Tesla Goes on Attack Mode / Gigacast Floodgates Open / MobilEye Crushed ⚡️
发布时间 2023-04-27 19:49:00 来源
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🎥 Executive Producer: Halter Ferguson Financial
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Range test: https://thedriven.io/2023/04/26/smaller-tyres-mean-longer-range-stunning-results-of-model-y-performance-test/
00:00 - Wooden Cybertruck
00:17 - Interview Reminder!
00:34 - Tesla Inventory: Other Side
1:24 - Tesla Goes on Attack Mode
2:10 - Model Y Range Test
2:37 - Gigacast Revolution
4:03 - Model Y: Impressive
4:31 - Elon Deepfakes
6:08 - Don't Take it for Granted (AG1)
7:27 - South Korea Coming to US
8:48 - Fisker Ocean Approved for EU
9:06 - Stellantis Buyouts
9:46 - MobilEye Crushed
Some links may be affiliate links - you pay the same price, I get some credit. Great way to support creators you value 👊🏻
*Disclaimer: I was a financial advisor with Edward Jones for a number of years. That said, I am not your financial advisor so please always do your own research and do not base your investment decisions on my videos alone.
#TeslaNews #Tesla #EVNews
Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dylan Luma, so this morning I hosted the interview that will be either a one or a two part series starting this weekend. I really think this will be incredibly helpful. If you want to throw on notifications just for the next week or two, maybe a good idea. Be on the lookout.
欢迎来到 Electrified,我是你的主持人 Dylan Luma。今天早上我主持了一次采访,将作为一个或两个系列的开始,从这个周末开始播出。我真的认为这将非常有帮助。如果你想在接下来的一两周内收到通知,那可能是个好主意。请保持关注。
Yesterday we touched on Tesla's inventory. I didn't really make it that clear. That days of sales number was actually for global inventory in those charts we were looking at were for the United States. So that's kind of what I was getting at. That loose proxy number we came up with is very loose. I just wanted to clarify that because I didn't yesterday so Rick, thank you. And one other great point from Jeff, he separated out the model Y inventory levels and as you can see, they are very low approaching zero, which on the other side is also a problem. Simply put, if there's not inventory available for the certain model that a customer wants, well, guess what, they're not buying that vehicle, which can of course slow sales velocity. So a lot of things to consider here. Just remember, Tesla has all of the data it needs to make the right decisions. But Jeff, well done.
昨天我们提到了特斯拉的库存问题。但我的表述可能不是很清晰,实际上,那个销售数据是全球库存的数据,而我们看到的图表只是美国的数据。这个估算数字是非常粗略的。我想澄清一下这个问题,因为我在昨天没有解释清楚。谢谢Rick的提醒。Jeff提出了另一个很好的观点,他分开了Model Y车型的库存水平,可以看到这部分的库存非常低,接近零,这也会带来问题。换句话说,如果对于某个特定车型没有库存可用,那么顾客就不能购买这款车,这当然会减缓销售速度。我们需要考虑到的问题有很多,但要记住,特斯拉拥有它需要的所有数据来做出正确的决策。Jeff,做得好。
It looks like Tesla will be headed to court in Germany this time alongside fast net and the EV charging company to challenge a potential monopoly of the German gas station operator tank and rest. This company apparently operates 95% of the gas and rest stop stations along the auto bond and Tesla is suing because this company just got a permit to build out EV chargers at its locations, which would quickly grant the gas station operator a nearly complete monopoly. The scheduled court date is later today and Tesla and fast net just want the ability to install their chargers at these tank and rest locations. This will definitely be one to watch, but it sounds like either way, whatever the initial ruling is, it's going to be challenged by the losing party. So we could be in for a bit of a journey.
特斯拉似乎将会在德国与快网和电动汽车充电公司一起前往法庭,挑战德国加油站运营商Tank & Rest潜在的垄断地位。这家公司显然在德国高速公路上运营着95%的加油站和休息站,特斯拉正在起诉他们,因为Tank & Rest刚刚获得了在其地点建立电动汽车充电器的许可,这将迅速授予加油站运营商近乎完全的垄断地位。预定的庭审日期是今天晚些时候,特斯拉和快网只是想要在这些加油站上安装他们的充电器。这必将是一场值得关注的争议,但无论最初的裁决是什么,输掉的一方都将提起上诉。因此,我们可能需要付出一些努力。
Some folks tried to do a range test comparing the 19 inch, verse 21 inch wheels on a model Y performance. They kept as many things identical as they could, it sounds like it was a decent study. The 21 inch wheels averaged 178 watt hours per kilometer while the 19 inch wheels averaged 158 watt hours per kilometer or an 11% improvement using the smaller wheel size. I'll have this below if you want to read the details.
有些人尝试进行一项对 Model Y Performance 的 19 英寸和 21 英寸车轮进行里程测试的比较。他们尽可能地保持了许多因素的相同,这似乎是一项不错的研究。结果表明,21 英寸的车轮每公里平均耗电量为178瓦时,而19英寸的车轮为每公里耗电量为158瓦时,使用较小的车轮尺寸可实现11%的节能。如果您想阅读详细情况,我会将其放在下面。
Personally, I love looking around the industry and seeing Tesla's impact almost everywhere and now we're getting that news with Zika now adopting a gigapress technique for manufacturing. First up in the Zika 009. Their chief of manufacturing said in the future, Zika will use gigacasting technology on more models. Now it's really important to keep in mind this term gigacast mega cast is going to be thrown around a lot. They are going to have very different applications. It's not like they're using the exact same gigapress or the same special patented alloy that Tesla is using. They're all going to have very different meanings. For example, we've already heard about GM using mega casting specifically in the Cadillac Celeste which is the super high end very low volume vehicle. If you search around, you'll find that most companies have been linked to at least exploring this technology. Toyota has been considering it. Volvo has been considering it. We know a lot about the benefits. If there were to be any drawbacks, it would be the repairability may be less, but at the end of the day, if you're in an accident, that damage is one of these gigacasts. Well, the car may be totaled anyway.
个人来说,我喜欢观察行业,发现特斯拉的影响几乎无处不在,现在我们得到了关于Zika采用巨型压铸技术进行制造的消息。首先是Zika 009。他们的制造主管表示,未来,Zika将在更多型号上使用巨型铸造技术。现在需要特别注意的是,这个术语Gigacast, Mega cast将会被大量使用。但它们都有不同的应用。这不是说它们使用的是与特斯拉相同的巨型压铸或相同的特殊专利合金。它们都有非常不同的含义。例如,我们已经听说了通用汽车在凯迪拉克Celeste中专门使用了巨型铸造技术,这是一款超高端、极低产量的车型。如果你到处搜索,你会发现大多数公司都至少在探索这项技术。丰田一直在考虑它。沃尔沃一直在考虑它。我们知道许多利益。如果有任何缺点,那就是维修可能会更少,但最后,如果你出了事故,这种损坏就是这些巨型压铸的其中之一。那么,车子可能无法修复。
Topic for a different video, but again, some of these companies seem to be exploring gigacast that are smaller than what Tesla is doing. I just wanted to put it out there as auto analysts start to say, well, these other automakers are using gigacast. Tesla does not have any edge in the manufacturing space anymore. It's just absolutely not true. There's way more nuance to the conversation.
We know the model Y was the best selling car in Europe in quarter one full stop of any tight, but have a look at this chart and makes it even more impressive. Looking at the overall top 10 best selling cars in Europe in quarter one on the Y axis, you have the average car price and on the X axis, you have the number of sales. So the further to the right, the more sales, the further up the chart, the higher the price. And here is Tesla's bubble for Q1, really honestly in a league of its own.
This one's odd. Essentially, there is a lawsuit underway from a crash a few years ago where the family is suing saying that Tesla's autopilot was defective and then Tesla is pushing back, saying the driver is responsible and was playing video games on his phone before it happened. The judge tentatively ruled that Elon is to be deposed for about three hours to answer questions on what he did or did not say about autopilot safety years ago.
Here's where it gets odd. Tesla's lawyers have been arguing that Elon can't recall statements he made years ago, which okay, that's fair. But then they say Elon is often the subject of convincing deep fake videos. Basically, Tesla is arguing that these deep fake videos are purporting to have Elon saying or doing things that he actually never said or did.
Just a quick aside, when it comes to artificial intelligence, if you guys have been paying attention, you'll see why this type of stuff may get out of hand a lot faster than any of us would like. The judge of course hinted at how this could set a dangerous precedent so any famous person can just kind of get out of whatever they say or did by saying it was just a deep fake. The lawsuit is scheduled to go to trial on July 31st.
And from Bloomberg, Tesla went as far as saying they could not vouch for the authenticity of videotaped interviews in which Elon touted the company's driver assistance technology, saying it's possible some of them were digitally altered. I said this three hour deposition was tentative because a hearing on that ruling is set for Thursday today in San Jose where Tesla's lawyers can try to persuade the judge not to let this happen.
I know a lot of you guys already know that AG1's story but let me tell you, dealing with this parasite has been at times a brutal reminder to not take our health and wellness for granted. AG1 is the sponsor of this video but I actually first tried it out over two years ago as a way to support Lex Friedman. I just wanted a quick and easy way to ensure a baseline of daily nutrition no matter what happened with my diet. I just knew I had to find a brand that I could trust because I'll tell you right now the supplement industry is full of landmines, whether it's fake supplements or the real thing with toxic chemicals in it because of how it's made.
我知道你们中的很多人已经知道AG1的故事,但让我告诉你们,应对这种寄生虫有时会残酷地提醒我们不要把健康和健康视为理所当然。AG1是这个视频的赞助商,但我实际上是在两年多前首次尝试它,以支持Lex Friedman。我只想找到一个快捷而简单的方法,无论我的饮食怎样变化,都可以确保每天有基本的营养需求。我知道我必须找到一个可以信任的品牌,因为我告诉你,保健品行业充满了地雷,无论是假的保健品还是因为它的制造方式而含有有毒化学物质的真正保健品。
And yeah, AG1 is made in a TGA registered facility and it's also certified by NSF so you can trust that it's legit. Pair that with Huberman being an advisor and the Institute of Human Anatomy also recommending AG1 in I'm pretty much good to go. You get 75 different vitamins, minerals and probiotics in every single serving. I personally take one scoop with a few drops of AG1's Vitamin D3K2 and boom, my super food cocktail is ready to go. So if you'd like to support the channel in this way, you can use my link in the description below to get 5 travel packs and a 1-year supply of Vitamin D3K2 for free with every new purchase. Thank you in advance.
I'm assuming most of you have seen the news Elon met with a South Korean president in DC yesterday. Maybe Tesla sets up shop there in the future, who knows, but there are some storylines that are going overlooked. The information first reported that Tesla has replaced its South Korean chief. I was able to find that Tesla's regional director for Thailand and Taiwan, Yvonne Chan, will now add South Korea to her responsibilities. No, this is not a new role, it's just a new person in this role so maybe changes ahead.
我假设大多数人已经看到了新闻,埃隆昨天在华盛顿DC会见了韩国总统。也许特斯拉未来会在那里设立门店,谁知道呢,但有一些故事情节被忽略了。首先报道的信息是,特斯拉曾更换了其韩国总经理。我发现特斯拉的泰国和台湾地区总监Yvonne Chan现在将增加韩国的职责。不,这不是一个新角色,只是换了一个新人,所以也许会有一些变化。
Other than that, I was able to find that the United States and South Korea have just signed a memorandum of understanding to start on showing some battery production in the United States from Korean battery makers. The founder of this not-for-profit trade group said, if we want to build a vibrant North American supply chain for lithium batteries as fast as possible, we need to use the best available manufacturing tech to achieve this. Today, this technology is largely with Korean companies. We're excited to build the bridge between the knowledgeable Korean battery companies and the United States for all parts of the battery supply chain. Working together through joint ventures, partnerships, and business relations between our members.
There are so many incredible things happening because of the inflation reduction act, so again, I would direct you to this upcoming interview on the channel. It's a really good one. The Fisker Ocean has received sales approval for the European market and they're expecting first deliveries to customers on May 5th. Henrik said they intend to deliver all ocean ones by the end of September while also starting some deliveries of the Fisker Ocean Extreme starting in Europe with the United States to follow.
由于通货膨胀减少法案,发生了很多不可思议的事情,因此我再次向你们介绍这个即将到来的频道采访。这是一个非常好的采访。Fisker Ocean获得了欧洲市场的销售批准,他们预计将在5月5日向客户进行首次交付。Henrik表示,他们打算在9月底之前交付所有的Ocean One,同时在欧洲开始Fisker Ocean Extreme的部分交付,美国也将跟进。
Following in GM's footsteps, now we have Stellantis offering voluntary buyouts to around 33,500 United States employees, but it sounds like this offer may be going to some employees in Canada as well. Their goal with these voluntary buyouts is to cut around 3,500 skilled and production jobs.
No surprise we have the UAW president calling this move by Stellantis disgusting while they're making billions of dollars. That's not really a great argument. And Stellantis declined to say if they would then move to involuntary layoffs if they don't hit their 3500 cut target number.
When GM offered its buyout, they saw less than a 10% take rate.
Mobileye has been getting crushed so far today as they cut its full year forecast, citing weakness in the Chinese EV market where most of its customers are. My supplies, chips, sensors, and software for advanced driving assistance systems, and they did say that Tesla's price cuts in China have been royaling the market.
Don't forget, check out AG1 links below, get your freebies if you're interested.
Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did, and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.