Wes Nichols -- March Capital

发布时间 2023-07-12 10:30:00    来源


March Capital was investing in generative AI long before ChatGPT went mainstream.  In today's episode, we talk with Partner Wes Nichols, who has brought his 30 years of analytics and AI experience as an investor and entrepreneur to help March Capital with this area of focus. Wes is an industry authority in predictive analytics, marketing, AI/machine learning, and digital transformation. He authored the Harvard Business Review cover story, Analytics 2.0, on next-generation analytics to drive more predictive decision-making, with a follow-up article underway currently. A two-time entrepreneur, Wes has created high profile analytics software companies.  Most recently, Wes was co-founder and CEO of MarketShare, which had a $450 million exit to Neustar. Prior to that, he was the founder and CEO of Direct Partners, one of the industry’s first data-driven analytics and CRM companies, which was acquired by Omnicom Group. In summary, he's one of the founders who really put LA on the map and set the foundation of LA Tech.   Episode Details: (0:54): Wes’ entrepreneurial background (4:01): Creating one of the first digital marketing companies (8:10): What makes a VC valuable to an entrepreneur (10:15): From angel to full-time investor at March Capital (13:10): Comparing vertical vs horizontal applications of AI (15:33): Positive applications of data and sentiment analysis (17:45): What the military optimizes for (19:38): Joining the LAPD Reserve Police Officer Program (25:45): Why being an entrepreneur helps Wes be a better board member    Follow Wes Nichols: https://twitter.com/wesnichols    Follow Minnie Ingersoll:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/mingersoll/   Follow the LA Venture podcast:  https://twitter.com/TenOne10  https://www.instagram.com/ten.one.ten/   Explore other LA Venture episodes:  https://www.tenoneten.net/podcast

