Russia's Plan To Ditch The ISS (& Build Their Own)

发布时间 2021-05-24 19:00:00    来源


The International Space Station was a massive project made possible by the conglomeration of the world space powers. Since the creation of the ISS in 1998, hundreds of astronauts from all around the world have stayed on the ISS. However, as the ISS starts to age and deteriorate, Russia is looking to exit the ISS. Russia has been looking to build its own space station for several years at this point, and they feel that it's time to move onto the next step. Meanwhile, NASA is looking to rent out the ISS to private astronauts and tourists and eventually phase out the ISS themselves in the 2030s or 2040s. Russia doesn't want to wait that long though, so they are proposing an exit as early as 2025. It's not clear whether Russia will stick to that deadline, but the plan is to leave the ISS as soon as their own space station is in orbit. The Russian Orbital Service Station or ROSS is not nearly as large as the ISS, but it will utilize polar orbit which will give cosmonauts a much better view of Russia. This video explains the various reasons Roscosmos is looking to leave the ISS and Russia's progress on their own space station. Socials: Discord Community: Timestamps: 0:00 - Russian Space Station 0:26 - Why Russia Is Leaving 3:56 - Exit Plan 5:35 - New Space Station 7:54 - Benefits Of ROSS Thumbnail Credit: Resources:

