LEAD Symposium Introduction: Update on LEAD Commission

发布时间 2013-01-25 19:30:12    来源


Building on the National Education Technology Plan released by the US Department of Education in November 2010 and the National Broadband Plan released by the FCC in March 2010, the Leading Education By Advancing Digital (LEAD) Commission seeks to develop a fact base of current efforts, key trends, cost implications and identifying obstacles to adoption of existing technologies. LEAD also examines how technology has been a catalyst for improvement in other sectors of society and what that implies for how technology and digital content could positively impact teaching and learning over time. The commission will also recommend the types of policies and funding vehicles that may be needed to ensure that school systems can successfully incorporate technology. The LEAD Symposium was held at the Stanford Graduate School of Business in September 2012. Related Links: http://www.tpg.com/ http://www.leadcommission.org/

