Tesla Employees Speak Out / Tesla Sweden Escalates / More EV Job & Price Cuts ⚡️
发布时间 2023-11-03 21:47:10 来源
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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. So first up today, clearly CyberTruck gearing up for the launch event later this month. And as you saw in that video, previously the front had these two bolts that were sticking out that you would imagine would be covered for the customer version. And now we see this updated, cleaner version and it does look like there are two little inlets down here that would allow you to remove this center panel. For what I'm not sure. Mike from Cyberowners.com did point out we don't see any outlet right now. Some people are saying maybe it's behind this panel. That doesn't seem like a great design choice to have to remove that every time you want to plug something in. We're still about one month away though, so there is indeed time left. I just had to share this one because I thought it was really cool this X account, ND Wood Art actually made this CyberTruck out of wood, which is incredible. He paired these images with a nice heartfelt message to Elon wanting to gift it to him and Tesla and Elon did actually end up seeing it saying sure much appreciated, things he love to see.
欢迎来到Electrified,我是你的主持人Dylan Loomis。首先,今天我们要谈论的是CyberTruck,这款电动车即将在本月晚些时候推出。正如你在视频中看到的那样,之前的前部有两颗露出来的螺栓,你可以想象在客户版中会被覆盖。现在我们看到的是这个更新后的、更干净的版本,看起来下面有两个小进气口,你可以通过它们来拆卸中心面板。关于为什么要拆卸,我不确定。来自Cyberowners.com的Mike指出,我们目前没有看到任何出口。有人说,也许出口就在这个面板的后面。但是每次想插东西时都要拆卸那个面板似乎不是一个很好的设计选择。不过我们还有大约一个月的时间,所以确实还有时间进行调整。我之所以要分享这个消息,是因为我觉得这个X账号,名为ND Wood Art,实际上用木头做了这个CyberTruck,这太了不起了。他把这些图片和一条感人的留言配在一起,想送给伊隆和特斯拉。伊隆实际上看到了,并且说非常感激,他喜欢看到这样的东西。
It sounds like starting next week, November 6th, Tesla will begin selecting winners for the CyberTruck delivery event lottery. To all of you guys that entered, best of luck. In case you missed Sean Fane's comments on Tesla, he said we can be anybody. It's going to come down to the people that work for him, meaning Elon, deciding if they want their fair share, or if they want Elon to fly himself to outer space at their expense. I believe it's doable, it being unionizing Tesla in the future. Fane said the UAW failed at unionizing Tesla before because there was corruption which we talked about at length, coziness with the bosses and bad contracts. Fane said hopefully we get down there, we organize them, Tesla and they become UAW members, and they can realize the full power of membership and get an even better contract.
Separately from auto news, Sean Fane said there could be a nasty fight ahead to organize workers at Ford's jointly owned EV battery plants. Stellantis and GM agreeing to these terms in effect buys them labor peace as we move forward, but at Ford in contrast, that could get ugly. Because the automakers set up joint ventures with their battery partners, those plants are supposed to be separate entities, not under the master contract that the UAW has with the Big 3. But there's some sort of hybrid deal in these tentative contracts that GM and Stellantis have agreed to. GM and Stellantis employees can be leased to these joint ventures while remaining employed by the Big 3, that way they don't take a pay cut in the future and they also agreed to making it quicker and easier for new workers at those joint ventures to unionize in the future. Then if they do at that time, they would be covered under the existing master agreement. So for now, it sounds like Ford is holding the line when it comes to its battery joint venture trying to keep that out of the UAW crossfire. But given that GM and Stellantis have already conceded on that front, it may be a tough road ahead for Ford.
Fane also said he's confident the UAW will have organized workers at all of the Detroit 3 joint battery ventures. By the time they reach the table again in 2028. Ford's holdout here on the battery front really doesn't surprise me at all given they're one of the only legacy companies to break out its separate EV financials. They clearly know what it's going to take to make EVs profitably, they're not anywhere near making that happen, and the UAW roping that joint venture into the master contract obviously is not going to help the matter.
However, when it comes to Tesla, this posturing by Sean Fane has already been met with some backlash. From business insider, workers at Tesla told insider they'd be hard pressed to join a union.
Nine Tesla workers told insider the strike was far from a topic of conversation at Tesla and few factory workers were even aware of the UAW's initial demands. So yes, on the surface it's good to hear, but the truth is most likely Tesla employees if they're smart, this isn't something you're going to discuss at the factory on the floor if you're going to discuss it at all.
Despite pay differences right now, seven Tesla workers told insider they would not want to work in a unionized factory and predicted the UAW would struggle to find footing at Tesla. One worker said Tesla still very much has a startup culture and that's a lot different than a union culture. I think people join Tesla because they want to work hard, they want to push themselves, they want to find ways to stand out by going above and beyond and that's difficult to do in a union.
Three workers said Tesla already probably knows how to weed out pro union employees. That kind of person probably would not even make it through the interview process according to a Tesla engineer. Other workers told insider they would not jump ship even for a better pay package at a unionized company. People are proud of what they do here, they believe in the mission of the company.
My sub 5% prediction from yesterday may have just ticked down to 3%. Giga Austin may be in line to feature the world's biggest rooftop solar array. That would of course be whenever it's complete, they finished phase one so right now they can pull roughly 10 megawatts but when it's done it'll be up to 30 megawatts.
昨天我对Giga Austin未来的太阳能预测可能从5%降低到了3%。Giga Austin有望成为全球最大屋顶太阳能电池阵列的地点。当然,这将在完成后才能实现。目前他们已完成了第一阶段,可以提供大约10兆瓦的电力,而完成后则会提升至30兆瓦。
For rough context, a 10 megawatt solar farm can power around 2000 homes for one day. When complete, Giga Austin will have 70,000 rooftop solar panels. Tesla is the first American battery manufacturing at scale, happening at Gigatexis and it's the first American cathode manufacturing which is the most expensive part of the battery, it's all happening at Gigatexis according to Rohan Patel.
下面是一个简单的背景信息,一座10兆瓦的太阳能发电场可以为大约2000户家庭提供一天的电力供应。完成后,Giga Austin将安装7万块屋顶太阳能电池板。特斯拉是美国首家进行大规模电池制造的公司,这一进展发生在吉加特克西斯,同时它也是美国第一家进行最昂贵的电池正极材料制造的公司,这一切都在吉加特克西斯实现,罗汉·帕特尔表示。
Now if you're like me and you're wondering well what about Giga Nevada, if you go back to 2017, Tesla said they were going to have a 70 megawatt rooftop solar array at Gigafactory 1. But fast forward a few years and then we got an update that Tesla had changed its goal of 70 megawatts and dropped it down to 24 megawatts instead.
现在,如果你和我一样,想知道Giga Nevada怎么了,如果我们回顾到2017年,特斯拉曾表示他们会在Gigafactory 1建设一个70兆瓦的屋顶太阳能电池阵列。但是过了几年,我们获悉特斯拉更新了目标,将70兆瓦的规模减少到了24兆瓦。
At the time though, Tesla said even with 24 megawatts it was still going to be the largest rooftop solar array in the world. So as far as I can tell, the latest public goal for Giga Nevada is 24 megawatts of solar on the roof and Gigatexis set to be at 30 when it's done, the biggest in the world.
当时,特斯拉表示即使只有24兆瓦,它仍将成为世界上最大的屋顶太阳能阵列。据我所知,Giga Nevada目前的公开目标是屋顶上安装24兆瓦的太阳能电池板,而Gigatexis将在完成时达到30兆瓦,成为世界上最大的太阳能阵列。
Clearly this is not just for headlines and yes there will be larger upfront costs for Tesla installing these systems but of course over time whatever the payback period ROI ultimately is, there will come a time when this becomes financially beneficial for Tesla harnessing free energy from the sun.
This one goes in line with what we talked about yesterday, Tesla working on the world's largest virtual power plant in Puerto Rico. Well, at the same time we have the Department of Energy announcing $440 million in grants to install rooftop solar and batteries in Puerto Rico.
I just found this one kind of ironic and when you think about it slightly disappointing because what our government is essentially trying to do, Tesla is out here doing on their own without one word of approval from our government. Either way though, it looks like this $400 million will be given to Generac, Sonova and Sunrun for projects in Puerto Rico.
It has to be squeaky, squeaky, clean. Look, but we can read about every death where a person wasn't in control and in graphic detail. Yeah. And then those manufacturers would be liable. Right. So that's a whole other question that the policy world hasn't caught up with. Remember the division of labor that we have in this country is that we the federal government regulate the car and the state, the B.M.V. regulates the driver.
Our system does not contemplate things like liability if the car is the driver and that's part of what we need to work on in the policy. How does insurance catch up with that? There's a million. Yeah, but the other end of the pot of gold so to speak at the end of this journey is that we could have a radically safer country because frankly the track record of human drivers is murderous. Right.
Pretty encouraging to hear the transportation secretary still speak of the importance of autonomy despite all of the regulatory hurdles that lie ahead and everything that's taken place with Cruz over the past few weeks. I think he very easily could have come out and publicly pump the brakes on autonomy a little bit saying we need more oversight, more regulation so that what happened with Cruz does not happen again.
But by this clip, his eyes are still fixed on the prize exactly what we need to anybody out there that maybe mistakenly thought gig in Mexico was totally put on hold for now.
We do have some Tesla suppliers actually getting ready for the launch of gig in Mexico, not only Tesla suppliers, but other industry companies are planning to set up shop in Nuevo Leone as Tesla does what it does attracts other business development.
实际上,我们确实有一些特斯拉供应商正为在墨西哥启动超级工厂做准备。不仅特斯拉供应商,其他行业公司也计划在Nuevo León设立业务,因为特斯拉的行动吸引了其他商业发展。
When it comes to Tesla suppliers, we have a shock absorption company investing $700 million and JL Mag Rare Earth Company investing $500 million in the region. Both of these companies expected to begin construction of their facilities next year.
说到特斯拉的供应商,我们有一家用于减震的公司投资了7亿美元,另外还有一家名为JL Mag的稀土公司在当地投资了5亿美元。这两家公司都预计于明年开始建设他们的设施。
In case you forgot, at the end of October, Gig in Mexico did get all of the federal and regional permits that it needs to be able to build Gig in Mexico.
如果你忘了,十月底,Gig in Mexico已经获得了建设Gig in Mexico所需的所有联邦和地区许可证。
This one's pretty cool, something I think Tesla should do, but we have the EPA launching an EV video challenge. Not huge prizes, but first place is 3000, second is 1000, third place $500. They're asking for 1-2 minute video submissions that showcase positive aspects of electric transport.
Pause if you'd like, but here is their methodology for how they plan to score and rank all of these submissions. The EPA said they will take submissions until January 23rd, 2024. The winners will be announced early 2024, so good to see the EPA looking for creative ways to push forward the narrative of EVs being the superior option.
This morning, Elon said at Gig in Berlin today to congratulate the team on their excellent progress. The factory looks amazing. We're going to cover all the concrete with art. Further, according to Gig in Berlin news on X, they said Elon announced today during his visit that the 25,000 euro or dollar next gen Tesla will be built at Gig in Berlin.
今天上午,埃隆在柏林的Gig(Gigafactory)上表达了对团队在进展上的出色工作的祝贺。这家工厂看起来令人惊叹。我们将为所有的混凝土上面覆盖艺术。此外,根据X网站上Gig in Berlin的消息,他们表示埃隆在今天的访问中宣布,将在柏林的Gigafactory建造将售价25,000欧元或美元的下一代特斯拉汽车。
This little anecdote of course will make any Gig in Berlin factory expansion talk a little bit more exciting. We've just been speculating in terms of what future vehicles they may make in addition to the Model Y. Now we have some insight.
这则小故事当然会让柏林工厂扩建的任何演讲更加令人兴奋。我们一直在猜测他们除了Model Y之外可能会制造哪些未来车型。现在我们有了一些眉目。
So at least in terms of what we've had publicly confirmed, we have Gig Austin, Gig in Berlin and Gig in Mexico set to build the next gen platform. With Tesla always looking to localize production and these smaller vehicles selling very well in many European locations, this move definitely makes a lot of sense.
Elon also posted on X, Gig in Berlin, the jewel of Germany. Tesla Europe posted the Model Y now starts at 44.9 thousand euros in the Netherlands, making it eligible for the 2950 euro S.E.P. incentive.
埃隆还在X上发布了一条消息,柏林盛事,德国的瑰宝。特斯拉欧洲发布了在荷兰市场,Model Y的起价为44.9万欧元,从而符合享受2950欧元的S.E.P.激励政策的资格。
Today we have more news trickling in confirming the brutality of the EV competition right now, especially in the Chinese market. BYD is temporarily cutting domestic prices on certain models by as much as 10% all month amid growing competition in the key market category.
This does include the popular BYD song. BYD said it's offering the discount to commemorate the sale of the million the vehicle under its ocean series. I would add though, there are many ways you can commemorate a milestone that do not include major discounts to your vehicle lineup. Although if that really is the only reason then hats off to them, that's a nice gesture. Julie seems to be doing the same thing with a ZEAKER 001 discounted 10% until the end of December. We also have NIO with job cuts and deferring and cutting some investment as it contends with widening losses in rising competition.
这确实包括了广受欢迎的比亚迪(BYD)的歌曲。比亚迪表示,他们提供折扣是为了纪念其旗下“海洋系列”车辆销售突破百万辆。不过,要注意的是,有很多方式可以庆祝里程碑,而不一定需要给车辆系列提供大幅折扣。尽管如此,如果这确实是唯一的原因,那么对他们来说,这是一个不错的姿态。朱莉似乎也在通过对 ZEAKER 001 进行 10% 的折扣来做同样的事情,直到十二月底。与此同时,蔚来汽车面临日益激烈的竞争和不断扩大的亏损,他们不得不进行裁员,并推迟和削减一些投资。
NIO CEO William Lee said they plan to cut about 10% of their positions. He said the company will also defer or cut project investment that won't benefit financial performance in the next three years. He apologized for the job cuts saying it's a tough but necessary decision against the fierce competition. We still have a gap between our overall performance and expectations. He said the next two years will witness the most intense competition during the transformation of the auto industry in an environment full of uncertainty. NIO had a net loss of $828 million in quarter two of this year and I'm just not sold that their new cell phone is going to be their ticket out of the red.
And it continues. Lucid also offering pretty significant discounts on the air specifically in Canada and the United States offering discounts of up to $13.4,000 in Canada and up to $10,000 in the US. Just like BYD though, they said these discounts are only valid until November 30th this year.
Lucid is set to report its Q3 financials on November 7th. Personally for all of these companies, I'll be very curious to see if they actually raise the prices again after these temporary discounts. Of course, offering a temporary discount is just a way to try to get consumers to go buy the car now and not wait. But the reality is if these companies don't like what they're seeing with demand now and things don't go well over the next 30 or 60 days again, are they really going to raise prices by $10,000?
We'll see. Monroe released a video on its first Model X battery pack teardown. Just want to play two quick clips. This is a 100 kilowatt hour version of this pack. There are 16 modules which are comprised of 18650 form factor cylindrical cells. So there are 16 modules total in this pack with the 75 kilowatt hour variant having 14. The two modules stacked on top of one another in this front compartment being absent from that 75 kilowatt hour variant. So they're physically decontenting the pack here in order to accommodate those different capacities. However, in the past they have done software limiting. So they've had common packs and then simply use the software and the vehicle to limit the available range and then you can later purchase an upgrade. They've discontinued that again as was present for this 2020 model year version. However, recently it's been confirmed that they are moving back to that sort of a setup. So we're now going to be seeing common battery packs for both capacities. The standard and extended ranges with a presumably option to purchase a range upgrade if you initially got that lower capacity battery pack.
我们可以等着瞧。Monroe 发布一段解构其首个 Model X 电池组的视频。我只想播放两个简短的片段。这是一个容量为 100 千瓦时的电池组版本。它由 16 个模块组成,每个模块都由 18650 的柱状电池构成。因此,这个电池组总共有 16 个模块,而 75 千瓦时版本则只有 14 个。在这个前部隔间上叠放着的两个模块,在那个 75 千瓦时的版本中是不存在的。因此,他们在此处实际上对电池组进行了降配,以适应不同的容量。然而,过去他们采用了软件限制的方式。他们有共同的电池组,然后通过车辆的软件来限制可用的里程,之后您可以购买升级。然而,他们已经再次取消了这一做法,正如在这个 2020 年版本中所体现的。然而,最近已经确认他们正在回到那种设定方式。所以我们现在将会看到两种容量的共同电池组。标准和增程型电池组,并且如果您最初购买的是容量较低的电池组,还可以选择购买增程选项。
One of the main things with these is that they were an absolute treat to remove from the vehicle. It's everything is done from the underside. So again, lending to that pack swap station, nothing cabin side needs to be affected. So no carpet needs to be removed, no trim, no seats, everything can be done strictly from the underside of the vehicle with a series of fasteners and then also moving some air shields out of the way. However, it's very, very easy to remove this pack from the vehicle. I think by the time we had done three or got to the fourth of this specific type of pack, it took 10 to 15 minutes only to disconnect all the fasteners and remove it with our lift table. So while the pack swapping might not be what that's primarily used for servicing these is certainly going to be a lot easier than a Model Y or even some others like a Lucid or what we'll be talking about in a few weeks here. We've also taken a look at a Porsche Taycan and that had its own set of considerations for the pack removal. So definitely like that aspect of this design.
其中一个主要的优点是从车辆上拆下它们非常容易。一切都是从底部完成的。所以,再次强调,这种更换电池站不需要对车厢进行任何影响。因此,不需要拆除地毯、装饰条、座椅,一切都可以在车辆的底部完成,只需使用一系列紧固件,并将一些空气遮挡板移开即可。然而,从车辆上取下这个电池组非常非常容易。我认为,当我们完成了三个或者到了第四个这种具体类型的电池组时,只需要10到15分钟就能拆下所有的紧固件,并用升降台将其拆除。因此,虽然更换电池组可能不是主要用于维修的,但与Model Y或其他一些车型(如Lucid或者我们将在几周后讨论的车型)相比,维修这个电池组肯定要容易得多。我们还看了一下保时捷Taycan,并对电池组的拆卸做出了自己的考虑。因此,我确实喜欢这种设计的这一方面。
These videos often serve as a good reminder. There are so many little changes at the micro battery pack level that oftentimes we don't even hear about that year to year Tesla continues to make totally in the silence. This was also from Monroe Live. It was two days ago, but in case you missed this video, there was this one slide I think is worth sharing maybe screenshotting real quick just going over some of the improvements when you actually move to gigacasting specifically compared to stamping and welding things you may not always think about floor space utilization 47% better with gigacastings investment cost 8% cheaper with gigacastings and your labor savings approximately 65% with gigacasts back to Tesla and the strike situation this time in Sweden. I'm going to report what I'm reading, but again, it's tough to really confirm what's actually going on because I'm hearing a lot of conflicting reports.
这些视频经常作为一个很好的提醒。在微型电池包层面上,特斯拉每年都在无声中进行诸多微小的改变,但我们往往并没有听说过。这个消息也来自于Monroe Live。两天前发布的,但如果你错过了这个视频,有一个幻灯片我认为值得分享,也许可以快速截图一下,讲述了一些关于转向巨型铸造与冲压焊接的改进,你可能并不总是考虑到的地板空间利用率提高了47%,巨型铸造的投资成本降低了8%,劳动力节约了约65%。另外关于特斯拉和瑞典的罢工情况,我将报告我所阅读到的内容,但很难确认实际情况,因为我听到了很多相互矛盾的报道。
So far we've heard strikes have been taking place at mechanic shops for Tesla in Sweden, but then we've heard that not really that many workers are striking. I've heard none are striking either way. The word is Tesla Motors Sweden and IF Mattall some of the national mediation office on Tuesday and Tesla representatives withdrew from negotiations citing their corporate policy not to sign collective agreements in any country. In response, IF Mattall immediately expanded the strike notice to all repair shops that service Tesla vehicles in Sweden. This would be an additional 470 workers in 16 cities that would be affected by this next phase of the strike set to begin today. Honestly, from everything I'm picking up on this one, it's not even so much about the financial negotiations or demands of the IF Mattall in Sweden. It really might be more of a principal situation here for Elon and Tesla if they sign a collective agreement here, then that's only going to give more ammo to people like the UAW and E-Game at all in Berlin. It's also being reported that since Tesla Sweden is not playing ball so far that there may be some sympathy strikes of other surrounding unions because Sweden is basically 90% unionized that may actually try to help the IF Mattall in Sweden and block Tesla's operations.
到目前为止,我们听说特斯拉在瑞典的汽车修理厂发生了罢工,但实际上参与罢工的工人并不多。我听说没有人参与罢工。据说特斯拉瑞典公司和IF Mattall在周二进行了国家调解办公室的谈判,但特斯拉代表以公司政策不在任何国家签署集体协议为由退出了谈判。作为回应,IF Mattall立即将罢工通知扩大到在瑞典维修特斯拉汽车的所有修理厂。这将会影响到包括16个城市的470名工人,该次罢工将于今天开始。老实说,从我目前掌握的情况来看,这个问题实际上可能与瑞典的IF Mattall的经济谈判或要求无关。对于埃隆和特斯拉而言,这可能更多是一个原则性的问题,如果他们在这里签署了集体协议,那么将给像UAW和E-Game这样的人提供更多攻击弹药,他们可能会用来反对特斯拉。也有报道称,由于特斯拉瑞典公司到目前为止并未合作,可能会引发其他周边工会的同情罢工,因为瑞典基本上有90%的工会组织,他们可能会真正努力帮助IF Mattall,并阻止特斯拉的运营。
Now we have dock workers in Sweden threatening to block deliveries of New Teslas entering the country. This blockade is planned to start November 7th and if it goes ahead, no Teslas will be able to enter Sweden. It's a pretty interesting situation because the workers at these ports clearly do not work for Tesla and they're doing it in solidarity of the workers at Tesla's Swedish shops.
Bloomberg has said that Sweden was Tesla's fifth biggest market in Europe so far this year with 16.3 thousand new vehicles registered in the first nine months. Here you have it though, conflicting reports. Some people are working despite the strike. Tesla has also restarted negotiations with IF Mattall. Talks were held yesterday and are due to take place again on Monday.
根据彭博社的报道,今年前九个月,瑞典成为特斯拉在欧洲的第五大市场,共有16,300辆新车在该国注册。然而,现在出现了一些矛盾的报道。尽管罢工,一些人仍在继续工作。特斯拉也已经与IF Mattall重新开始谈判,昨天进行了谈判,并计划在下周一再次进行。
I'll be honest, I still have more questions than answers but as things unfold here, I'll do my best to figure out what's actually going on. And I know some of you out there watching are in Sweden so if you have the time and any insight and you want to shoot me an email, I'd be happy to hear what you have to say.
For those of you in the EU on the Tesla shop, there is a new Gigabrelin T-shirt for 40 euro in two colors. Elon and his lawyers are still battling with the SEC over this potential securities fraud in his takeover of X. Elon's lawyers accused the SEC of attempting to tarnish Elon with baseless accusations. The latest filing said this is just the latest chapter in a more than five year saga of agency harassment against Elon and related entities. The details may change but the story stays the same. Bad faith investigations conducted by officials acting in clear violation of the constitution. The SEC has proceeded in excess of its authority and contrary to the law and its application should be denied. Just a reminder that the things Elon deals with on a daily basis is quite staggering.
对于在欧盟的特斯拉商店的你们,有一款新的Gigabrelin T恤,售价40欧元,有两种颜色可选。埃隆和他的律师们仍在与美国证监会就他接管X公司可能存在的证券欺诈问题进行斗争。埃隆的律师们指责证监会试图用毫无根据的指控玷污埃隆的名誉。最新文件表示,这只是长达五年多的一系列机构对埃隆及其相关实体进行骚扰的最新篇章。细节可能会有所变化,但故事却没变。官员以恶意调查的方式行事,明显违反宪法。证监会行事超出了其职权范围,并违反了法律,应当被否决。这只是提醒大家,埃隆每天要应对的事情相当令人震惊。
Listen, on this one, I cannot confirm this because where I'm located right now, this is not showing up for me but on Reddit, I found this image of a Kia EV9 Google search resulting in a sponsored Tesla Model Y ad as the first result. So if you have some time, maybe you want to throw in some keywords and see if you see any of Tesla's text based Google ads right now. And a good friend of mine, Peter actually sent me this. If you look at Tesla's ad words, you will see keywords currently for Tesla 292 when it comes to paid search traffic. So Tesla's testing of text based Google ads continues.
嘿,关于这件事,我不能确认,因为我当前所在的位置并没有显示出这个结果。但是在Reddit上,我找到了一张Kia EV9的谷歌搜索结果图,第一个结果是赞助的特斯拉Model Y广告。所以如果你有时间,或许你可以输入一些关键词,看看现在是否能看到特斯拉的文本广告。我的好朋友彼得实际上发给了我这个消息。如果你查看特斯拉的广告词,你会看到目前与特斯拉相关的关键词在付费搜索流量方面有292个。所以特斯拉在对文本广告进行测试。
Hope you guys have a wonderful and a safe weekend. Please like the video. If you did, you can find me on X linked below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.