Tesla: "Biggest AI Play in the World" / Goldman: Tesla's 37X / Tesla's Next Major Growth Wave ⚡️
发布时间 2023-11-15 00:08:39 来源
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the Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to my newest patron, Skipper. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. Haters will say this is photoshopped, but we just saw there is indeed video as well. It's kind of funny because when you look close, it actually does kind of look like it's photoshopped. It's not, but I am curious if Lars kept his left foot off the tonneau cover on purpose, or it just happened that way.
Seta Tawasen, Thailand's Prime Minister is 6'4". They said they want more of a Tesla presence in Thailand, to which I would respectfully say, get in line.
After all this time, we now have the designer of the DeLorean making some comments about the Cybertruck kicking it off with, Tesla Need Not Panic. He said, when you step outside the norms, it's almost always seen as a provocation. It happens in all fields from furniture to cooking. Everyone wants to distinguish themselves. It's a market necessity, and the Cybertruck will surely be successful. I'm sure of it. I'm convinced it will find its admirers. Don't panic about what? Well, some of the negative feedback. This part was somewhat comical where they talked about, the Cybertruck has been plagued by serious powertrain breaking suspension, structural and sealing issues, all according to a motor trend report. Tracking down that report, it was from January 2022, and it was actually just referencing those leaked files from a German source. Regardless, it was still in the development phase. Of course, they're going to have challenges and things they need to work on.
经过这么长时间,我们现在终于听到了DeLorean设计师对Cybertruck发表了一些评论,开场白是“特斯拉无需恐慌”。他说,当你走出常规,几乎总会被视为一种挑衅。这在任何领域都会发生,无论是家具还是烹饪。每个人都希望与众不同。这是市场的必然,Cybertruck肯定会成功。我对此深信不疑,我相信它会找到自己的爱好者。那么,不要惊慌什么呢?嗯,一些负面反馈。这部分有些滑稽,他们谈论到Cybertruck受到了严重的动力传动、悬挂、结构和密封问题的困扰,这都来自于Motor Trend的一份报告。查找该报告,可以发现它是来自2022年1月,并且实际上只是参考了德国的一些泄漏文件。无论如何,这仍然是在开发阶段。当然,他们会面临挑战和需要解决的问题。
But he continued saying, I don't want to judge the Cybertruck as beautiful or ugly. It certainly has its admirers who want a vehicle to stand out. Cybertruck has had its fair share of critics already, whether it comes to fingerprints all over the stainless steel or panel gaps. Well, in about two weeks, Tesla will finally have its chance to prove the doubters wrong.
I haven't seen too many real world pictures of the new Model 3 Plus right next to the older Model 3. Here we had one, and I do think this really shows off how mature the newer model looks. Yes, it's subjective, but that's my personal opinion. Don't get me wrong, I liked the old design, but the new one is definitely more mature and refined.
我还没有看到太多新款Model 3 Plus与旧款Model 3并排照片的真实世界图像。在这里,我们有一张,我确实认为这真正展示了新款车型的成熟外观。是的,这是主观的,但这是我的个人观点。别误会,我喜欢旧款设计,但新款车型无疑更加成熟和精致。
Fremont's been busy as of late when it comes to tours. We have the Indian Commerce Minister, Piyush Goyal, saying, proud to see the growing importance of auto component suppliers from India into the Tesla EV supply chain. It's on its way to double its components imports from India. Missed Elon's magnetic presence, and I wish him a speedy recovery. To which Elon said, it was an honor to have you visit. My apologies for not being able to travel to California, but I look forward to meeting at a future date. So what did Elon need to recover from? As far as I can tell, still a mystery. Some of you will remember though, that's actually old news. If you go back to the beginning of September this year, we heard that Tesla had invested $1 billion in components from India in 2022, and for this year they were looking to have that number at $1.9 billion. I do believe that's what Piyush was referring to, not that Tesla was going to go from $2 billion this year to $4 billion next year. Is it possible? Absolutely, I just don't think that's what he meant.
In the weeks ahead, we will undoubtedly hear more about Tesla potentially needing to raise its wages in response to the UAW contracts that are being ratified. On that note though, we have CNBC this afternoon saying that three major GM plans have voted against the pact in recent days. One like GM could fail while Ford and Stellantis may go through, but too early to tell right now. Just some numbers to keep in the back of your mind. Jonas said, they estimate Tesla has 45 to 50,000 workers between Fremont, Austin and Reno, representing a combined, all in US labor bill between $4 and $5 billion. Taking the high end of those estimates if you take the annual labor bill, divide that by 50,000 workers, if that was the number, roughly 100,000 per worker. You would think they're including some level of stock compensation in this figure, but they don't make it explicit. But I'm sharing this because if we learn Tesla does raise wages in the US by 10, 15% whatever it may be, this would give you some rough numbers of what that could look like in terms of additional costs.
Over the past few years I've read, thought and talked a lot about Tesla. Would you believe me if I told you before I got knocked off track, I was even more plugged into the wellness and fitness world? It's alright if you don't, but the truth is, I was. Getting sidetracked by that parasite has taught me innumerable lessons, but one strong reminder, do not ever take your health for granted. That's part of why I'm still a proponent of AG1, the sponsor of this video. Ultimately, it's just something you have to try for yourself.
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我知道我们每个人对输入的反应都不同,但我也知道有多少人缺乏营养,并且这会在一生中引起问题。是的,始终努力吃一种均衡的由整个真实食物提供的饮食,但即使这样做,我们仍然可能存在营养缺口,并且大多数人也常常偏离轨道,这是我们不愿承认的。AG1含有每份中的75种关键维生素、矿物质和益生菌。Ashley在选择饮料方面相当挑剔,而她甚至也是AG1的粉丝。有Huberman和Peter Atia作为顾问,AG1不断研究并改进产品。
One question I often ask, am I making choices my future self will thank me for? If you want to invest in your future self and your health, you can get five travel packs and a one year supply of Vitamin D3K2 at drinkag1.com slash electrified linked below. As always, thank you for considering supporting the channel. We actually delay ours by one year relative to Elon, so maybe it should be two years, but here's where we've learned how important Tesla's proprietary data is. It's five million robots around the world. Crews didn't have anything like that. It had hundreds. Five million robots around the world collect data every day and send it back to Tesla. Tesla has more corner cases, which means disengagements, accidents, information like that, than all the other companies in the world combined. And I have to tell you, watching the breakthroughs in AI that we are seeing, they are astounding. The speed at which this is moving. So it is interesting. I think it's a data issue.
Autonomous taxi platforms are the biggest AI project in the world. Therefore, we think Tesla is the best. You've sold Tesla shares. I have to say it, I am so ready for Kathy and Arc to be vindicated on their Tesla thesis. They've maintained their stance all the while going against the current. And one day, I firmly believe whether it's one year or four years, they will be proven right. She was then asked about, well, why are you selling Tesla stock? I need everybody to hear this. Kathy Wood is not a retail Tesla investor. She runs a fund. That means when certain targets are hit on the upside or downside, say Tesla grows 50 or 100%, they trim, take profits, lock them in, reinvest into some underperformers. That's literally what she gets paid to do to manage the fund actively. Some funds actually have hard caps, meaning when a stock hits 10, 15, 20% of the fund, they actually have to sell.
Well, I look outside five years from now and see GM and Ford EVs everywhere. It's very interesting to hear both of them pull back saying, what do you think? I think I don't even know if we'll be talking about GM in four and five years. What is interesting about the news that both of them are pulling back for profitability reasons, they can't be profitable in this space unless they scale. That's how this works. That's the catch-22. So it's catch-22 and their shareholder base is very internal, combustion, engine oriented, and they want their profits now and they want their dividends now. And they don't want that kind of Tesla to do it. Will they be able to? I don't know. All I know is, back to the Tesla question, as they are pulling away, our market share expectations for Tesla go up. We have Kathy Wood and Ark who have been much less wrong about Tesla than many other analysts over the years, saying that Tesla is the biggest AI opportunity in the world.
嗯,我展望五年后的情景,看到到处都是通用汽车和福特的电动汽车。有趣的是,听到他们都在退缩,问你怎么看?我认为,我甚至不知道在四到五年后我们是否还会谈论到通用汽车。关于这两家公司为了盈利而退缩的消息很有趣,他们在这个领域无法盈利,除非扩大规模。这就是问题所在。这是一个进退两难的局面。所以,进退两难,他们的股东基础非常偏向传统内燃机,他们希望立即获利和股息。他们不希望出现类似特斯拉的情况。他们能行吗?我不知道。我所知道的是,在特斯拉逐渐退居二线的同时,我们对特斯拉的市场份额预期在上升。我们有凯西·伍德(Kathy Wood)和Ark基金,他们在多年来对特斯拉的评估上比许多其他分析师更少出错,认为特斯拉是全球最大的人工智能机遇。
Contrast that with this. I think over time, markets will become more competitive. The European market will become more competitive. It is becoming more competitive as the Europeans have come out with pretty good EVs and the Chinese are moving in. I think over time, the US market will become more competitive. That's the challenge for Tesla is it's playing in a hyper-competitive marketplace. It's really, really difficult for one player to have outsized share or profitability. And that's ultimately our concern about Tesla longer term is that it is really a car company and the car industry makes it difficult for anyone to have outsized margins or share over the long term.
Is it really just a car company, Tony? Our megapacks cars? Is Optimus a car? Is Dojo a car? I could go on, but for now, all I'll say is that one day the world will really find out.
There is an 800 pound gorilla, BYD in China who is growing much faster than Tesla. They just reported 25% automotive gross margins. Tesla's at 17. They only make EV related cars. And there are others like Lee and Expung who are formidable competitors as well.
Let's talk about those BYD auto gross margins from quarter three. First things first, credit where credit is due. BYD is doing very well in making progress. And let's not forget we need at least 10 probably closer to 30 global auto companies making EVs to move the entire fleet to electric with time.
So if you're really about sustainable energy and more choices for consumers, which over time drives down the cost, you don't really need to root against BYD because Tesla can succeed even with BYD having a ton of success of its own.
Why were BYD's auto gross margins up due to higher sales of their DMI lineup? Dual, motor, intelligent, their hybrids that focus primarily on efficiency. Tony was sneaky in the interview. He said EV related cars, which is technically accurate, but let's not forget about half of BYD's sales are hybrids, which are not comparable to BEVs when it comes to the cost of goods sold.
The truth is BYD better be making profit at these levels. They sold over 2 million vehicles in the first three quarters of this year, roughly half of which still have a combustion engine in them. Despite the volume advantage relative to Tesla, BYD's net profit in Q3 was $1.4 billion compared to Tesla's, which was $1.8 billion.
Gary Black commented on something Martin Vieja just said at an investor conference where he said Tesla is now in an intermediate to low growth period. Martin did chime in and clarify what I said specifically is we're between two major growth waves, the first driven by the three and why since 2017, and the next one that will be driven by the next gen vehicle.
在投资者会议上,Gary Black对Martin Vieja刚刚说的一番话进行了评论。Martin回应并澄清了他具体所说的是,特斯拉目前正处于一个中低增长期。他指出,我们现在正处于两波主要增长浪潮之间,第一波浪潮是由2017年以来的三个原因驱动的,而下一波浪潮将由下一代车辆推动。
We don't need to dive into this right now, but next year, whether Tesla grows at 20% or 40%, as a long-term investor what really matters is what they're doing come 2027, 2028. So could Tesla have a gap or a down year in 2024 in terms of unit growth? Sure. But that 50% growth target the way they actually meant it, Tesla is still ahead of those numbers.
I can assure the designer of the DeLorean one thing, Tesla executives are not panicking, they're very familiar with what the next major growth wave is going to be and when it's coming. I've said it many times before, but I'll say it again, patients will be rewarded when it comes to the Tesla story.
We also have Goldman Sachs coming out saying that they see Tesla as a leader in the AI field. Their 12-month price target is 235, but they said Tesla stands on a strong footing to emerge as a front-runner in AI-related tech. This confidence stems from the company's extensive resources and exceptional engineering talent across chip design, software, hardware, and data fields.
We believe in an upside-case FSD could be $50 to $100 billion a year of revenue from Tesla's fleet by 2030, up from what we believe is $1 to $3 billion per year, presently. Taking the midpoints, that's a rough 37x in revenue from today's levels.
We have Joe Manchin doubling down saying he wants the strictest possible standards to exclude Chinese battery firms or minerals from receiving tax credits for EVs. He expressed these concerns in a letter to Janet Yellen, saying there were rumors that Chinese battery companies are actively looking for ways to capitalize on the credits. It'd be surprising if they weren't.
The auto industry is still waiting on guidance from the treasury when it comes to how they're going to classify these foreign entities of concern. It comes into play in 2024 for completed batteries. Then in 2025, it comes into play for critical minerals.
Tesla Roddy may have some Swedish sources, and they're saying that the IF Mattel is offering Tesla Sweden employees payment to join the Union strike. However, still, the strike has failed to gain much momentum from actual Tesla employees. But now, the Union is offering employees of Tesla 130% more than Tesla's salary.
Given Tesla already came out and said they offer better compensation than what the Union contracts provide, this 130% more, I'm not sure I would trust that figure. The rumors are still that most of these Tesla employees do not want the Union involved in their employment, but pretty much every other company in Sweden does.
If that new offer from IF Mattel to Tesla employees is indeed accurate, it could just be bargaining as this strike was set to go a little bit further on November 17th and the 20th, with other companies joining in on sympathy strikes. It may be related, it may not be, but if you go to Tesla's careers page, there are a fair number of job listings open right now for things like a truck driver in Sweden for supply chain. They also have listings for paint sprayers and many related to vehicle service, so is Tesla looking to hire to continue to get around the strikes that are taking place? I have no idea if this one would work legally, but it sounded like a good idea from Matthew D.R. saying Tesla should just buy a roll-on roll-off ferry and then have the service on the ship. Then, as he said in the comments, when the strike is over, Tesla has a floating service center, they can call it the SSSC Service Center.
如果IF Mattel向特斯拉员工提出的新报价确实准确无误,这可能只是一种讨价还价,因为这次罢工计划在11月17日和20日继续,其他公司也会加入示威罢工。这可能与之相关,也可能无关,但是如果你去特斯拉的招聘页面,现在有很多职位空缺,比如供应链中的瑞典卡车司机。他们还有一些与喷涂和车辆维修相关的职位空缺,所以特斯拉是在寻求雇佣人员以继续应对罢工吗?我不知道这个方法在法律上是否可行,但是从马修·D·R(Matthew D.R.)的评论中来看,他认为特斯拉应该购买一艘滚装式渡轮,然后在船上提供维修服务。正如他在评论中所说,一旦罢工结束,特斯拉就拥有了一个浮动式的服务中心,可以称之为SSSC服务中心。
I'm seeing two different reports when it comes to the weekly Tesla China data, we have Tesla Chan reporting 13,000, and then we have Car News China reporting 12,700, so since I like to be conservative, we'll go with this one. Plugging that data in if you wanted to compare it to the same week in Quarter 3, that number was 14,000. Looking through the first six weeks of Q3, we were at 58.3,000. Over the same time in Q4, we're at 54.1,000, still trailing, but plenty of time left. I told you last week I was kind of excited to see what this number in the next few weeks would be, so from that standpoint, yes, I was expecting a number better than this one, but as always, in the grand scheme of things, one week and one market is a big, nothing burger. It could have been partially related to export allocation, but in a few weeks we'll have more data.
Speaking of Tesla China, if you want to interpret this as bullish, be my guest, they did again raise prices on some models between $2 and $500. Rivian, over time, may look to borrow up to $15 billion in the form of bonds with the local government in Georgia for its R2 factory. Rivian's initial investment at this factory is said to be $5 billion. They're looking to create 7,500 jobs, and at capacity, they're looking to make 400,000 vehicles per year. The joint development authority will issue on behalf of Rivian taxable revenue bonds in a maximum amount of $15 billion to fund project costs, promote economic development and job creation, and facilitate a property tax incentive for the company.
Rivian just released a software update that was supposed to fix proximity locking, but it didn't go well and they said this is on us, we messed up, it effectively bricked some of the owners' cars and some may require physical repair in some cases. Rivian has not said how many vehicles were actually affected, but a good reminder that these software updates are not always as easy as Tesla makes them seem.
Lucid just signed a memorandum of understanding at the Dubai Air Show in partnership with an aviation startup of sorts. Their collaboration will explore co-marketing, commercial and operational streams for targeted guests and travelers. This Riyadh Air has plans to be the largest airline in the Middle East in terms of revenue. Now, what these two companies will actually do together outside of marketing is somewhat still a mystery. We're set to get the Lucid Gravity unveil in the next few days, but we did get this image on Instagram from the throttle house. You can't see very much, but there you have it. We also have this image that was shared on a Lucid forum, potentially of a clay version of Lucid's upcoming truck. They have mentioned cars like a coupe and a pickup at some point in the future. I want to give them grace here, but after seeing this, I do wonder if the pickup market is a place they should really be racing toward. That said, there are no guarantees any of these legacy EV pickup trucks are actually around 3-4 years from now, so we'll see.
Lucid刚刚在迪拜航展上与一家航空初创公司签署了谅解备忘录。他们的合作将探索面向目标客人和旅行者的共同营销、商业和运营渠道。这家利雅得航空公司计划成为中东地区收入最高的航空公司。现在,这两家公司在营销以外将会做些什么还有一些谜团。我们将在接下来的几天中揭开Lucid Gravity的面纱,但我们在Instagram上从throttle house得到了这张图片。你看不到太多,但这就是它。我们还在Lucid论坛上分享了这张图片,可能是Lucid即将推出的卡车的泥塑版本。他们曾提到未来可能推出轿跑和皮卡等车型。我想在这里给他们一些宽容,但在看到这个之后,我确实想知道他们是否真的应该这么急于进军皮卡市场。话虽如此,这些传统电动皮卡真的能在3-4年后仍然存在,还有待观察。
You know what they say about imitation, that it's the most sincere form of flattery. The Cyber Quad for Kids is back on the Tesla shop in the United States for $1900. My immediate question becomes, what's going on with the Cyber Truck for Adults? Orders will begin shipping late November 2023. Don't forget to check out AG1 linked below, grab those freebies if you're interested, thank you in advance. If you do, Starship, Round 2, this Friday, potentially keep an eye out for that. Please like the video if you did, hope you guys have a wonderful day, and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters. Thanks for watching!.
你知道关于模仿的说法吗,那就是它是最真诚的恭维方式。儿童版的Cyber Quad再次在美国的特斯拉商店上架,售价1900美元。我马上想问的是,成人版的Cyber Truck进展如何?订单将于2023年11月底开始发货。别忘了查看下方的AG1链接,如果你感兴趣的话可以获取一些免费物品,提前谢谢。如果你这样做了,请给视频点赞,希望你们有美好的一天,非常感谢所有赞助我的Patreon支持者。感谢观看!