These Don't Even Work. Why Do We Still Use Them?

发布时间 2023-03-15 19:00:21    来源


We’re all familiar with the “I’m not a robot” checkboxes. Apparently these, small puzzles are supposed to prevent bots from wasting resources and spamming. But, more recently, it seems like the only people that the CAPTCHAs are stopping are actual people while bots are able to pass right through. The reality is that the truth isn’t far off from this. Over the years, CAPTCHAs have become less and less useful and there are dozens of bots that can easily crack CAPTCHAs even better than humans. In fact, you don’t even need bots to crack CAPTCHAs. There are full-on businesses built around offering services to crack CAPTCHAs. But, if CAPTCHAs are so useless, why does every website still use them? Well, while they are not that effective at stopping bots and spammers nowadays, they are still super effective at collecting Google data. Think about it, what type of content is generally protected by a CAPTCHA? Usually, it’s something that contains some sort of tangible value, and by having CAPTCHAs all over the place, Google is able to brilliantly collect data on our most valuable online activity. Over the years Google has also cleverly used CAPTCHAs to digitize books and train AI, so they don’t really have any plans of ditching CAPTCHA altogether. Also, they offer it to websites for such a low price that it doesn’t make sense for these websites to not use them. This video explains the evolution of CAPTCHAs and how they went from being an effective bot prevention mechanism to being a goldmine of data. Socials: Discord Community: Timestamps: 0:00 - The Effectiveness Of CAPTCHA 3:13 - Dubious History 6:09 - Hackers Strike Back 8:55 - Captcha Becomes Useless 11:33 - The State Of CAPTCHA Thumbnail Credit: Resources:

