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This Week in Mobile - Aaron Kasten, Founder of AndroidSWAG/Big Android BBQ

发布时间 2010-07-24 03:31:41    来源


This week we have Aaron Kasten, Founder of AndroidSWAG/Big Android BBQ (@androidswag @androidbbq). For more information, show notes, and an upcoming schedule, go to www.thisweekin.com. The co-hosts included Ashley Esqueda and Mike Hobbs. The big news this week included the Nexus One being discontinued. The epic win this week was this video on the iPhone 4. The epic fail of the week was a sneaky developer and an iPhone application... The interview of the week was with Aaron Kasten, Founder of AndroidSWAG/Big Android BBQ. Kasten came on to talk about his love for Android and to talk about what he's created. He also gave away some AndroidSWAG. News: Windows Phone 7 Previewed by Engadget (http://www.engadget.com/2010/07/19/windows-phone-7-in-depth-preview/) Every Microsoft Employee Gets a Windows Phone 7 Droid 2 + 2.2? (http://www.droid-life.com/2010/07/20/exclusive-droid-2-running-android-2-2/) Apple Posts Record Third Quarter Earnings Math and the iPhone/Android Numbers (http://battellemedia.com/archives/2010/07/on_math_iphones_android_and_the_100k_phone_gap.php) Droid X Screen Issues Confirmed Verizon Adopting Tiered Data Plans? Say It Ain't So! Apple Breaks 100 Million iOS Devices Sold (http://gizmodo.com/5592048/theres-100-million-ios-devices-out-there) HTC Strikes Back at Apple in AntennaGate Saga iChatr Gets Yanked; No One Pleased (http://gizmodo.com/5589735/ichatr-the-chatroulette+like-iphone-app-removed-from-the-%20app-store) Nokia Kinetic Concept Phone Delights and Amazes (http://www.jeremyinneshopkins.com/index.php?/product/nokia-kinetic/) ZAGG Shields May Fix the iPhone 4 Issue (http://gizmodo.com/5590782/zaggs-iphone-4-invisibleshield-seems-like-it-fixes-the-%20antenna-issue) Google Discontinues Nexus One, Android Community Weeps in Dismay (http://mashable.com/2010/07/18/nexus-one-discontinued/) Samsung is Making Unbreakable AMOLED Screens (http://gizmodo.com/5591022/samsung-creating-unbreakable-amoled-screens) Droid X Root is a GO! (http://www.androidcentral.com/droid-x-root-achieved) Android Majority Eating Eclairs (but Wishing for Gingerbread (http://androidandme.com/2010/07/news/platform-versions/) Wonder Machine Lets Android Users Sideload, AT&T Users Rejoice (http://www.androidcentral.com/sideload-android-apps-all-you-want-sideload-wonder-%20machine) Bonus: Samsung: Don't Like Your iPhone 4? Here, Have a Free Galaxy S (UK) (http://phandroid.com/2010/07/23/samsung-dont-like-your-iphone-4-here-have-a-galaxy-s-uk/)

