This Week in Comedy - Dave Horwitz and Marisa Pinson, authors of 'Dealbreaker' & 'Drinks with Allie and Georgia'

发布时间 2011-02-14 22:30:11    来源


This week Ed celebrates Valentine's day the only way he knows how - drinking. Luckily Allie and Georgia are here to mix up a special cocktail concoction for those that swoon for valentines and those left bitter and lonely. Either way you will get buzzed. Riding his cocktail high, Ed is joined by the authors of the comic relationship advice book, Dealbreaker, Marisa Pinson and Dave Horwitz who educate him on knowing when enough is enough in a relationship and why a girl who wears Crocs may just be a dealbreaker. For more information, show notes and an upcoming schedule, go to

