Elon Making Moves in China / TSLA Stock Update / Impact of Ford & Tesla Deal ⚡️

发布时间 2023-05-30 21:23:27    来源


Check out Vessi's Memorial Day sale and Vessi styles at https://www.vessi.com/electrified. If you missed the sale, use code ELECTRIFIED for 15% off your order. Free shipping for CA, US, AU, JP, TW, KR, SGP. 🧡 A massive thank you to my Patrons: https://www.patreon.com/Electrified 👍🏻 Leaving a like/comment and subscribing are great ways to support the channel for free. 💰 Get discounts and/or freebies using these affiliate links: 🔹Athletic Greens (AG1): athleticgreens.com/electrified 🔹Surfshark (VPN): surfshark.deals/electrified 🔹Ekster (Smart Wallets & More): shop.ekster.com/electrified 🔹Vessi (100% Waterproof Shoes): vessi.com/electrified 🔹SPAN (Smart Home Panel): https://www.span.io/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=theelectrifiedfuture 🎥 Executive Producer: Halter Ferguson Financial WARNING: I will never message you in the comment section asking you to message me via WhatsApp - these are scam bots that I'm doing my best to continually block. I'm using Twitter now 😄: https://twitter.com/DillonLoomis22 --------------------------------------------------------------- Farley interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd23850h9zc&ab_channel=CNBCTelevision Tesla gallery: https://www.tesla.com/tesla-gallery Colorado bill: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/2023a_1272_signed.pdf --------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Ford and Tesla Thoughts 2:20 - Tesla SuC in Canada 3:07 - Tesla Family Day 3:22 - FSD Beta 11.4.2 and Deep Rain 4:27 - Tesla China Weekly Insured 5:00 - Vessi (Sponsor) 6:27 - Berlin Train Station 6:53 - Software 2023.20 Hints 7:16 - Elon Making Moves 9:50 - Model Y Best Selling Car Q1 10:07 - Thai Flagship Store 10:32 - Colorado Bill (EV Credit) 10:58 - Canadians: Heads Up 11:19 - Tesla Job Postings 11:58 - NHTSA Closes Investigation 13:00 - Roadster Bidding Extended 13:12 - Lordstown Endurance EPA Figures 13:36 - TSLA Stock Update --------------------------------------------------------------- Some links may be affiliate links - you pay the same price, I get some credit. Great way to support creators you value 👊🏻 *Disclaimer: I was a financial advisor with Edward Jones for a number of years. That said, I am not your financial advisor so please always do your own research and do not base your investment decisions on my videos alone. #TeslaStockUpdate #FordandTesla #TSLAStock



And what do you think long-term the likelihood is that GM and others will follow suit and that effectively the Tesla Superchargers will become the standard? I think there's a chance. The CCS is a great standard but it was pretty much done by kind of a committee and I think GM and others are going to have a big choice to make. Do they want to have fast charging for a lot of customers or do they want to stick to their standard and have less charging? So I don't know but I think you know we're number two last year they were number one. I think there's going to be a tough choice for those companies.

Welcome to Electrified. It's your host Dylan Lumis. Real quick to everyone who was remembering a loved one yesterday and every day. I'm sure you've heard about the Tesla and Ford partnership all weekend but I just wanted to share a few quick thoughts. One, let's not forget every time a Ford customer in the future will pull up to a Tesla Supercharger. They're probably going to wonder well if Ford is using Tesla's charging standard what else might Tesla be doing better than Ford? Second, based on that Twitter space conversation it sounds like Tesla and Ford will partner together on other things in the future maybe some software related things. So does this make Ford more likely to potentially license FSD in the future? I think it's definitely a possibility. Third, in terms of the actual benefit to Tesla of course there are the obvious ones like Tesla maybe charging a little higher of a rate but whatever the benefits to Tesla really are given that they're still negotiating with other OEMs, Tesla will absolutely need to keep this aspect private. And fourth, let's not forget about the billions of dollars in charging incentives up for grabs. Previously some of that funding was limited to companies installing chargers with a CCS port but if Tesla's Nax connector actually becomes the standard maybe that wording is changed and Tesla could actually receive some of those subsidies for installing their own Nax connector not having to add the CCS adapters like they do right now.
欢迎收听Electrified。我是主持人Dylan Lumis。首先,让我们向记忆中的亲人致敬,不仅是昨天,而是每一天。我相信你已经听说了特斯拉和福特的合作伙伴关系,但我想分享几个快速的想法。首先,让我们不要忘记,未来每次福特的客户驶向特斯拉超级充电站时,他们可能会想,如果福特使用特斯拉的充电标准,特斯拉究竟比福特更擅长哪些方面?其次,根据Twitter Space的对话,听起来特斯拉和福特将来可能会合作其他一些软件方面的东西。这会使福特更有可能在未来授权FSD吗?我认为这绝对是有可能的。第三,就特斯拉实际获益而言,当然有明显的好处,比如说特斯拉可能会收取稍高一些的费用,但无论特斯拉真正获得了哪些好处,考虑到他们仍在与其他原始设备制造商在谈判,特斯拉必须绝对保密此方面的内容。第四,我们不要忘记数十亿美元的充电刺激和补贴。先前,一些资金仅限于安装具有CCS端口的充电器的公司,但如果特斯拉的Nax连接器实际成为标准,也许这些措辞将会变化,特斯拉实际上可以因为安装自己的Nax连接器而获得一些这些补贴,而不必像现在一样添加CCS适配器。

And no worries I'm sure we'll touch on this topic many times in the weeks ahead but for now this is a huge step in Tesla solidifying their place as the leader in the EV transition. In case you've missed it Canada has been in the midst of a major push for much wider EV charging and they're building a coast to coast network of charging stations. As part of this effort Tesla will open a portion of its existing supercharger network to non Tesla EVs and by the end of 2025 750 charging connectors in public locations will be made available to non Tesla drivers 350 of which will be 250 kilowatt superchargers version 3. Here's a website I'd bet a few of you will want to bookmark it's the new Tesla gallery they just uploaded a bunch of new high definition images for all of their different products so this of course will be linked below. I'll include a few of these images throughout the rest of this video.

We talk a lot about how Tesla does the little things to build its brand into encourage employee retention well here's another example of that as over the weekend they celebrated with 10,000 plus employees and their families at gigabre lens family day. You may have seen a few videos of this but over the weekend Tesla's FSD beta 11.4.2 has rolled out two customer vehicles and to that news Elon said this is the right release to go wide. Those of us that follow Tesla closely most likely know Tesla's deep rain neural net for the auto wiper function has been subpar at best well over the weekend Elon said sorry this is one of the last neural nets to be updated to surround video from single camera single frame on prior versions of autopilot you would not have the option to cancel the auto wiper feature well in 11.4.2 it looks like there's auto wiper version for with the ability to disable that deep rain it looks like there will be improvements for automatic emergency braking for cut in traffic some other stuff and one big one FSD beta suspension interval was reduced from two weeks down to one so once you accumulate enough strikes on FSD beta to be suspended now you only have to wait one week instead of two.
我们经常谈论特斯拉如何从小事做起,将其品牌打造成为鼓励员工留任的公司,这里有另一个例子,在周末他们与10,000多名员工及其家人一起庆祝Gigabre Lens家庭日。你可能已经看过一些相关视频,但在周末,特斯拉的FSD beta 11.4.2推出了两辆客户车,并且在这个消息下,埃隆说这是合适的发布版本。那些密切关注特斯拉的人可能知道,特斯拉用于自动雨刷功能的深度神经网络至少是次优的。在周末,埃隆表示很抱歉,这是最后一个升级为单帧单个摄像头周围视频的神经网络之一,在之前的自动驾驶版本中您将没有取消自动雨刷功能的选项,而在11.4.2版本中,它似乎有一个能够关闭那个深度雨的自动雨刷版本。看起来自动紧急制动和其他一些东西会有所改进,而FSD beta的暂停间隔也从两周缩短为一周,因此一旦累计足够的打击来被暂停,现在只需要等待一周。

We got Tesla's weekly insured data for the week and it came in at 12,800 plugging that data into the table if you wanted to compare it to the same week in quarter one that number was 10,705 thus in quarter one from week one to week eight the total was 57,840 and in quarter two from week one to week eight that number is now 79,863 so domestically in China quarter two is well ahead of where we were at this point in quarter one

Vese the sponsor of today's video enables Ashley and I to do something we love walks outside no matter what our dreary weather here gives us Vese also funds programs to bring clean drinking water to places like india napal zimbabwe and others which is part of why Vese is one of my favorite shoe companies to support not only do they make a hundred percent. waterproof shoes that are lightweight super comfortable stretchy easy to clean and I think stylish but they're doing good as well their shoes are made with dimetex material that's breathable and will keep you cool in the summer and then during the cooler months it can also keep your feet warm science right now these are my go-to's their versatile great for walks road trips running errands and yes I've worked out in these as well straight up the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn the soles are removable if you prefer custom orthotics and they have plenty of different styles and colors they're also really easy to clean and if you don't have the time to do it by hand you can throw some of these right into the wash but the most important thing for me the ease of putting them on and taking them off once again Vese are the best for this category hands down right now Vese is having a memorial day sale so you can get up to 30% off your order at vese.com slash electrified linked below if for some reason you missed that sale you can still get 15% off at checkout using my code electrified thank you in advance

gf4 tesla on twitter shared some new images of the progress being made of the train station at gigaburlin the last time we heard about this it was said that this train station will accommodate around 16,000 people per day mostly tesla employees there was also reporting that this train station would allow for Tesla vehicle freight so tesla could ship its vehicles throughout the country cutting down on emissions from trucking
GF4 Tesla在Twitter上分享了一些新的图片,展示吉卜巴灵火车站的建设进展。最近听到的消息是,这个火车站每天可容纳约16,000人,主要是特斯拉的员工。还有报道称,该火车站将允许特斯拉运输货车,因此特斯拉可以将其车辆运输到全国各地,减少卡车运输带来的排放。

according to not a tesla app we're already getting some hints about the next software version 2023.20 which is currently in testing at least one update coming from that version vehicle owners should be able to track how many miles have been driven since their last tire service and the feature for text size adjustment has now been extended to all languages supported by tesla

writers is saying elon is in china for his visit right now this would be his first visit in three years so far elon has met the chinese foreign minister chin gang and chin sold elon china was committed to improving the business environment for investors including tesla and he used a somewhat confusing metaphor saying we must step on the break in time avoid dangerous driving and be skillful at using the accelerator to promote mutually beneficial cooperation the foreign ministry quoted elon as saying he was willing to expand business in china and is opposed to a decoupling of the us in china economies no surprise but senior chinese officials are saying elon also plans to visit gigashang high

a source has also said that elon has plans to meet with a chairman of catl zang yu kuan and the ambassador was also talking about chinese style modernization common prosperity and creating unprecedented growth potential and market demand he added china's ev market has broad prospects for development and china will continue to open up and create a better market oriented and law based business environment for foreign firms like tesla and while none of the reporting is really saying what these conversations will be about here are my guesses one the actual approval of fsd in china to the expansion of gigashang high one so call it gigashang high two or just an expansion of the existing gigafactory there we learned from wu wu it was essentially a land negotiation that was holding up tesla's expansion so maybe they can iron that out and third with catl i'd imagine they talk about a lot of long term battery production but in the short term maybe they're actually talking about catls m3p battery technology which we've heard a lot about in rumours linked to tesla and i'd bet part of the conversations will be about how tesla is now exporting cars from shanghai to north america proving that elon and tesla are not looking to play geopolitical games they just want to do business

Most importantly, reading between the lines right now all signs point to both Elon and the Chinese government working together positively to continually expand Tesla's operations in China. Given it being the world's leading EV market with plenty of the battery and chip technology and Elon saying that the US and Chinese economies are basically can join twins, this is what we need to hear. And I must say, Elon's looking pretty dapper.

Just in case you somehow missed it, in quarter one of this year, the Model Y was the best-selling car globally, period. Not just EV, of any car, given its price point relative to these other vehicles. Absolutely incredible.
万一你还不知道的话,在今年第一季度,Model Y成为全球最畅销的汽车,无所不包。这不仅仅是电动车,在与其他车型的价格相对比时也是如此。这真是令人难以置信。

Tesla is set to open a tie flagship store as soon as June at a mall in eastern Bangkok. What's cool about this is Tesla will be renovating the site of a former Toyota Motor showroom, and this five-floor facility will include a service center, a parts warehouse, and, of course, charging. This is important because Tesla sees Thailand as a test track for accelerating its expansion in Southeastern Asia.

We won't dive into this because it's only for folks who reside in Colorado, but with the signing of this house bill, all Colorado residents who purchase or lease any EV under eighty thousand dollars can now get a tax credit of up to five thousand dollars, higher than it was before. This, in addition to the federal tax credit. When it comes to tax credit versus rebate and who's eligible and all of that, I'll put the bill below.

Another heads up for Canadians, Tesla is now discounting Model 3 inventory in Canada anywhere from fifteen hundred to two thousand three hundred dollars. And yes, this will just add to the speculation that trial production of the Model 3 Refresh project Thailand may be set to kick off in Shanghai in the coming weeks. This isn't really a surprise as Cybertruck production is around the corner, but if you go to Tesla's job postings and search for Cybertruck and scroll down, you will see plenty of jobs needing filled. Definitely exciting times.
给加拿大人的另一个提醒,特斯拉现在在加拿大对Model 3库存车款进行折扣,折扣价在1500到2300加元之间。这为即将在上海开展的Model 3最新项目试生产增添了猜测和期待。虽然这并不奇怪,因为Cybertruck的生产即将启动,不过如果你去特斯拉的职位招聘页面搜索Cybertruck并翻到底部,你会看到许多需要填补的职位。无疑,现在是令人激动的时代。

How about this job posting for Gigabrelin gamification specialist? Design, develop, and implement gamification strategies that improve engagement, learning outcomes, productivity, and collaboration in the workplace. This person will develop game mechanics, challenges, rewards, and leader boards that engage employees and motivate them to perform at their best. As a highly competitive person like myself, I think this is awesome.
这份 Gigabrelin 游戏化专家的招聘信息怎么样?该岗位负责设计、开发和实施游戏化策略,以提高职场中员工的参与度、学习成果、生产力和协作能力。该职位将制定游戏机制、挑战、奖励和排行榜,吸引员工并激励他们发挥最佳水平。作为像我这样高度竞争的人,我认为这太棒了。

We have NITSA closing at least one investigation, this one for the passenger play gaming situation. You may remember when NITSA opened this investigation, Tesla basically immediately agreed to stop allowing video games to be played on vehicle screens while the cars are in motion. So NITSA concluded by saying they're not seeking a recall, but they did say this investigation produced significant concerns about driver distraction during the time this feature was available because NITSA said apparent driver use of passenger play while not in park and approximately a third of the trips in which the feature was in use demonstrates the importance of affirmative technology-based lockouts instead of administrative controls like labeling or disclaimer screens insinuating that those disclaimer popups are essentially worthless. NITSA also said it's not indicating a finding by NITSA that no safety-related defect exists. It also does not foreclose the agency from taking further action if warranted, but at least for now, case closed.

Just a heads up, the bidding for those three untouched Tesla rosters found in China has been extended until June 2nd, and the word on the street is there are now bids over one million dollars for all three.

Did you guys happen to see this? The official EPA numbers for the Lordstown Endurance pickup truck, which, by the way, has a 109-kilowatt hour battery pack and gets 174 miles of range. And sure, range and efficiency aren't everything when it comes to a pickup, but not great numbers. And there's a reason I haven't really spent time covering this company.
你们看到了吗?Lordstown Endurance皮卡车的官方EPA数据,顺便说一句,它有一个109千瓦小时的电池组,可以行驶174英里的里程。当然,当涉及到皮卡车时,里程和效率并不是一切,但这些数据并不是很好。我没有花时间来报道这家公司的原因就在这里。

We haven't touched on anything technical when it comes to Tesla stock lately because I know a lot of you think it's astrology for stock traders, and that's fair enough. I just wanted to point out if Tesla closes above around $200 per share today, it may close above the 200-day moving average for the first time since really September of last year. And if you go ahead and throw on a volume profile, you can see this red line, which is the point of control, is right around $195. What that's telling us is over the last one year, the timeframe that we're looking at for Tesla stock, most of the trading took place right in this range right here. Yes, I'm a long-term investor, but I like staying dangerous in this short-term stuff. For me, it's just fun and kind of like a game, and I like to pick my entry spots. Point being it may be an interesting couple of weeks.

Don't forget to check out Vessi linked below. Take advantage of the sale. I do not think that you will be disappointed.
别忘了看看下面链接的 Vessi,把握住优惠促销的机会。我相信你不会失望。

You can find me on Twitter. at dillin numis 22 hope you guys have a wonderful day please like the video if you did and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters.