exposed a mounting toll of worker injuries in one death at SpaceX, mistreatment of lab animals at Neuralink, other stories found Tesla covered up dangerous defects in steering and suspension parts, rigged its cars in dash driving range estimates, invaded drivers privacy, you get the picture. You know things are broken when hit piece journalism starts winning actual awards. Today a judge ruled that TripAdvisor will be allowed to leave Delaware and reincorporate in Nevada.
根据全球研究,每年有880万人因空气污染而过早死亡。根据一项2023年的研究模拟了社区级别的空气质量水平,显示如果芝加哥地区只有30%的车辆被电动车替代,将每年节约1000多人的生命和100亿美元的费用,减少与污染相关的死亡。如果你想看到这项实际研究,可以在IOP科学网站上找到,我会在下面提供链接。至少目前,福特已经避免了UAW对其发动的另一场罢工,双方已就福特肯塔基工厂的本地合同达成了暂定协议。批准投票暂定定于下周开始,即2月28日。 根据通用汽车首席财务官的说法,凯迪拉克Lyric现在重新符合获得7500美元税收抵免的资格。但它尚未进入官方的燃油经济性名单。感谢一位订阅者给我发送了这个信息,路透社现已获得了波尔克奖,以表彰其对伊隆商业帝国的报道。听听这个,《路透社》的员工因如何报道伊隆的制造业运营对消费者、工人和实验室动物造成的危害,获得了乔治·波尔克奖。这一备受尊敬的波尔克奖表彰了新闻界的特别成就,特别关注调查报导的社会公共利益。系列内幕消息和调查揭露了SpaceX中工人受伤和死亡人数不断增加,Neuralink实验室动物的虐待,另外的报道发现特斯拉掩盖了方向盘和悬挂部件的危险缺陷,操纵其车辆驾驶里程的估计值,侵犯了驾驶员的隐私……你懂的。当负面报道开始赢得真正的奖项时,事情已经出现了问题。今天,一位法官裁定,TripAdvisor将被允许离开特拉华州并在内华达州重新组建。
The judge gave some clues as to how companies like Tesla could avoid future scrutiny. If they meet two requirements, one the board must create a special committee of directors who are independent of the controlling shareholder. That committee must reach an independent determination of the best course for the company, and second a majority of independent shareholders must ratify the board's decision in a fully informed vote. There's been some speculation that Tesla may have a hard time actually leaving Delaware without upsetting some of the shareholders. This professor said the idea to move out should probably not start with the controlling shareholder. Tesla is starting with one glove tied behind its back. Simply put, if there's any problem, here's what it looks like.
Yes, most of the retail shareholders will support Elon in this move from Delaware to Texas. The problem is there are plenty of institutional shareholders that will often look to some of these third party proxy companies like Glass Lewis or ISS, which by the way, Elon refers to as ISIS. And the prevailing thought right now is that at least one of those third party companies would recommend some of these institutional shareholders actually oppose Tesla's move from Delaware to Texas. Lastly, and I've said this before, but when it comes to Tesla putting out a proxy for the shareholders to be informed to vote on this move for Tesla from Delaware to Texas, it's going to have to be incredibly detailed because if it's not, then any shareholder will be able just to bring a lawsuit in the future saying that, hey, I wasn't fully informed with this vote. Personally, in the end, I still think Tesla's going to find a way to reincorporate in Texas and leave Delaware. It might just be a bit of a bumpy road.
是的,大部分零售股东将支持埃隆这一从特拉华州搬迁至德克萨斯州的举动。问题在于有大量的机构股东通常会寻求一些第三方代理公司的意见,比如 Glass Lewis 或 ISS,顺便提一句,埃隆称其为ISIS。目前普遍的看法是至少其中一家第三方公司会建议一些机构股东实际上反对特斯拉从特拉华州搬迁至德克萨斯州。最后,我之前也说过,但就特斯拉发布一份股东投票通知书,让股东了解并就特斯拉从特拉华州搬迁至德克萨斯州的举措进行投票,这份通知书将不得不非常详细,因为如果不是这样的话,未来任何股东都可以提起诉讼,称我在投票时并未完全了解情况。个人而言,最终我仍然认为特斯拉将找到一种方式在德克萨斯州重新组建,并离开特拉华州。可能只是会经历一段波折。
Lucid announced its Q4 earnings today and all around, it's just not good. Reminding you of where we ended 2023, Lucid did 8.4 thousand when it comes to production. This is not good because for 2024, they just guided to 9,000 units produced. Now in its slide deck, Lucid highlighted that it had around $4.8 billion of liquidity, which is what they're referring to as their total current assets. Of that number though, only about 1.3 billion is cash in cash equivalents. Scrolling down a bit, you'll find that their total current liabilities, which are often times due in the next 12 months, are just over $1 billion. But we'll say that Lucid has about $3.8 billion in liquidity after subtracting for current liabilities. For all of 2023, Lucid lost over $3 billion from operations. $736.8 million of that was in the fourth quarter alone. Simply put, on this current trajectory, if Lucid doesn't figure things out soon, they really only have just over one year of actual runway.
Now of course, they have nearly unlimited money from the Saudi backing, but taking that out of the equation, this business model right now is not really working. Why is that? Well, doing the math everybody loves to do, taking Lucid's loss from operations in Q4 and dividing that by the number of cars they delivered in Q4, they're losing over $424,000 per vehicle sold. And with weak guidance, that's all you need to know. In a new interview, RJ Scoringe has confirmed that the R2 lineup will qualify for the $7,500 tax credit. Initially, R2 vehicles will be destined for the United States and Canada, but he has said that they eventually are going to be built for a global market, meaning Europe should see the R2 within the first few years. Rivian also reported earnings today and they announced they're laying off 10% of its salaried workforce in an aim to cut costs. A limited number of nine manufacturing hourly employees will also be cut.
现在,他们当然有来自沙特支持的几乎无限的资金,但将此因素排除在外,这种商业模式现在实际上并不起作用。为什么会这样呢?嗯,做这个每个人都喜欢做的数学,从Lucid在第四季度的运营亏损中除以第四季度交付的汽车数量,他们每售出一辆车就会亏损超过42.4万美元。而且考虑到薄弱的指导,这就是你需要知道的全部。在一次新的采访中,RJ Scoringe确认R2系列将有资格获得7500美元的税收抵免。最初,R2车辆将被运往美国和加拿大,但他表示最终会面向全球市场生产,意味着欧洲应该在头几年内见到R2。Rivian今天也发布了财报,他们宣布裁员其薪酬员工总数的10%,以削减成本。此外,还将裁掉九名生产类员工。
That's the third round of layoffs for Lucid in the last roughly two years, and for 2023, Lucid lost over $5.4 billion for the year. And when it comes to production, it's expecting the same amount, around 57,000 vehicles for 2024. Rivian also plans to shut down its factory in normal Illinois around the middle of the year to upgrade the factory, and it's hoping for a 30% production boost from that shutdown. Rivian's net loss of $1.5 billion in Q4 last year was slightly better than their $1.72 billion loss in Q4 2022. Rivian reported it lost $43.3,000 per unit delivered in the fourth quarter, but that was much improved from Q4 2022 when they lost $124.1 per unit sold. It's also worth pointing out though that gross profit per unit delivered number for quarter four was actually worse than both quarter two and quarter three last year. They were down around a $31,000 gross profit loss per unit. Rivian ended last year with $12.3 billion in current assets, of which $7.8 billion is cash and cash equivalents. Rivian's total current liability sit at $2.4 billion.
We also got the hotly anticipated Nvidia earnings today and the streak continues. They continue to dominate. Record quarterly revenue over $22 billion. The expectation was around $20 billion. Jensen Hwang, their CEO, said accelerated computing and generative AI have hit the tipping point, demand is surging worldwide across companies, industries and nations. I mean, look at these numbers for quarter four. 76% gross margin, $13.6 billion of operating income. Nvidia has a slightly different fiscal year, so if you're thrown off by these numbers up top, that's why. But comparing to quarter four just one year ago, Nvidia's operating income was $1.2 billion. So it's now up 983% year over year. You may also notice that Nvidia is laying out a pretty detailed outlook for the next quarter. Believe it or not, with this earnings growth explosion for Nvidia, they're still only valued at about 32 times their forward earnings.
I wanted to share this as a reminder. So have a look. Just one year ago, Nvidia's market cap was $500 billion. Fast forward 12 months and they now sit at a $1.7 trillion market cap. That means Nvidia has added $1.2 trillion in market cap in just 12 months. Nvidia is currently up 8% after hours sitting at $731 per share. Meanwhile, Rivian is down 15% in after hours trading based on their guidance for 2024. Lucid is currently down 7% after hours. Tesla stock closed the day at $194.77 up 0.52% while the NASDAQ was down 0.32%. It was an average volume day for Tesla trading about 6 million shares below the average 30-day volume. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X linked below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.