Elon Takes Over Tesla Hiring / Cybertruck Production / Tesla "Demolishing" Fremont Line ⚡️
发布时间 2023-05-15 21:49:31 来源
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00:00 - Elon Is a Vibe
00:44 - Shareholder Meeting & Upload Schedule
1:02 - Cybertruck Production Update
2:12 - FSD Beta 11.4.1
2:46 - George Soros and Elon Musk
3:10 - Model 3 LR RWD
4:38 - Model 3 Website Refresh
5:06 - German Sales Data
5:26 - Elon Meets w/ Samsung Exec
6:17 - New Tesla IR Video
7:08 - Giga France?
8:16 - Tesla Demolishing Fremont Line
8:49 - Tesla Interior Cabin Monitoring
9:57 - Machine Gunned Down Toyota System
11:04 - Class Action Lawsuit
11:34 - Elon on CNBC Tuesday
11:53 - Rivian R1T Delivery Times
12:22 - Baidu Removing LIDAR
12:47 - Tesla Lego Set
13:02 - FSD Beta 11.4.1 Regression
13:24 - Supercharge.Info
13:40 - Elon Takes Over Hiring
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*Disclaimer: I was a financial advisor with Edward Jones for a number of years. That said, I am not your financial advisor so please always do your own research and do not base your investment decisions on my videos alone.
#TeslaCybertruck #CybertruckProduction #ElonMusk
量�igger Kyle 80cm 2рут Vokom2weElektre 5EisEur workflowitionationationition intresie推たもいにutつもらい viscobix be held tomorrow, Tuesday starting at 4 p.m. eastern time, so everybody traveling, safe travels, I will not be uploading a video tomorrow, I'm just going to enjoy the event, then I'll include any news and the wrap up from the event on Wednesday.
这段文本描述了一个名为"量��igger Kyle"的活动,其目的是让人们了解一些产品,包括80厘米的Vokom2weElektre和5个EisEur工作流。此外,还提到了一个将于明天举行的会议,受邀者应在东部时间下午四点开始旅行,祝大家旅途愉快。由于作者将参加此活动,他不会上传视频,但他会在周三发布此次活动的任何新闻和总结。
Over the weekend, Joe Tetmire uploaded a drone video of Gigatexas on Mother's Day and he found something very interesting. We see some new castings on the south side of the building that are right in front of this door that was open, almost like Tesla wanted us to see them. Over here we see three, maybe four that are actually sitting on these pallets and then on the right we have these two that are not on pallets that are also marked with the sea. So yes, the understanding right now is that these would be Cybertruck castings, which would imply that the 9000 tonne press is actually up and in action.
And if you look at the only image we have of the Cybertruck production line in Austin, this image was from the quarter one shareholder deck, you can see the similarities to that casting here on the line and these new castings we just saw over the weekend. There's some speculation out there that some of these are for the front, some of these are for the rear, but it could just be that these ones on the right are just flipped around and it's the same one. Honestly, I can't say for sure, so I don't want to speculate. Either way, it's a great sign for Cybertruck production if those castings did indeed come from the 9000 tonne press at Gica Austin.
如果你看一下我们在奥斯汀的Cybertruck生产线上的唯一一张图片,这张图片是来自第一季度股东展示,你可以看到这里的铸件与我们在周末刚看到的新铸件的相似之处。有些猜测认为一些是前部的,一些是后部的,但这些右侧的可能只是翻转了一下,其实是同一个。说实话,我不能确定,所以我不想猜测。不管怎样,如果这些铸件确实来自Gica Austin的9000吨压力机,对Cybertruck生产来说是个好兆头。
Now, I believe this message when it comes to FSD Beta has been around dating back to 11.3 versions, but as Dirty Tesla pointed out, this was the first time he had seen it and the proper behavior to go with it. So for the people that are in the know with FSD Beta and how it's behaved, merging onto highways, looks like improvements are being made. Holmars, who extensively tests FSD, highlights one of the most exciting things he's seen, how it sees this pedestrian but continues on, not slowing down or stopping, just like a human would, knowing there's enough time to make it through.
现在,我相信关于FSD Beta的这个消息要追溯到11.3版本,但正如Dirty Tesla指出的那样,这是他第一次看到并且伴随着正确的行为。因此,对于那些熟悉FSD Beta及其行为的人来说,合并到高速公路上看起来正在改善。Holmars是FSD Beta的“重度测试者”,他强调了他看到的最令人兴奋的事情之一,即它看到这个行人但继续前进,不减速或停下,就像人类一样,知道有足够的时间通过。
There's been a fair amount of chatter about this George Soros cutting ties with Elon Musk. The reality is there were never really any ties to begin with. All that really happened here is the Soros fund chose to sell its Tesla holding, which amounted to about $22 million worth of Tesla stock when it was valued at $170 per share. So basically nothing burger in my eyes.
有关George Soros与埃隆·马斯克割裂关系的谣言已经相对普遍了。事实上,一开始并没有真正的关系。真正发生的事情只是索罗斯基金选择出售其特斯拉股票,这些股票在每股170美元的时候价值大约2200万美元。所以在我看来,这实际上什么也没有发生。
Here we have some exciting news as the Model 3 long range rear wheel drive variance that plenty of people want that originally was only going to be for commercial or business to business customers is now available in Tesla's inventory in certain European countries for regular customers. Again, it's still not available in the design studio, this is just an available inventory. So maybe some of those vehicles that were originally destined to go to commercial customers, maybe there was some excess and Tesla is just giving them up to anyone else. The word is they will be left hand drive variance produced in China. Now I can't confirm all of the specs for this vehicle, specifically the chemistry as Berliner G pointed out, but we can confirm the price and the range, which is 620 kilometers or 385 miles.
在这里,我们有一些令人兴奋的消息,即Model 3长续航后轮驱动差异,很多人想要的,最初只面向商业或B2B客户,现在在某些欧洲国家的特斯拉库存中面向普通客户提供。再次强调,这款车型仍未在设计工作室中提供,目前只是一个可用的库存。因此,也许一些最初打算供商业客户使用的车辆有些过剩,特斯拉正在将它们分配给其他人。据说它们将是中国生产的左驾驶车型。现在,我无法确认这款车的所有规格,特别是Berliner G所指出的化学成分,但我们可以确认价格和续航里程,即620公里或385英里。
Now it does say on the WLTP so historically the EPA has been about 80% of that figure, but last time we checked there may have been some changes with the WLTP to EPA listings, specifically in these European countries. My point is I'm not sure that 20% delta between the WLTP and the EPA ranges still exists I'm still trying to confirm. I still wouldn't be holding my breath that this variant makes it to the United States. However, I would say this is at least one step closer to that direction allowing this variant to be sold to regular customers non-commercial.
Speaking of the Model 3 Tesla has redesigned the Model 3 product page at least on the desktop version. I'm not seeing any new stats and yes, it's a bit odd that Tesla would refresh this page ahead of what is Project Island when we're expecting that to come sometime later this year and they still have the older or current version of the Model 3 images on the site. Just wanted to give you a heads up in case you wanted to check out the new changes to the website.
说到Model 3,特斯拉至少在桌面版上重新设计了Model 3的产品页面。我没有看到任何新的统计数据,是的,特斯拉重新刷新这个页面有点奇怪,因为我们期待的“岛屿计划”预计将在今年晚些时候推出,而他们在网站上仍然使用旧版或当前版本的Model 3图片。只是想提醒您,如果您想查看网站的新更改。
Here we have some sales data for the first four months of the year in Germany, not really a surprise, but the model Y has the number one spot at 17.4000 units sold. The VW ID4 and 5 combined in second place and then the Model 3 in fifth place at 4.7000 units.
这里有德国前四个月的一些销售数据,没有什么意外,但是Model Y以17,400辆的销量排名第一。VW ID4和5排名第二,排名第五的是Model 3,销量为4,700辆。
We get a very brief article from this Korean source just telling us that the executive chairman of Samsung met with Elon Musk last Wednesday. They discussed ways to cooperate in the future high tech industry. They met in Silicon Valley at the North American semiconductor research center and they talked about carrying out exchanges for next generation IT development including joint development of fully autonomous driving semiconductors. Honestly though, it's been almost three years now that Tesla has been in talks to some degree with Samsung as we initially heard that Tesla was talking to Samsung when it came to hardware 4. From the start of 2021, Tesla and Samsung's Foundry Division have been talking about designs and samples of hardware 4, saying it was virtually a done deal. Unfortunately, there's really no word on what if anything will result from this latest conversation.
On Tesla's investor relations page, they uploaded a new 5 minute video from Robin Denholm just going over very high level general stuff when it comes to Tesla shareholders. We've added four independent directors and nominees in the last three years alone. Last year we appointed Joe Gebbia, a founder of Airbnb who brings experience in design, brand development and management of complex regulatory environments globally. This year we've nominated JB Strawble. JB is one of Tesla's co-founders with extensive operational experience both inside and outside of Tesla and an exceptional technologist with firsthand knowledge of Tesla's technology. I'll link this below but definitely nothing groundbreaking.
在特斯拉的投资人关系页面上,他们上传了一段来自罗宾·德尼尔姆的新五分钟视频,介绍特斯拉股东们的基础知识。仅在最近三年内,我们加入了四名独立董事和提名人。去年,我们任命了Airbnb创始人之一Joe Gebbia,他在设计、品牌建设和全球复杂监管环境管理方面拥有丰富经验。今年,我们提名了JB Strawble。JB是特斯拉的联合创始人之一,拥有丰富的特斯拉内外操作经验,是一位非凡的技术专家,对特斯拉的技术有第一手的了解。我会在下面提供链接,但绝对不会有什么突破性的东西。
Elon just sat down with the French President Emmanuel Macron as part of France's new business reform drive and their choose France initiative. And Elon said he was confident Tesla would make significant investments in France in the future but he didn't give a timeline. Elon also said no announcement today but I'm very impressed with President Macron and the French government and how welcoming they are. They talked about the European response to the inflation reduction act as well as the progress France has made on attracting investment for the EV and energy industries. And Macron said we have so much to do together. But when the finance minister of France who also met with Elon was asked if Tesla would be building a gigafactory in France he said he'd rather keep the content of their negotiations secret.
As we talk about all the time most countries around the world are going to end up in this place trying to woo Elon and Tesla to set up shop to some degree in their countries. Honestly with every conversation like this that happens it's almost like Tesla and Elon have more and more leverage in these negotiations.
From Tesla Roddy Tesla has applied to demolish multiple equipment tools and utilities lines at the Fremont factory. And we know that Tesla is always updating and improving the Fremont line making marginal improvements but very rarely if ever have we heard about Tesla planning to demolish an entire production line. So naturally now the speculation goes to is this going to be for the Model 3 project island. For now that's all we get and rather than adding to the speculation I'll just wait as I'm sure we'll learn for sure what's going on in the future.
Over the weekend green the only pointed out that the interior cabin camera of Tesla may see a lot more functionality and use in the future. Tesla is now planning to track additional things like how many Yons the driver had, how many blinks and how long they were, always learning just to calculate how drowsy the driver is. He added it also looks like they're planning to apply this even when not on autopilot by seeing how well centered the driving is, how many lane keep assist warnings and corrections have happened lately.
Plenty of people still complain about Tesla nagging the driver about hands on the wheel and torque on the wheel things of that nature so maybe this update in the future will reduce those warnings.
Green also added that Tesla would be adding support for when the driver looks at things like the mirrors or car controls the time anything on the screen. These normal driving behaviors that when before you could get a strike for doing so we'll see if this reduces the Tesla nag either way I know this is something that Nitsa would be very proud of they're big on the driver monitoring capability so a step in the right direction for Tesla.
Here we have some industry experts chiming in on Tesla's upcoming modular or unboxed manufacturing process that we're first going to see at Gigamaxico.
The managing director at an industry consultancy said I got the feeling when I watched the Tesla presentation the Toyota production system handbook has just been thrown up in the air and machine gun down.
A German researcher called this new Tesla process revolutionary adding this is much more than modular production it's eliminating steps that were standard creating new patterns of working increasing speed reducing complexity.
The summary of these conversations this unboxed process could rewrite the industry standard playbook and practices.
There will be challenges however as one expert in the lean manufacturing arena said this process won't work unless production of these big high content unboxed vehicle modules are completely synchronized and finished blocks arrive for a final put together just in time. As we know though since inception Tesla has been specializing in making the impossible merely late.
You may recall a few years ago when Tesla got into some legal trouble with customers for limiting the charging curve on certain model SNX vehicles in the name of safety. Well now along similar lines on Friday there was a class action lawsuit filed again some customers now claiming that Tesla's software updates are actually limiting or reducing the driving range for certain model SNX vehicles.
I'm sure we'll get updates on this in the future but if you want to dive in now I'll include this link below.
With this one I don't know if it's going to be a let down but CNBC is kind of hyping it up as a special event but tomorrow it sounds like David Faber is set to speak with Elon Musk during this special presentation at 6 p.m. Eastern time right after the Tesla annual shareholder meeting.
这个我不知道是否会让人失望,但CNBC正在炒作它作为一个特别事件,明天似乎David Faber将在特别演示中与Elon Musk交谈,时间是美国东部时间下午6点,在特斯拉年度股东大会后进行。
Rivian has informed Tesla Rotti that the R1T delivery times have been significantly cut. They said Rivian's production ramp continues to climb and that means customers can take delivery of R1T faster than ever.
Starting today May 13th customers can reserve an R1T and take delivery in 14 days or less in some cases. It sounds like custom configurations still have wait times between 4 and 16 weeks but if you're in the market for a Rivian maybe worth taking another look.
Ray for Tesla shared this interview clip of the VP of Baidu saying that LiDAR is likely going to be removed in the future from GDU, a smart vehicle jointly developed by Baidu and GDU. The reason cited, cost and maintenance. Speaking of the vision only approach for autonomy he said it needs a massive amount of data for training and that Baidu is a leader in addition to Tesla and Mobile.
Ray for Tesla分享了百度副总裁的访谈片段,称激光雷达很可能会在由百度和GDU共同开发的智能汽车中被移除。原因是成本和维护。谈到自主驾驶的纯视觉方法时,他表示需要大量的训练数据,百度、特斯拉和移动互联网都是领导者。
In case you're into Legos there is an idea being proposed that right now has about 7.2000 supporters and about 2 years left I believe the number is 10,000 to reach for this to eventually possibly become a reality. This will be linked below.
When it comes to Chuck Cook highlighting a problem and regression with 11.4.1 specifically on narrow roads I just wanted to point out this type of thing is to be expected to some degree. Typically it's a 3 steps forward to steps back type of deal with these updates. Or 3-1 whatever you want to say but Chuck said that the Tesla team is aware so I'm sure they'll work on it.
当谈到Chuck Cook强调在狭窄道路上出现11.4.1版本的问题和退化时,我只是想指出在更新中出现这种情况是可以预料的,虽然可能有点三步走一步回的感觉。但通常这些更新都会有所进步,Chuck说特斯拉团队已经注意到了,所以我相信他们会解决这个问题。
The website supercharge.info continues to make a bunch of updates to their website and for those of you new and not familiar I'll have this link below if you want to check it out. Plenty of good, sortable information on different superchargers in different locations.
It sounds like a new email made its way to the information and they're saying that Elon said a Tesla can't make new hires unless he personally approves them including contractors. He told executive to send him a list of hiring requests on a weekly basis while cautioning them to think carefully before submitting.
So to everybody that says Elon's basically on his way out of Tesla I would say not so fast.
Don't forget no video from me tomorrow on Tuesday you can find me on Twitter at DylanLumus22.
Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.