The Tesla and NVIDIA Situation / GM Challenges Tesla Energy / Ford Losing Reservations ⚡️
发布时间 2023-06-28 23:52:37 来源
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00:00 - The Real NACS Benefits
00:52 - Tesla, Nvidia and China
3:34 - Tesla Support for 3P Apps
4:20 - Cox US Auto Sales Data
5:49 - HQ EV Photos
6:01 - Giga Berlin Solar Online
6:58 - GM Takes Aim at Tesla Energy
8:12 - 2023 EV of the Year
8:43 - Lucid's New Focus
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12:03 - Cruise Anecdote
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#Tesla #NVIDIA #Ford
There's currently 13 available out of 14. Here, there's only four, and we know at least two of them are derated, and actually only two of them are working. So that one is in use according to this app. There's no one plugged in here. What are they talking about? Charger number one. Right there. I-70 diner. No one's plugged in. The app says it's limited to 50 kilowatts. Not there. Number two. Available. Whoa. Alyssa. That's the max power you can get here. Oh my God.
So people aren't, automakers are not switching to the Naxport because it's a better connector. That doesn't matter. The connector is not the issue. It's everything behind the connector. That is the issue. Welcome to Electrified. It's your host, Dylan Loomis. Apologies for the later upload today, but Rob said he might not upload today, so I figured I'd push mine back a bit. I want to touch on the possibility of more chip export restrictions, specifically when it comes to Nvidia and China and how Tesla and Dojo may fit into this scenario.
The Commerce Department could move as soon as early next month to stop the shipments of chips made by Nvidia and other chip makers to customers in China and countries of concern. Yes, there were some restrictions put in place last year, but these new ones could ban the sale of 800 chips for companies without a license. And it's that chip that actually replaced the A100, which is what Tesla has been using predominantly to train its neural nets. The administration is also considering restricting leasing of cloud services to Chinese AI companies because that's how they've been skirting some of these export bans on advanced chips.
So just one thing to keep in mind when it comes to Tesla's FSD in China, there have been some reports that the Chinese government would require Tesla to set up its own data centers and supercomputer in China not allowing Tesla to send any of that data back to the United States. So we don't really know exactly how this will play out, but it's just one more reason for Tesla to want to design its own supercomputer to not be so reliant on third parties and all of these political tensions when it comes to the chip space, because if this goes through, might China retaliate in some way, shape or form. You may remember back around 2018, this cycle already played itself out when it came to Tesla's hardware 2.5. At that time, Tesla was using NVIDIA's Drive PX2 compute platform until Tesla said, nope, we're going to take this in-house design it ourselves and that's where we got hardware 3.
就特斯拉在中国的完全自动驾驶(FSD)而言,有报道称中国政府要求特斯拉在中国设立自己的数据中心和超级计算机,不允许特斯拉将任何数据发送回美国。所以我们并不确切知道这将如何发展,但这是特斯拉希望设计自己的超级计算机、不那么依赖第三方并避免所有这些与芯片领域的政治紧张关系的另一个原因,因为如果这一切都实施,中国可能以某种方式对此进行报复。你可能还记得大约在2018年左右,类似的情况已经出现在特斯拉的硬件2.5上。那时,特斯拉使用的是NVIDIA的Drive PX2计算平台,直到特斯拉表示不,我们要自己设计并自主研发,这就是我们得到硬件3的地方。
And this is an older chart, but just to remind everybody, plenty of people doubted Tesla making this move, but once hardware 3 rolled out, the performance per watt was significantly better than the competition and what Tesla was using from NVIDIA at the time. And not only was the performance significantly better, and it was more tailored to what Tesla was doing, but the cost was also reportedly about 20% less than what it was paying to NVIDIA. My point here is AI is going to continually rage on, meaning the chip situation is going to be weaponized politically, so the more Tesla can insulate themselves from that entire situation by taking things in-house the better. It's not just about the performance and the specs of the new hardware and ultimately software.
I also wanted to put this on your radar as something to watch again when it comes to Tesla's FSD in China and then being forced to set up their own supercomputer data centers in China for FSD, how this may impact that with NVIDIA Dojo and that whole story. We have not a Tesla app sharing some screenshots showing us that Tesla is looking to add official support for third party services and apps. Now let's knock it over our skis here, this isn't necessarily talking about the app store that we've been talking about for a while, this is for other things. It's of course very early stages, you can't even add any apps yet, but you could think about apps like TeslaFi that help Tesla owners track their data, this could provide a more secure way with more control, and hopefully some of those third party apps actually have better and more access to Tesla's data so they can continually improve their own offerings. For now though, we just don't know anything when it comes to requirements, things like developer accounts, API fees, but we'll see.
我还想提醒你关注一下特斯拉在中国的全自动驾驶系统(FSD)的情况,他们被迫在中国建立自己的超级计算机数据中心,这可能会对NVIDIA Dojo和整个故事产生影响。我们现在有一些特斯拉应用程序的截图,显示他们正在考虑正式支持第三方服务和应用。现在还处于非常早期阶段,你甚至不能添加任何应用程序,但你可以想象像TeslaFi这样的应用程序,帮助特斯拉车主跟踪他们的数据,这可能提供一种更安全、更可控的方式,并希望一些第三方应用程序能更好地获取特斯拉的数据,以不断改进自己的产品。不过目前我们对需求和开发者账户、API费用等方面的要求一无所知,但我们会继续关注。
We got some new data from Cox Automotive on United States auto sales for the first half of this year, just wanted to point out they have estimated EV sales at 6.5% of overall auto sales.
我们刚刚从Cox Automotive获取了一些关于今年上半年美国汽车销售的新数据,只是想指出他们估计电动车销售占整体汽车销售的6.5%。
And perhaps more importantly for the second half of this year, the trend we are looking for is continuing, looking at the retail EV price trends you can see in quarter two of this year, both new and used EV prices are down from quarter one.
Across quarter two, the average used EV price now 41.6 thousand and the average new EV price 55.4 thousand. So used EV prices down almost two thousand dollars on average from quarter one and new EV prices down about four thousand five hundred dollars, and Cox is still expecting US new EV sales to surpass one million units for the first time this year with 30 new EV launches this year and 50 in 2024.
And along those lines, just a different visualization this time, just looking at the used price of Teslas back in the summer of 2022, averaging almost sixty eight thousand dollars out of control today back down to somewhat normal levels, sitting at just under forty five thousand dollars.
Just keep in mind over the long term, many factors going to play here, one of which is more model three and wise hitting the used Tesla market relative to the number of model S and X that'll of course drive the average price down.
长远来看,请牢记这里有许多因素会起作用,其中之一是Model 3和智慧型对二手特斯拉市场的影响相对于Model S和X的数量,这当然会压低平均价格。
Somebody shared a Google drive link with a bunch of high quality photos from the EV cruise and event where yes, the cyber truck was so I'll have that below if you want to scroll through there's some cool ones in there.
有人通过Google Drive分享了一个链接,里面有许多高质量的电动车巡游和活动照片,其中包括了Cyber Truck。如果你想看一下,我会将链接放在下面,你可以浏览一下,里面有一些很酷的照片。
We have Tesla reporting about the rooftop solar system at Gigabrelin. We've known that's been a part of the plan now. If you watch the drone videos, you will have seen it, but it sounds like as of June 20th, the system has started supplying electricity as can be seen from the register of the network agency.
我们有Tesla mag.de关于Gigabrelin屋顶太阳能系统的报道。我们现在已经知道这是计划的一部分。如果你观看无人机视频,你可能已经看到了,但是据6月20日的网络机构备案显示,该系统已经开始供应电力。
Naturally, we're at a very small scale. They're reporting it's right now about one megawatt gross and the required power for Gigabrelin has been mentioned as 109 megawatts. But to some degree, Tesla is now partly using self generated electricity from the rooftop solar system.
Looking at a recent image of Gigabrelin from Tobias, you can see there's a decent amount of solar already on this portion of the roof. So I'm not sure if that one megawatt is just what's active right now and more installed capacity will be added to the actual live output in the weeks ahead, but that's what we.
It looks like GM is ready to compete a little bit with Tesla Energy with its own Altium Home products. GM Energy just announced its first batch of energy management products that will be available under the Altium Home.
通用汽车似乎准备与特斯拉能源展开一场小规模竞争,推出自己的Altium Home产品。通用能源刚刚宣布了首批以Altium Home品牌推出的能源管理产品。
Two are designed to take advantage of the bi directional charging capabilities of some GM EVs and the third product does not require any electric GM vehicle at all.
For users looking to take advantage of vehicle to home, there will be two Altium Home kits, the vehicle to home bundle and the energy system bundle, the home energy storage bundle is for anyone looking to add stationary batteries without needing an EV. It sounds like their power bank, their version of the power wall will be available in either 10.6 or 17.7 kilowatt hour sizes. For comparison, the Tesla power ball is 13.5 kilowatt hours.
对于希望利用汽车到家功能的用户,将推出两种Altium Home套件,分别是汽车到家捆绑套件和能源系统捆绑套件。家庭能源储存套件适用于任何希望增加固定电池的人,无需拥有电动汽车。听起来,他们的电池组,也就是他们版本的Powerwall,将提供10.6或17.7千瓦时的规格。作为对比,特斯拉的Powerwall为13.5千瓦时。
And all of these new Altium Home offerings will connect to GM's energy cloud. At least so far with this announcement, there has been no mention of the ability to sell energy back to the utilities, nothing about net energy metering.
所有这些新的Altium Home产品都将与通用汽车的能源云连接。至少在这个公告中,还没有提到能够将能源卖给公共事业公司的能力,也没有提到净能量计量。
GM has said pricing and release timelines of each of the new Altium Home product bundles will vary.
GM表示,新的Altium Home产品捆绑包的定价和发布时间将各不相同。
Car and driver just announced their EV of the year for 2023 and this time around it's the Hyundai IONIQ 6. You may recall last year the winner was their sibling, the Hyundai IONIQ 5.
《汽车与驾驶员》杂志刚刚宣布他们评选出的2023年年度电动车,《现代IONIQ 6》荣获该奖项。你可能还记得去年的获奖者是它的亲兄弟,《现代IONIQ 5》。
Of course, the aesthetics of this vehicle are polarizing, that's always going to be subjective, but when it comes to the price, the range, the efficiency, the speed, the features and all of that, it's a very solid offering. So good for Hyundai and the IONIQ 6. If you'd like to dive into the numbers in the detail yourself, I'll link this below.
当然,这辆车的美学是分裂的,这总是主观的,但是当涉及到价格、续航里程、效率、速度、功能等方面时,它是一个非常牢固的选择。所以对于现代和IONIQ 6来说是不错的。如果你想自己深入了解详细的数据,我会在下面提供链接。
True story. Yesterday's video, I recorded a little rant about Lucid and hoping that their future is not going to be relegated to just an automotive parts supplier. I cut it out because the video was a little long, but here we are today.
And today we hear Lucid will pursue more deals to sell its EV equipment to grow its technology supply business. Naturally, they're going to focus on the high end of the market, high performance, high voltage and this business licensing out parts should grow as the company moves to more mass market models down the line.
And when asked about a $25,000 car from Lucid, Rawlinson said, I'm not sure if we want to be in that business, but licensing our tech to a company that could do that makes more sense.
I would love Lucid to survive as an automotive car manufacturer, but we can't forget that the Saudi PIF is actually the second largest shareholder in Aston Martin and of course a big one in Lucid. So could this be a short term pump of each of the companies? I guess time will tell.
From the Guardian, over in the UK and Ireland, some electric vehicle ads from Hyundai and Toyota have been banned for false advertising. The advertising standards authority has said those two companies have been exaggerating the speed which electric cars can be charged and misleading consumers about the availability of rapid charge points. Both companies admitted the metrics that they shared when it came to charging speeds were in perfect factory conditions which of course essentially never happens in the real world. And this right here is just not a line you want to hear as a consumer. Apparently, the ASA said both Toyota and Hyundai said it was essential that they be allowed to promote EV potential charge times to consumers to address the obstacles to consumer adoption. Basically saying it's okay to mislead consumers because we already have so many obstacles to get these people to buy an EV.
We have some industry people saying that there are large swaths of people with F-150 lightning reservations that are now canceling because the prices are too high. We have one internet sales manager in Kansas saying what we're seeing is that we're having a lot of customers just canceling their reservation. About 40 reservation holders have canceled out of about 135 reservations which is roughly 30%. Honestly, it was definitely a bait and switch from Ford. You may remember when this vehicle dropped it was announced at $40,000 for a starting price fast forward to today and the entry model is $60,000, $20,000 higher than these people were expecting. Adding now to the problems for Ford, these price hikes now mean that about half of the F-150 lineup no longer qualifies for the $7,500 tax credit because pickups have to be under $80,000. And on the lower side in that range, the $60,000 pro trim is completely sold out for 2023. Basically what we have here is Ford prioritizing the higher price trims for obvious reasons, higher margins, but the consumers want the lower price trims and they're just not available in volume. Now in fairness, most of the customers I've seen that end up with an F-150 Lightning enjoyed the vehicle, it's just getting the vehicle into the hands of more customers is a bit of a challenge right now.
我们有一些行业人士表示,由于价格过高,许多F-150闪电预订的人现在正在取消预订。我们在堪萨斯州有一位网络销售经理表示,我们看到许多客户只是取消了他们的预订。大约有40个预订持有人取消了他们的预订,而总计约有135个预订,大约占总数的30%。老实说,这绝对是福特的欺诈行为。你可能还记得当这款车发布时,它的起始价格为40,000美元,现在起始款的价格已经上升到60,000美元,比这些人预期的价格高了20,000美元。现在加上这些价格上涨,福特面临的问题增加了,因为现在有大约一半的F-150车型不再符合7500美元的税收优惠,因为皮卡车的价格必须低于80,000美元。而在这个价格范围内,60,000美元的专业款型已经在2023年全部售罄。基本上,福特在明显的原因下优先考虑了价格更高的车型,这样可以获得更高的利润,但消费者却想要价格更低的车型,而这些低价车型却无法以大量供应。公平地说,在我看到的大多数购买F-150 Lightning的客户中,他们都喜欢这款车,只是目前让更多的客户能拥有这款车有点困难。
Checking in on the leaders in the EV and autonomous space, Mary Barr, GM, and Cruz, we have Ryan from the kilowatts saying he had his worst experience in the back of a cruise. If it was his first ride, he would never use them again.
Apparently this Elon Zuck thing is still a thing, we have Elon doing some training with Flex Friedman and Lex said he was extremely impressed with Elon's strength, power, and skill on the feet and on the ground. Let me know below how many of you want to see this, how many of you do not want to see this. You can find me on Twitter at Dylan Loomis22. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.
显然,这个埃隆·扎克的事情仍然存在,我们看到埃隆正在与弗莱克斯·弗里德曼进行一些训练,莱克斯表示他对埃隆在站立和地面上的力量、能力和技巧非常印象深刻。请在下方告诉我有多少人希望看到这个,有多少人不希望看到。你可以在Twitter上找到我,我的名字是Dylan Loomis22。希望你们有一个美好的一天。如果你喜欢这个视频,请点赞,再次感谢我所有的Patreon支持者。