Everything We Know About China's Mysterious Space Program

发布时间 2021-04-26 19:00:18    来源


The Chinese National Space Administration has been one of the most secretive and competitive space programs around the world. For most of history, China has always been one step behind the space superpowers (US and USSR). But, as the Chinese economy exploded over the past few decades, China has managed to become a leader in the space race. For instance, China just became the first country to soft-land on the far side of the moon and bring back lunar samples to the earth. So, what else is the CNSA working on? Well, China is attempting to build their own international space station since they were banned from the original ISS. Aside from this, China is also aiming to build a lunar base that would help them send humans to the moon in the 2030s. Finally, China is looking to reach mars in the 2040s and 2050s. This video explains the origins of the Chinese National Space Administration and China's future goals in terms of space, the moon, and mars. Socials: https://www.instagram.com/hariharan.jayakumar/ Discord Community: https://discord.gg/SJUNWNt Timestamps: 0:00 - Chinese Space Program 0:24 - Reaching Space 2:45 - Stalling Progress 6:21 - Lunar Missions 7:56 - Space Station Plans 8:50 - Martian Plans Thumbnail Credit: https://bit.ly/3n9Gnpi https://bit.ly/3veO2p4 Resources: https://pastebin.com/jpT8Qk6v

