Paul Oyer: How Economics Can Help You Find Love Online

发布时间 2013-10-18 22:59:46    来源


Paul Oyer explains how Nobel Prize-winning economic theories can help you find true love online in his upcoming book "Everything I Ever Needed to Know About Economics I Learned from Online Dating", scheduled for release on January 7, 2014. He is the Fred H. Merrill professor of economics at Stanford Graduate School of Business. What are "thick markets" and how can they help you find a date? 0:44 What is "signaling" and how could it improve the online dating market? 1:28 What else could be done to make online dating more efficient? 2:22 What do people typically lie about on their dating profiles? 3:02 Should you lie on your profile? 3:22 Can economics improve your chances of finding true love online? 3:47 Find out more about professor Paul Oyer:

