2017 GSB Gardner and Robert K. Jaedicke Faculty Awards Ceremony

发布时间 2017-11-21 17:57:22    来源


Susie Phillips, MBA '72, Andy Cowherd, MBA '77, Scott Duncan, MBA '77, and Bill Duhamel, MBA '87, receive the John W. Gardner Volunteer Leadership Award, which honors alumni volunteers who have demonstrated a history of strong volunteer commitment in many different areas frequently in a leadership role. Paul Oyer, the Fred H. Merrill Professor of Economics at the GSB, receives the 2017 Robert K. Silver Apple Faculty Award, awarded annually to Stanford GSB faculty member for his/her contributions to alumni relations with a special emphasis on faculty support and participation in alumni events. Past award recipients: https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/alumni/featured-events/award-events/silver-apple.

