This Entrepreneur Is Addressing Parental Stress With Wellness App Expectful | Forbes
发布时间 2021-11-02 14:07:20 来源
Nathalie Walton is CEO and cofounder of Expectful, a wellness app for new and expecting parents. Walton, who joined Expectful in September 2020 as a late-stage cofounder and CEO, wants to expand the app's offerings to support parents through their pregnancy and parenting journeys.
Pregnancy rates plummeted during the pandemic, but stress on young moms soared. After first being a customer and then serving as an advisor, Walton is now transforming her pregnancy-meditation app into a wellness company for new and aspiring mothers. Walton, an alum of Google and Airbnb, offers guides on stress and parenting, plus virtual support groups and remote yoga classes. Subscription revenue could top $2 million in 2021. In January, she raised a $4 million-plus seed round from investors including Harlem Capital and the Sequoia Scout Fund.
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