Giga Mexico Groundbreaking / Legacy Auto's New Challenge / Come On, Cruise ⚡️
发布时间 2023-08-10 21:38:32 来源
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00:00 - DC Port %
00:36 - Slap in the Face
2:17 - EV Inventory Levels
3:22 - Tesla Hiring Insight
4:23 - Cruise
5:50 - Health Update (AG1)
7:03 - HW4 IR
7:32 - Model Y Germany
7:47 - Tesla Saves Life
8:06 - German Milestone
8:24 - Giga Mexico Update
9:18 - Tesla Wins Trademark Lawsuit
9:39 - Illinois EV Incentive
9:53 - NHTSA Special Investigation
10:21 - Ford Explorer EV Delayed
10:32 - BYD Takes Ford Plant
10:48 - Auto Loophole
11:55 - Tesla Lathrop
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*Disclaimer: I was a financial advisor with Edward Jones for a number of years. That said, I am not your financial advisor so please always do your own research and do not base your investment decisions on my videos alone.
#GigaMexico #TeslaNews #EVNews
Welcome to Electrified, it's your host still in Lumis.
So as of quarter one this year, DC fast charging ports accounted for 21.5% of all public charging ports. This is from and as you can see of the now over 140,000 public ports available, still roughly 80% of them are actually level two. The good news though, over the last 14 quarters listed, only one of them had level two chargers growing at a rate faster than DC. But the other 13 had higher quarterly growth rates for the DC fast charging ports.
I do think the big three in UAW negotiations are being blown out of proportion a bit because remember they are negotiations so both sides are going to start as far apart as possible and then work toward the middle. With that said though, these negotiations will have huge implications for the years to come. Prices are saying that the UAW demands could add more than 80 billion dollars to each of the biggest US automakers labor costs over the contracts for a year term. It would increase hourly labor costs to more than $150 per hour at Ford NGM that does include wages and benefits up from the $64 an hour right now. Those calculations are based on the UAW's request for a 46% wage increase, restoring traditional pensions, cola increases and reducing the work week to 32 hours from 40 and increasing retiree benefits. Bear in mind, these labor costs are just averages but the $64 an hour that Ford GM and Stellantis are paying is already higher than 55 per hour at non-US assembly plants in Asia and Europe and they pegged Tesla's average labor costs around 45 to 50 dollars an hour. The thing is Ford GM and Stellantis can't compete with Tesla on costs right now and with their labor costs set to go up most likely, definitely not great for them.
When reviewing a proposal from Stellantis, UAW President Sean Fane called it a slap in the face and on a Facebook livestream threw that Stellantis proposal into the trash bin. Negotiations are going great. I'm pretty thankful right now Tesla does not have to be burdened by these UAW negotiations.
当审查 Stellantis 的提案时,美国联合汽车工人工会主席肖恩·费恩表示,这是在给他们一个耳光,他在Facebook 的直播中将 Stellantis 的提案直接扔进了垃圾桶。目前的谈判进展非常顺利,我现在心里非常感激特斯拉不必被这些 UAW 的谈判所拖累。
There's been a lot of chatter the past few weeks about the EV inventory levels on dealer lots and how there's just no demand for legacy autos EVs. But I do think it's early in that this is a fair counterpoint so we had one analyst say they're trying to balance having enough inventory and demand. There will be points when one is ahead of the other especially for all of these new products where they're still gauging what the market's like. And when it comes to those days of supply numbers, we also have to keep in mind that most of the time in these calculations, there are actually vehicles in transit that aren't even two dealers yet that are being included and artificially inflating some of these days of supply figures. Also bear in mind, there are small discrepancies when calculating days of supply for a month you would just take the ending inventory for that month divided by the number of sales of that vehicle during that month. And then you can either multiply it by the number of selling days or some companies like JD Power just always multiply by 30. My point here is I think it's wise to give this another few months to let things kind of settle down and see where we're at in more of a steady state in the future.
最近几周关于经销商存货中的电动汽车库存水平的议论很多,以及继任车型的需求几乎为零。但我认为目前还为时过早,这是一个公正的反驳观点,因此我们有一位分析师表示他们正在努力平衡存货和需求之间的关系。在这些新产品中,特别是那些仍在评估市场情况的产品中,存货和需求会在某些时候出现背离。而在计算供应天数时,我们还必须记住,在这些计算中通常包括尚未到达经销商的在途车辆,从而人为地夸大了某些供应天数指标。同时,请注意,计算一个月的供应天数时可能会存在一些小的差异,你只需要将该月的末期存货除以该月销售的该车型数量,然后再乘以销售天数,而一些公司如JD Power则始终乘以30。我的观点是,我认为再给这个情况几个月时间让事情逐渐平稳下来,并在未来看看我们处于怎样的稳定状态是明智的。
Tesla Thomas shared a cool post talking about his 10 years of hiring folks for Tesla couple takeaways. One he said the environment at Tesla is simply too fast paced for these employees to just chug along so they're always looking for mission driven employees. I'm just guessing here but I don't think any of the legacy OEMs have that mission component anywhere near like Tesla has it and when it comes to employee production I think that's a big deal. I'm not sure if this policy is in place or not let us know below if you know but he said there was a one year minimum in the job when someone was hired before promotion or an internal move. If you or somebody you may know might interview with Tesla be sure that they know about Tesla what's going on current events browse the website because if you don't you're going to be filtered out there's just so much competition. And this is one thing I've always really liked about Tesla he said he had people without a degree and his team who made it to senior manager because they were curious and had a savage work ethic while others with a master's degree couldn't get to work on time.
Let's drop in and see how things are going for crews. Our first ride with crews went as planned but we then invited a long time driving instructor Eugenia Borges to join us on a second ride. About one minute in our car was at a green line but wouldn't budge. It's a very safe situation for the car to turn and it's just staying here. I'm not sure why.
我们去看看船员的情况吧。我们第一次与船员一起出发的行程按计划进行,但我们随后邀请了长期驾驶教练Eugenia Borges参加我们的第二次行程。大约一分钟后,我们的车子卡在了一个绿色线路上,但就是无法移动。这对车来说是一个非常安全的转弯位置,但它就是停在那里。我不确定为什么会这样。
The car eventually inched forward but kept stopping. We're kind of now riding in between two lanes. Then all of a sudden it hit the gas. Our car drove straight towards the median and just stopped picking up almost two full lanes. This is not good. Crews declined to sit down with us again but in a statement said the car encountered an unexpected construction zone that would have required several lane changes. The better course was for the autonomous vehicle to come to a safe stop rather than proceed.
While other drivers crews right past that closed lane, our car sat parked on a busy street for 20 minutes causing a traffic jam for blocks. To the crews team I would just say this is not a safe stop. And look I know the transition to autonomy is not going to be perfect. We're going to have all kinds of errors and problems. However there's only about 400 crews vehicles right now so think about the frequency of situations like this if they were to ever actually scale their operation. Their solution? They sent us a driver to get behind the wheel.
My latest test showed that the parasite is gone so now I'm just addressing some lingering effects and rebalancing my biome. After two years of being limited physically hopefully in this next chapter I can push myself again and see what I'm capable of. Add out to AG1, the sponsor of this episode for fueling my workouts and recovery as always but it's more than just that. With over 75 vitamins, minerals and probiotics in each serving I get daily foundational nutrition for my brain, gut and immune system. On the gut front it has pre and probiotics with plant based enzymes. It has rhodiola and B vitamins for sustained energy without that coffee crash and it has vitamin C, zinc and functional mushrooms supporting my immune health. Then AG1 has biotin which can support healthy skin, hair and nails. I usually have mine in the first half of the day as I've been trying to limit my caffeine intake. I think it tastes good as is but a fresh squeezed lemon can add a nice zest. If you have the means try it out for a few months and see if you like it, there's only one way to find out. Check out slash electrified links below to get 5 travel packs and a 1 year supply of vitamin D3K24 free. If you do let me know what you think.
Dirty Tesla shared an image saying model 4 hardware internal driver monitor camera has infrared lights. In case you're wondering no this is not at all visible to anybody in the car because infrared is not visible to the naked eye. This will certainly help with low light dark situations obviously at night for driver monitoring or in cabin monitoring maybe people in the back seat. Those images and videos should be much more clear thanks to the infrared lights. Because it feels right coming off the tongue the Model Y remains Germany's best selling electric car now for the first 7 months of the year selling 29.8 thousand units. Second place combined to vehicles the ID 4 and 5 with 22.4 thousand.
脏特斯拉发布了一张图片,显示Model 4硬件的内部驱动器监控摄像头配备了红外光灯。如果你有疑问,这对坐在车里的任何人来说都是完全看不见的,因为红外线对于肉眼来说是不可见的。这无疑将在低光暗情况下有所帮助,尤其是在夜间,用于驾驶员监控或车内监控,也许可以在后座上的人员。由于红外光的存在,这些图像和视频应该会更加清晰。由于Model Y销量稳定增长,今年前7个月一直是德国最畅销的电动汽车,售出2.98万辆。而次席是ID 4和5两款车型,销量合计22.4万辆。
Paul M on Facebook shared some pictures of a crash he was in in his Tesla and he was told if the car had a normal front engine it would have likely crushed him. This has to be one of the worst accidents I've ever seen and yes he's alive. He certainly has some injuries but if he was in any other car he may not be with us today.
A milestone of sorts today for Germany as they have their first megapack installation even though it's just one megapack as far as I can tell. This one will serve as storage for solar and wind energy and it'll be a test platform for various grid applications hopefully the first of many. We get an update on Gigamexico and as this video footage is showing us there's some heavy machinery on location where Gigamexico will be. There hasn't yet been any official announcements you would expect maybe a small ceremony for an actual groundbreaking event maybe we get that in the days or weeks ahead. Clearly they need to get the land cleared before any building structures can go into place but this is the factory that will launch Tesla into the next stratosphere with this more affordable vehicle globally we'll take any news that we can get.
In China Tesla had filed a lawsuit against the company for trademark infringement this company was using Tesla beer and Tesla soda on its products. Fast forward to today Tesla has won this lawsuit the company had to of course stop what they were doing they compensated Tesla roughly $700,000 and they issued a public statement in the newspaper.
Those of you in Illinois there's another round of $4,000 off new EV purchases this next one starts November 1st and will run to January 31st next year applications will be available October 18th just to heads up.
NHTSA has opened a special crash investigation into a model Y accident where the driver was suspected of using ADAS just wanted to pass it along but for context over the last seven years or so NHTSA has opened up over 35 of these special crash investigations it's really just part of their normal operating behavior to study this emerging technology and obviously if there are cases where Tesla's ADAS is at fault we need to find out as soon as possible so Tesla can fix it.
Ford's electric explorer has been delayed by about six months now it's not going to be available until summer 2024 due to global drivetrain safety regulations just a little sign of the times BYD is set to take over a closed Ford factory in Brazil the deal is not official yet but it looks like this will become BYD's most extensive EV operation outside of Asia.
There's a new loophole that some automakers are taking advantage of Volvo and Polestar have their manufacturing facility in the United States in South Carolina where the Polestar 3 and the EX90 are going to be built. Now thanks to this duty drawback program Volvo and Polestar can leverage their exports of the EX90 and Polestar 3 from America to the rest of the world to sidestep some of their duties on vehicles that are imported to the United States from China the program is designed to let businesses claim refunds on import duties and tariffs against exports in the same tariff classification so this will allow Polestar to sidestep those 25% tariffs that would be applied to their EX30 and Polestar 2 which are imported from China but they're going to have to wait because of a software problem that's delayed the start of the EX90 and Polestar 3 production until next year.
一些汽车制造商发现了一个新的漏洞,Volvo和Polestar将他们的制造设施设在美国南卡罗来纳州,他们计划在那里生产Polestar 3和EX90。现在,由于这项退税计划,Volvo和Polestar可以利用他们从美国向世界其他国家出口EX90和Polestar 3的机会规避一部分从中国进口到美国的汽车关税。该计划旨在允许企业根据出口商品与同一税则分类的进口关税和关税来申请退款。这将使Polestar能够规避对从中国进口的EX30和Polestar 2征收的25%的关税,但由于软件问题导致EX90和Polestar 3的生产推迟到明年。
I thought it was worth mentioning because as Tesla China continues to expand its global exports we just saw Canada enter the mix I don't think the US would ever enter that equation but if it does maybe something Tesla can capitalize on too.
Don't forget if you have the means in your interested check out AG1 links below get your freebies if you do let me know what you think hope you guys have a wonderful day please like the video if you did and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters.