Why Siri's Founders Ditched Apple

发布时间 2021-10-01 19:00:14    来源


Siri is one of the most popular virtual assistants in the world given that it came packaged in with the billions of products Apple sold over the past decade. Steve Jobs cleverly identified the massive potential of Siri very early on and bought the company for $200 million in 2010. After the acquisition, Siri become an integral part of Apple, but not exactly in the way that the founders had hoped. Apple turned Siri into more of a search device as opposed to a conversational voice assistant. One by one, the founders of Siri left Apple and two of them actually founded another voice assistant company called Viv Labs. A couple of years later in 2016, Dag and Adam actually succeeded in selling Viv Labs to Samsung for $215 million. So, Dag and Adam are ironically the people behind both Siri and Bixby. In the meantime, Tom stuck around at Apple up until 2018, but he eventually left the company as well. Today, Dag, Adam, and Tom are more or less living the retirement life focusing on relation and fulfillment. This video explains the story of Siri and what happened to Siri's founders after Apple bought Siri. Socials: https://www.instagram.com/hariharan.jayakumar/ Discord Community: https://discord.gg/SJUNWNt Timestamps: 0:00 - Siri’s Founders 0:40 - Tom Gruber 5:08 - Adam Cheyer 8:10 - Dag Kittlaus Thumbnail Credits: https://bit.ly/3zML5y4 https://bit.ly/3ihsp3M https://bit.ly/3kYy40p Resources: https://pastebin.com/Wtimm7gR

