How The Nazi Rocket Leader Got America To The Moon

发布时间 2021-05-19 19:00:16    来源


The Nazi rocket industry was by far the most advanced in terms of rocket and missile technology. One of the key players in the Nazi rocket effort was Wernher Von Braun. Wernher Von Braun was a native German who loved rocket technology and wanted to use it to eventually send humans to the moon. However, since rocket development was only permitted for use by the military, Von Braun ended up joining the Nazis in their effort to develop leading-edge rockets. One of the most notable rockets of Von Braun was the German V2 rocket. After Germany lost WW2 though, Von Braun would be captured by the Americans and put to work in Operation Paperclip. Operation Paperclip was an American effort that attempted to extract knowledge from 1600 Nazi scientists in order to improve American rocket technology. After the end of this program, the Nazi scientists would be transferred over to the newly founded NASA. Von Braun would end up becoming the flight director of the NASA Marshall space flight center. He was also the chief engineer behind the Saturn I, IB, and V which not only sent humans to the moon multiple times but is also the most powerful rocket in the world to this day. Unfortunately, Von Braun would end up dying because of kidney cancer, but not before receiving a handful of extremely prestigious awards and seeing humans step on the lunar surface. This video explains the life and legacy of rocket scientist Wernher Von Braun and how he went from being a Nazi scientist to leading Apollo 11. Socials: Discord Community: Timestamps: 0:00 - Wernher Von Braun 0:32 - Pre-Nazi 3:27 - Nazi Rocket Scientist 5:50 - Operation Paperclip 7:17 - Apollo Missions 8:33 - Post NASA Thumbnail Credit: Resources:

