New State EV Credit, TSLA Option Grant, NVDA Skyrockets, Tesla Berlin Event?
发布时间 2023-05-25 01:14:26 来源
➤ Nvidia rockets after earnings beat, strong guidance
➤ DeSantis Twitter space crashes
➤ Tom Zhu awarded TSLA options
➤ New state adds EV credit
➤ More insight on brand ranking
➤ EV mileage comparison published
➤ Giga Berlin sets up for a possible event
Tesla Referral:
#Tesla #TSLA #Investing
Executive producer Jeremy Cooke
Executive producer Troy Cherasaro
Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent
Executive producer Jessie Chimni
Executive producer Michael Pastrone
Executive producer Richard Del Maestro
Executive producer John Beans
Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives
Hey everybody Rob Maurer here and today most of the news items that are important today are following a little bit adjacent to Tesla. We do have some Tesla items that we'll talk about but kind of the big stories right now and video earnings, the DeSantis Twitter space, so we'll touch on those and then get into some of the Tesla related news which should be relatively brief today.
大家好,我是Rob Maurer。今天,大部分重要的新闻都与特斯拉有些关联。我们会谈论一些特斯拉的话题,但是现在最大的新闻是视频收益和DeSantis Twitter空间,所以我们会谈论这些,然后再讨论一些与特斯拉相关的新闻,但是这部分应该会相对简短。
Alright, looking at the stock Tesla in the day to day down 1.5% to close at $182.90, well the NASDAQ was down 6.10% on the day. Tesla recovering a bit after hours up about 1.25% right now of course following Nvidia's earnings which seems to be providing a lift to a number of stocks right now. So just to quickly touch on that Nvidia did beat expectations today but more importantly they gave really strong guidance for Q2.
Analyst expectation for Q2 was for Nvidia to report about $7.2 billion and they actually got it for sales of $11 billion so a little bit higher than 50% above analyst expectation which is resulting in last time I checked about a 25% increase in Nvidia stock after hours. So just kind of goes to show the interest in AI right now and how that is benefiting Nvidia and hopefully down the line we see that also in different ways benefit Tesla as well but just kind of interesting to see what's going on in the markets and sort of the wave there.
I mean we've seen Palantir over the last few days performally well since their earnings report they seem to be jumping significantly after hours today on this this report too so just a lot of interest flowing into that space in the capital markets right now which obviously has some some correlation to Tesla in certain in certain ways.
我是说,在过去几天里,我们看到了 Palantir 良好的表现,因为他们的盈利报告。今天晚上,在这份报告的推动下,Palantir 的股价似乎会大幅上涨,因此目前资本市场中对该行业的兴趣很高,这显然与特斯拉有某些联系。
Kind of the other big thing obviously the DeSantis presidential campaign announcement today that happened on Twitter there were some technical challenges getting that going the first 20 minutes or so they were having consistent crashes with the Twitter space which was originally being hosted on Elon's account they had about 700,000 people they are trying to listen and apparently that combination of listeners with Elon's follower count and trying to I guess distribute that out to potentially those feeds for potential listening did not work well so they switched it over to David Sachs account and there worked a lot better once they made that switch pretty much smooth sailing he had about 300,000 listeners at peak on that space and obviously since then more people listening to the recording so nothing too major there in terms of Tesla news but obviously with something that is such high visibility and closely connected with Elon Musk there's going to be a little bit of runoff there so as Elon said and as we talked about yesterday he does welcome other conversations with other presidential candidates across the political spectrum so hopefully we will see that I would say in general this was a very friendly conversation with DeSantis as probably should be expected since this was an announcement and that's you know something that should be beneficial for Twitter as a platform.
德桑蒂斯总统竞选团队在推特上宣布,出于一些技术挑战,他们最初在伊隆逊的账户上举办的推特空间在前20分钟内持续崩溃,大约有70万人试图倾听,但似乎这些听众加上伊隆逊的追随者数量,再加上试图将其分发到其他潜在听众的帐户上,导致整个过程不顺利。后来他们转移到David Sachs的账户后顺利了很多。最高峰期有约30万听众,之后更多人听了录音。总的来说,这次与德桑蒂斯的对话非常友好,像宣布一样,这应该对Twitter平台有益。同时,伊隆逊欢迎与不同政治观点的其他总统候选人进行对话。虽然这与特斯拉的新闻关系不大,但由于这与伊隆逊密切相关,肯定会有一些涟漪效应。
Alright getting into some of the Tesla stuff meant to cover this to yesterday but there was a new form for that I think came after hours yesterday and this is for Tom Zoo and there's been a little bit of misunderstanding misunderstanding I think on this so this form for is showing the sort of acquisition or granting of what looks like 339,000 shares but I believe this is just the showing the granting of an option for this amount of shares so this is not Tom Zoo exercising these shares rather an option being granted to him which kind of explains why these would be his first shares but if we look at the previous filing from Tom Zoo that we saw I think back in April it shows of course that he does already own 66,000 shares and of course a number of different other options that should vest over time so I think this is just something that is being added to sort of his incentive package as an option that he can earn and vest over time looks like that expires in 2033 so 10 years out from now.
好的,让我们来谈一些特斯拉的事情,之前我们想讲这个,但似乎昨天后班还有一些新的表格,是为Tom Zoo的,可能有一些误解。这个表格显示了似乎是授予了33.9万股的收购或发放,但我认为这只是展示了授予他这个数目股票期权的情况,所以这不是Tom Zoo行使这些股票,而是授予他一个期权,解释了为什么这些是他的第一批股票。但如果我们看到之前Tom Zoo在4月份提交的文件,当然显示他已经拥有了6.6万股,还有一些不同的期权,应该是久期的。所以我想这只是被添加到他的激励方案中作为一个他可以获得和久期股票期权,到期时间似乎是2033年,即十年后。
All right the next news item, Tesla today or Minnesota over the last couple of days has finalized a law that adds a new EV rebate of $2,500 for new EVs they're keeping a similar cap a little bit different structure of $55,000 on that incentive for the state of Minnesota and they're also adding a used vehicle used EV credit for up to $600 on a used vehicle on that cap is at $25,000 unlike the federal EV tax credits there is no income limit on this but it looks like they're capping this sort of pool for EV credits at about $16,000 dollars in total and I'm not sure how long that runs for if that's just going to sort of run until the funding is gone or what the situation is there so couple of quick comments on this if we look back to our sort of vehicle registrations by state that we've looked at for sort of Tesla insurance coverage this isn't Tesla but just from the automotive dealers I believe put this together 1.5% of the market being Minnesota in terms of total vehicle registration so it's obviously not the biggest most impactful state nevertheless it is always nice to see a little bit of benefits added there for EVs.
The other kind of consideration I think to make with this is that as Tesla starts to head down this path for advertising this is something that I think in these states probably could use some additional awareness of we talked about that a little bit with you know the Oregon incentives that were really strong and unfortunately have been put on pause but since this is newly added in Minnesota something that people aren't going to be aware of that you know really highlights how cost effective it is to potentially get an EV in Minnesota right now when you stack this this credit potentially on top of the federal credit which even that people probably don't have great awareness of so good news on Minnesota and hopefully we see you know some some promotion of that in one way shape or form.
Alright next I don't want to spend a lot of time on this because we spent a lot of time on it yesterday but just coming back to the Axios Harris poll on brands one other data point that I wanted to cover today which I had some time to look back at tried to do this yesterday but found the links today. Tesla in 2019 in the survey so obviously we know what kind of unfolded after 2019 2020 obviously a great year for the company and for the stock but Tesla in 2019 in this iteration of the poll had dropped 39 spots in a single year they're rating dropped 75.4 and again that's kind of what we see this year dropping 50 spots dropping to 74.3 really not a material difference in either of those numbers I would say so it kind of shows you know we talked yesterday about the volatility of these rankings and I think this also highlights that volatility but in addition to that just kind of the perhaps poor predictive power of what something like this might signal so again just just kind of highlighting you know this is this is happen before and it is not necessarily forever although sometimes things can feel that way.
下一个话题,我不想在此花费太多时间,因为昨天我们已经在此上花费了很多时间,但是回顾《Axios Harris品牌调查报告》中的另一个数据点,我想今天再谈一下,昨天试图做,但今天才找到链接。在2019年的调查中,特斯拉一年之内下降了39个名次,其评分下降了75.4分。显然,我们知道在2019年之后发生了什么,2020年显然是该公司和股票的伟大年份,但特斯拉在这次调查中的表现却不尽如人意。今年,该公司下降了50个名次,评分降至74.3,两个数字都没有太大的差异。这表明,正如我们昨天所讨论的,这些排名的波动性很大,这也凸显了这种排名可能预测力不足的可能性。因此,我们需要认识到,这种情况以前也发生过,而且不一定是永久的,尽管有时候可能会有这种感觉。
Now the other thing I saw in this going around on Twitter was some some people bringing up Tesla's net promoterscore and you know posting to this article from I'm not sure of them as a source but they have Tesla's NPS score as 97 which would be second best in ranking is that they're covering here so obviously that sounds really good. However if we look at this it looks like the data that they are using clicking through to a couple of other articles from them they say according to most recent estimates Tesla's net promoterscore is 97 click through to that click through that link it takes us here which says that Tesla's NPS score is 97 in 2020 so I don't think we can really use this as any sort of good benchmark for for where Tesla sits at today in terms of that NPS score or use that to sort of combat anything that's happening with the brand and other surveys so just wanted to kind of bring attention to you kind of where that data was coming from as well.
在 Twitter 上,我看到一些人提到特斯拉的网状推荐评分,并发布了一篇来源于consumergayage.com的文章。虽然我不确定该网站是否可靠,但他们给出的特斯拉 NPS(网状推荐评分)为 97,排名第二,听起来很不错。然而,我们可以看到这篇文章的数据来源是他们点击其他几篇文章得出的。根据最新估计,特斯拉的 NPS 为 97,点进链接后看到 2020 年的数据也是 97。因此,我认为我们无法将这个数据作为特斯拉目前 NPS 分数的良好基准,或者用它来对抗其他品牌的调查。我只是想提醒大家这个数据的来源。
And then another survey kind of interesting here this was published by IC cars but also picked up by automotive news today they were looking at basically average mileage driven for EVs and comparing that by model and kind of interestingly they found that that for EVs Tesla vehicles were driven on average they held the top four slots for most mileage per year on average.
然后又有一个调查结果比较有趣,这个调查是由IC汽车发布的,今天Automotive News也转载了这个调查。他们调查了电动汽车的平均里程,并按型号进行了比较,有趣的是发现,对于电动汽车而言,Tesla的车型相对于其他型号平均每年行驶里程最多,他们占据了前四名。
So you can see the three year old EV average here is 9000 all of Tesla's vehicles falling below above that everyone else falling below that they said if they removed Tesla the average would drop down to 6000 miles per year so kind of interesting to see that no surprise that Tesla would take the top spots here obviously with the supercharger network and the range benefits that Tesla has had especially going back a few years now because this is looking at three year old model years I believe in the US although I don't think they specifically say that in their methodology kind of interesting also to see the Porsche Taycan they're at the bottom of the list but in general I wouldn't put a whole lot of weight in this because if we look at the model Y they're saying it's 10,000 miles driven per year but if we look at Tesla's impact report from this year they had the average annual miles driven in the US for a model Y at about 14,000 miles so a pretty big discrepancy between the results of this study the data that they're seeing and what Tesla is saying which obviously should be extremely precise and accurate because of how Tesla is able to collect that data from their vehicle fleet so just bringing that up is kind of a doubt of caution on this not that this is critically important and probably very directionally correct but still a pretty big discrepancy there.
您可以看到,这里的三年平均电动车里程为9000英里,而特斯拉的所有车型都在此之下,其他车型更低。他们说,如果不考虑特斯拉,这个平均值将降至6000英里。有趣的是,特斯拉在这里拿到了最高的排名,这并不意外,因为特斯拉拥有超级充电网络和里程方面的优势,尤其是几年前这个优势更加显著,因为数据考虑的是三年前的车型。不过需要注意的是,保时捷Taycan排在最后,但整体来说,对于这个数据我们不应该过分看重,因为如果我们看一下Model Y的数据,他们说平均每年行驶10000英里,但特斯拉今年的影响报告显示,Model Y在美国的平均每年行驶里程约为14000英里,这两者有很大的差距。尽管该数据在方向上是正确的,但仍需要警惕这种巨大的差别。
And then lastly for today Tobias Land on Twitter posting some photos from his drone adventure out to kick a Berlin today I believe they seem to be setting up for some sort of an event here bringing in a lot of portapodes and some other things which usually you'd bring in for some sort of event where you know the normal facilities aren't covering things so we don't know anything else about that at this point in time but just thought it was interesting to see and maybe keep an eye on if there is going to be some announcement of some sort of event there at Kagerberg Lint so we'll keep our out on that.
今天,Tobias Land 在 Twitter 上发布了一些他使用无人机探险柏林的照片。我相信他们正在为某种活动做准备,他们引进了很多临时设施和其他一些东西,这些东西通常用于一些场合,例如你知道正常设施无法覆盖事物。我们目前还不知道关于这件事情的任何其他信息,但我们认为看到这样的情况很有趣,而且如果在 Kagerberg Lint 有任何活动的公告,我们会密切关注。
All right and that should wrap it up for today then so as always thank you for listening make sure you subscribe and sign up for notifications you can also find me on Twitter at Tesla Podcast and we'll see you tomorrow for the Thursday May 25th episode of Tesla Daily thank you.
好的,今天的节目就到这里了,再次感谢你们的收听,一定要订阅并开启通知,也可以在Twitter上找到我@Tesla Podcast,明天我们会在5月25日星期四的节目中见到你们,谢谢。