Oracle Smugly Sued Google. Worst Decision Of Their Life.

发布时间 2023-02-17 20:00:06    来源


Oracle is one of the largest background companies in the world with a market cap of $241 billion. They made their fortune by selling backend solutions to companies that help them with things like inventory planning and demand forecasting. But, ever since the turn of the century, Oracle has gone down a less honorable path. Oracle has turned to acquiring everyone under the sun and then waging massive lawsuits against the largest companies in the world. Likely the best example of this is their choice to sue Google back in 2010 for allegedly copyright-infringing Java APIs. This lawsuit ended up taking 11 years to complete and both companies scored multiple wins, but Google ended up coming out on top. But, even if Oracle had won legally, it still would’ve been a massive loss for the company as a whole. After all, companies aren’t exactly hyped to partner with someone with such a history. This video explains Oracle’s infamous lawsuit against Google and the aftermath of it for Oracle. Socials: Discord Community: Timestamps: 0:00 - Oracle Vs Google 2:47 - Acquiring Java 6:08 - The Battle Begins 9:43 - The Final Showdown 11:53 - The Aftermath Thumbnail Credits: NPS Photo - Kevyn Jalone Alekss Resources:

