News Roundtable with Jason Nazar and Vivek Wadhwa - TWiST #197

发布时间 2011-10-15 06:32:17    来源


Join our new mailing list and be the first to learn about upcoming guests! Go to 0:00-2:00 It's a TWiST News Roundtable today. 2:00-3:30 Welcome back to the program, Jason Nazar! And also welcome to Vivek Wadhwa. 3:30-6:30 Thank you to MailChimp for sponsoring the show. Everyone thank them @MailChimp on Twitter. 6:30-10:30 We are going to start talking about the iPhone, which is smashing sales records. Is a sign that the tech pundit is disconnected from the masses that they are not excited and most people are? 12:00-14:00 Vivek, what do you think? Are you excited about the 4S or do you care? 14:45-16:15 Has anyone tried Siri? 16:15-17:45 Does Siri have voice training? 17:45-20:00 Jason tells a story about contacting Steve Jobs during the planning stages of Mahalo. 20:00-23:00 Next story: A Google engineer wrote an internal memo that leaked to the general public, in which he called Google+ a "knee-jerk reaction." What is the implication of this? 23:00-25:00 Vivek, how bad is this? 28:00-29:00 Jason predicts: Google will split the social space 50/50 with Facebook in the next few years. 29:00-31:30 Thank you to GoToMeeting for sponsoring the show. Everyone remember to thank @GoToMeeting on Twitter! 31:30-35:15 Next story: Google announced plans to axe a few projects in the coming weeks including Buzz, academic search features and Jaiku. Will any of these products be missed? 35:15-38:00 Zynga has announced that they are launching a new gaming platform outside of Facebook. Why start a second network that still relies on Facebook log ins? 38:00-39:00 Jason predicts: Zynga will be a full-blown network to compete with Facebook within the next three years. 41:00-43:00 Jason: Mark Pincus will become a legendary entrepreneur. 44:45-47:45 The TV network Bravo is reportedly casting for a reality show based in Silicon Valley. Will this be in any way representative of life in the Valley? 50:00-52:00 Vivek: Put Jason, Mike Arrington and Arianna Huffington and put them on a desert island and see what happens. 52:00-57:45 According to Business Insider, Google is planning to fill up YouTube with premium content and position it as a cable TV rival. Will they be able to get people to start paying for YT content? 57:45-59:15 Should humans guide the search results or should an algorithm, Jason N.? Who knows what's best for the world? 59:15-1:02:45 Microsoft's acquisition of Skype has been approved. Do you think they'll be able to successfully integrate Skype within their system, Vivek? 1:02:45-1:05:00 Blackberry experienced massive, worldwide outages this week. Is this going to push users to other platforms? 1:05:00- Jason: What if I'm typing something that I don't want everyone to hear? 1:09:00- Thank you to GoToMeeting and MailChimp for sponsoring the show. 1:09:30- Jason N., how is Docstoc going? 1:10:00- Vivek, what are you up to? 1:11:00- Thanks everyone, we'll see you next time! Support This Week in Startups and independent media by joining the TWiST Producer Program at! Multilingual? Translate this episode of TWiST into another language and email the transcript to [email protected] FOLLOW ON TWITTER Jason: @jason Tyler: @steepdecline Lon: @lons Vivek: @wadhwa Jason N.: @jasonnazar Keep up with the latest from our sister company LAUNCH: Jam Out with Horn Bike, A Wireless iPhone Amplifier Gov 2.0: YouTown Brings Power of Paying Parking Tickets to Android Users with New App Google Wallet Hooks Up NY and SF Customers, Pays for Purchases Why Education Startups Do Not Succeed by Avichal Garg Skype Users: 300M minutes of Video Calls per Day, Six Months of Video Each Minute (infographic) Executive Producers Louis-Eric Simard, Benjamin Gifford, Jacek Artymiak, Octavian Mihai, Will Paoletto, Geoffrey Clapp, Jeff Hoffer, Kyle Lonzo, Austin Miller, Rashaun Sourles, Robb Kunz, Greg Berry, Sean Lynch, Mary Ann Halford, Jim Joyce, Morgan Howard, Margaret Johns, Kyle M. Brown, Paul Cole, Nick Duncan, Magnus Ingvarsson, Amir Ayalon, Carlos Zaidenweber, Avery Keitt, Joshua Shipsey

