Why Investors (including YC) Can’t Fix Your Company

发布时间 2022-10-20 07:00:00    来源


Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel on common pitfalls in the advice from different types of investors and why you, the founder, are ultimately responsible for the success of your company. Apply to Y Combinator: https://www.ycombinator.com/apply/



Hey, Dalton, your pre-product market fit. Do you have five year financial projections? You thought it's a great example of that. Financial projections may be a good idea later stage.

Yes. To even ask me if I had financial projections, I was like, what's the financial project?

This is Michael Sibel with Dalton called, well, and today we're going to talk about why investors, including why see, can't fix their company. For some folks it's like telling them that Santa Claus isn't real. They're like, hey, we finally get some time with you. No one wants our product. What should we do? Here's our designs. Can you help me design this so growth takes off?

And I have to tell them the unfortunate news, which is I have no idea. Yes. And I went through this to when I was a founder that I really believed that once I raised from the top investors, they would tell me whatever secrets they were holding out on the world.

What's unfortunate is that there are a lot of investors out there who aren't former founders, right? Who haven't really lived these mistakes themselves. It hasn't been humbled by having a crappy startup like we did that failed a lot like we did. It's easy to sort of like think your hot shit. It's easy to think that your advice can make companies work. That like you are the magician.

And what's interesting is that over the years, a lot of I see founders will kind of start following the advice of these people and they'll make very, very common errors and you can almost track it back to like, oh, I kind of understand the type of person who was giving this advice because I see what you're doing now and like this match is one to one.

So one of the most common types of investors is the investor with the finance background. Someone who's like never run a company, never operate in a company and pure finance. When all you have is a hammer, everything's a nail. And so if what you know is money, the solution is usually involved money. So raising more money, spending more money, throwing money at the problem, right?

Hey, Dalton, your pre-product market fit. Do you have five year financial projections? You thought it's a great example of that. If my future projections may be a good idea later stage, yes. To even ask me if I had financial projections, I was like, what's a financial project?

Like Michael, how many years have you started to learn what a balance sheet and shit was? Long time. Actually, and I resisted it. I resisted it. Our COO Kevin was like, this is important for you to learn. I'm like, you know what's important for us to learn how not to lose money every month before we die? I'm like, and the balance sheet is not really telling us that. It's that we make no money and we spend money. So that's what's the problem is.

And for these folks, I get it, right? You spend time in spreadsheets, especially if you're doing stock market investing or private equity investing, it makes sense that your weapon is money and you move money around. That's your leverage point. That's your point of leverage. What's the downside of internalizing that too much, man? I mean, we see this all the time, which is like scaling negative, you could not take a unit economics or spending a ton of money in advertising with ever, ever worse payback periods or no payback period ever. It's really like getting people to work on things that are not making a product good.

Yeah. I think what Patrick Collison was talking about this when he came to speaking about it recently, where he's like, listen, let me rebound. How many founders treat product as an afterthought? They're basically trying to do financial engineering and the product is like delegated. I think what's also tricky is that like this strategy isn't always wrong. Like for successful companies, there is usually a point where throwing money at it is a good idea. It's just kind of knowing when to give that advice and when not to. It's when you always give that advice is when things get really tricky.

All right, here's the second type that's common in the investing world. The big company, exec. The person who's seen companies at a thousand plus people and have a lot of experience and have done like great work in those companies and now become investors.

Folks with big tech experience are really great at taking a successful product and scaling it further or refining a product. It's just pretty different when you were employee number 100 or 200 at Airbnb or Google or Facebook than employee number five.

As we spoke about in a prior video, our friend and colleague Paul Buhite, number 18 at Google, was like the king of dirty hacks. In a lot of ways, when we would interview former Googlers and he was in the room, he wasn't on, he didn't love some of the instincts of folks. It was the same company that they worked at. But the tactics that they brought to bear when you were employee number 1000 to scale up one of these core products was pretty different than the folks in the first 20 employees.

Generally with these folks, it looks more like scaling a process, it looks more like scaling a hiring. Sometimes taking for granted that getting any users at all is really hard.

I talked to folks a lot about this in the batch man. What failure usually looks like for a lot of our companies is they get zero real customers. Zero. It's not that the failure was they couldn't get a series A. It's that they just like bombed, like complete disaster. And so if you have too much of this mentality of big company PM, it doesn't even occur to you that you can fail that badly.

Yeah. What do you think?

I think it's tricky because all too often this group of folks are giving founders the advice of hiring executives before product market fit. It's like you need to build up the company. It's like marketing doesn't work. We need a marketing executive. The engineering team isn't productive enough. We need a VP of engineering. And more often than not in this pre product market fit phase, the mistake is that there's the wrong person in the company. Not there aren't enough people. The mistake is like you've got an engineer that no one wants to work with or no one's measuring any of the marketing results. It's like those are the mistakes. Not like you don't have a department for it or an executive to run it.

Whereas we go right back to the first one, right? When a company is scaling and growing, post product market fit, like hiring more people is essential. It's like once again, we get this huge economy. Think about the zero to one. Think about the first five employees of Facebook and the first five employees of Instagram before when it was a start before they got acquired. The first five employees of YouTube when it was a start up before got acquired versus the really awesome people post acquisition who had to step in and scale that thing.
我们回到最初的话题,是吗?当公司在产品市场适配后开始扩张和发展时,雇佣更多员工变得至关重要。这就像我们再一次获得了巨大的经济效益。想想从零到一的过程,想想 Facebook 的前五名员工,以及 Instagram 在被收购前的前五名员工。还有 YouTube 在创业初期被收购前的前五名员工与收购后必须介入和扩展业务的真正了不起的人。

Those people are awesome. Hallelujah. They're super valuable. And if they weren't around in the zero to one stage, watch out. You get what I was saying? It's a very different muscle to build. Scaling Instagram post acquisition, if you were on that team, then being getting the first hundred users when you were the founder of Instagram, right? Very. There's a whole lot more, actually, supplying demand. There's so many more people that helped scale Instagram than there are people that found an Instagram. Yep. There's just lots of folks that have lots of experience scaling products. And it's just don't meet as many that did the zero to one.
那些人太棒了,哈利路亚!他们非常有价值。如果没有他们在零到一阶段的帮助,那就麻烦了。你懂我的意思吗?这是需要不同技能的建设过程。如果你在 Instagram 购买后加入了团队,那么在你还是 Instagram 创始人时,获得第一百个用户时的情况就大不相同了。有很多人帮助 Instagram 壮大,他们的经验远比创建者要多。在零到一阶段经历了的人却不是很多。

So the next category is the successful entrepreneur in the non-tech industry. This is really common internationally in new founder ecosystems where the people funding them maybe didn't make their money in tech. What's the common kind of advice given here? Yeah, this one's tricky. Where if someone made all their money investing in real estate or in strip malls or franchise, McDonald's franchise is or something like just something that is not remotely a tech startup, they will often ask for crazy terms that would make sense if they were investing in like a franchise store.

They may ask for more control and they may be really stressed out all the time that you're going to lose their money. And so a lot of the trickiest investors as a nice way to say it, that I've seen the YC founders were like, oh, why did I take their money? It'll just be someone who's totally well-meaning, but they treat this like an investment in a subway franchise and that you're the manager of the subway franchise and they're going to call you and yell at you or something.

Yeah. That you're going to lose their money as opposed to letting you do your tech startup. And that's really just like, these folks are like, you can't be mad at them. They're just taking the principles that they learned to make their money and applying them to a different industry, right? And it's like, totally. In some ways, these are people you can be mad at the least because it's like at least they were successful themselves and they're like taking things that work for them, right? Like, they're not reading this shit on Twitter. But it is tricky because like, I think what we've learned is that industries are just different.

Like, you know, maybe there's some common principles, but like in general software companies look really different than a lot of other companies out there.

So all right, here's the next investor type, the junior investor, the person who just got started looking to make a name for themselves, still early in their career, oftentimes having to really have a win pretty quickly to cement themselves in this career. What's the most common type of advice these people give? Yeah, I think this one is tricky. I think a good mental model was to put yourself in their shoes.

I think when you're a new investor or you're newly hired at your job, you're not in a position of power inside of the place that you work or you're not in position power with your investors because they want to raise money from someone else.

And so to show weakness or to like screw up their first few investments is very bad for their career. And we know lots of people that basically don't last in the industry because their first investments were bad.

Like it's kind of a career suicide to become an investor, not have any other track record and then make some bad investments. Like you're not going to make it. And so basically these folks are very optimistic that it's going to work, that you're going to make it work that you should totally go raise more money because their KPIs, if you raise money and they can mark up their investment, it makes them look good so they can go tell their colleagues or their investors, hey, I invested in this company and it went on to raise more money at a better valuation I invested at.

I'm really sorry. Working. Yeah. And so the thing to understand is that's their KPI. And so when you're interactions with them, they will often just really encourage you to fundraise and to keep doing that a lot and everything's working great and you do a product market fit and you should scale faster. Yeah.

Right? And it's interesting because another example of like they're not trying to hurt your company. Like in many ways. They're great people. They're nice people. Yeah. In many ways they're like amongst the biggest cheerleaders for your company.

It's just that like your company at this stage probably has some really broken shit that has to be dealt with. And so unfortunately it's harder for them to kind of go and spend the time in the dirt with you on that stuff because it's going to kind of break their illusion. And, hey, you know, it's what it is. And it's rough.

Like if your company where it doesn't make sense to raise for a very long amount of time, it may be the right thing that you want to do but may not be great for them. If their whole thing is to prove that they're great investors really fast so that they can keep their jobs.

So the next category investor we see a lot is the influencer slash famous person. What do you, when I think about this kind of person, this is the person that would come to YC Demo Day and everyone would freak out to get them on their cap table. Yeah. They just get, you know, infinite access.
所以我们经常看到的下一个投资者类别是影响力人物/名人。当我想到这种人时,这是那种会来到 YC Demo Day 的人,每个人都会为了将他们放在自己的股本表上而感到惊慌失措的人。是的,他们只是得到了无限的接触机会。

How do you think that they try to help founders who are struggling with their, I think that you really understand distribution if you're an influencer because that's your game is building up your distribution network which you can monetize a bunch of different ways, right? If you have a million, you know, Instagram followers, or a million TikTok followers, you can make money off that and you get it. You're savvy.

And so I think these people are very savvy and realize they can kind of treat startups like other ad deals of being like, give me some stuff and I'll promote you. And so a lot of times these folks will like ask for advisor shares or they'll ask, those ask for things. And again, that's how they got big. They're, you know, they know what they're doing.

And it can be so tempting to do it to think that like celebrities tweeting about your thing is going to fix all your distribution problems. And like maybe in some cases they do, but most of my experience, both personally and with founders in YC, is the founders kind of feel like they got a raw deal on these and that the, the clicks they get from the, from the posts or whatever were not as helpful as they had hoped. That is a nice way to say it.

And you know what's weird about this Dalton is that the, the best, most reputable influencers and famous people in tech world, they don't promise distribution. Like they say, I'll try to help, but like I think the founders set expectations way too high. Like it's the founder once again looking for the silver bullet someone else saw the problem for me. And man, the silver bullets don't exist.

All right, we got two more types here. So two more types. Type one is other founders. So this is becoming a lot more common nowadays, right? Like founders investing in each other's companies. It's, you know, some people have seen success doing this. Others not.

But what's the advice that, you know, most often you're going to get from another founder to help you when they're on your cap table? Usually when you get advice from other founders, it's heavily based on their personal experience. The, but like the downside of that is if they're really, if they really struggled with fundraiser, with fundraising personally, all their advice is going to be them basically telling you don't do what I did. Or if they struggle with distribution, all their advice is going to be all right.

You know, like they're almost like they have a lot of feelings about what happened to them. And this is we were founders too, dude. Like a lot of my advice was heavily based on my personal experience.

And it only, it took years of me working at YC to sort of break out of that trap, which is to not be so autobiographical and the things that I'm telling people, you know, I think this is something that like people don't understand enough is like how much we are learning from the founders that we're working with and how much we are condensing their learnings and delivering it to the next generation of YC founders versus how much we're condensing learnings personally that we got in our own companies.

I think that's like very counterintuitive to most people. The last one is the extremely young investor, right? The just out of college writing a check, sometimes it's persons in college writing a check and kind of trying to build a career in our world.

Given from the, this person often is different from the like junior investor because this person's usually not working at a VC fund or they're big fun like that. They're usually kind of a scout or some kind of in that kind of role. What's the advice they're often given?

Yeah, I mean look, these people are super sweet and they're super exciting, you know, to talk to you. I just think that like the same way that the founder realizes their job is to play the part of a founder and so they like watch movies about how founders are supposed to act and like read books about it and they sort of are being like, am I doing it right? Am I a founder now?

Like, I think you kind of see this from these investors where they just, they read what other investors say and do and they sort of like say and do whatever it is they read. And so like whatever the hot new trend is, whatever people are tweeting about, whatever like latest essay they read, they just sort of like repeat that and see if and hopefully no one notices that that's what's going on.

Which is, which is how people learn in school, right? So it kind of makes sense like it's exactly the same. So you know, one of the interesting things here to kind of wrap up is that we make mistakes like we screw up. There is a YC partner common bad advice kind of mode and you know, we were talking about this before the show and I think you said it right, which is like the kind of lean startup don't hire, don't spend too much money like talk to your users, put a shitty MVP out of the world path is the path that works for everyone in all cases.

I think sometimes we can fall into that trap, but there are many examples that doesn't apply, right? Like, what are your thoughts on where YC partners ourselves we can get tripped up and give bad advice? Yeah, I think that the biggest critique I would have of ourselves is that sometimes it works right out of the gate.

And sometimes you can spend two years building a product in a cave and never talk to a single user and it's perfect and you immediately get product market fit. Sometimes that happens. I think that we just we have we have enough data points that it seems like insane of us to ever recommend that strategy.

It's like, hey, you have cancer, if you go on a water fast, that might fix it. Like maybe. I think that it just feels a bit hard for us to recommend making a strategy to not do those things. But we have enough data points of YC companies, we see companies that can't bootstrap or can't launch an MVP and have to go build something that vacuum for two or three years. Yes. Sometimes it works. Yes.

The best YC partners are very careful with how forcefully we give the YC advice because like the longer you hear the longer you have a kind of running record of the time I told someone to do it like this and the opposite worked. Yep. And so, you know, honestly to. But to me, you know what the lesson is, Michael?

The founders have made it work, believed in themselves and they knew that we couldn't fix it. And they internalized the whole meta point of this video or at least what I'm trying to get across with it, which is like, you know, they took bits and pieces, they took information from the outside world, but they took personal accountability that there are the ones who are going to have to make it work. And they weren't counting on blindly following anyone is being the way. It ain't. Right? No.

And especially in including us. Yeah. I think that the big takeaway here is that. As a founder, it's your job to figure out how to best use these people who are here to help you. All these investors who are here to help you. It's your job how to figure out how to best use them. They all have your interests in mind, but none of us can tell you exactly what to do to win. None of us.

And like, it's funny because at the YC kickoff, the first thing we say is that, you know, we're experts in failure. We know a lot of paths to not take. But if you want us to sit next to you at your desk and tell you everything to do to win to become a blame dollar company, we can't do it. And we actually ask them, we're like, hey, and if you want to leave YC right now, we'll take, we'll give you our shares back. Like we don't want you to come in here with any false pretenses.

Like, this is a hard problem. Most people don't succeed. And like, you're going to be able to deserve 99.9% of the credit if you figured out because you figured it out. All the rest of the people around who helped you, they didn't figure it out.

Dawson, before we close, you know, we've talked about a number of examples of when investors give advice and it kind of pattern matches to where they come from, but might not apply to you at this time. What are some of the pieces of advice that you've gotten from investors that have really made a huge difference?

Like what is, what's been some examples of great investor advice? Because, you know, I think you and I both have these. I think the best investor advice I ever got as a founder is that I was swimming in my head with too many ideas at once and I had too much data and that someone from the outside could look at everything and be like, oh, this is working. They could take, they could take all of this like consternation and like complicated stuff. And like I can think of a couple times in my life when someone was just like, this is working. And they were more of this and they were right and it added a ton of value or conversely, this is bad. You're failing. Yeah. And again, I was full of excuse, like my brain was full of like a thousand different threads going in a different direction, but to have someone synthesize that into something very simple was super helpful, dude. I got great advice like that when I was a founder.

How about you? Number one piece of advice we ever got was from someone who had experienced big companies, guy named Gideon, you. And we had just gotten Justin TV profitable and we were very proud of ourselves. And the first year we really tried to monetize him at $8 million in annual revenue, which I think now would qualify as like a deck of corn or something. And he came to talk to us and he basically said, folks, look, you should be happy. Congratulations, but your company sucks. Maybe don't change stuff. It's all going to die and all the work you put in so far, no one's going to remember what you did. And it was great as like there was no like and so you should do this. It was small. And that's my current status of your company in a nutshell. And it's exactly what we needed to hear. We just like the best investors point out the problem. They don't give you a solution. They just point out the problem and they didn't. We knew it. We knew that was the problem too. It's just when someone says it to you, you're like, oh crap.
你怎么样呢?我们得到的最好的建议来自于一个有大公司经验的人,名叫吉迪恩,就是你。当时我们刚刚让Justin TV盈利了,我们对自己感到非常自豪。我们试图在第一年实现八百万美元的年收入,我现在认为这可能相当于一堆玉米之类的东西。他来找我们谈话,基本上说,朋友们,看,你们应该高兴,祝贺你们,但你们的公司糟透了。也许不要改变什么,一切都会失败,迄今为止你们所做的工作,没有人会记住。这是非常好的,因为没有像这样说:所以你应该这样做。它很微小,而且这就是你们公司目前的状况。这正是我们需要听到的。就像最好的投资者指出问题一样,他们并不给你解决方案。他们只是指出问题,他们没有。我们也知道这是问题,只是当有人对你说时,你就会感觉糟糕。

But isn't that funny? Because again, so many incentives in life are set up to be nice or to tell people that they're great and they should stay great and everything they're doing is great and they're taken over the world. But weirdly again, if I think back to the founder advice like God and say with you, it's actually when people were kind of hard on us. That was actually what was out of control. Yeah.

Well, you know what's crazy? One of the reasons why I think Gideon felt so comfortable giving that advice is that he had no interest in investing in us at all. Yeah. Literally had no interest. And you know, that's a counterintuitive thing, right? Like, wow, it's like really, you can get a lot more honesty out of somebody when they're not financially incentivized to kind of blow smoke up your ass to say nice things. So, alright.