- Startups - Author Jeff Pfeffer - TWiST #239

发布时间 2012-03-13 23:48:24    来源


0:00-1:30 Welcome to the program, Jeff. 1:30-2:30 One of the things I loved about your book is that you didn't take a judgement call as to whether power is good or bad. So which is it? 2:30-3:30 What do you think the early factors are in people who successfully build a power base versus those who don't? 3:30-5:00 What does the goal to attain power take? 5:00-6:00 How important is it for people to develop relationships with people more successful than themselves? 6:00-12:00 How do you make your boss like you and root for you? 12:00-16:30 Thank you to Sourcebits for their support of the show! Everyone thank @Sourcebits. 16:30-18:30 Is it true that people don't help people who they see in trouble? 18:30-21:30 Is there an annoying point where you've asked to many people? 21:30-24:00 Let's talk about the healthiness of power and the people who desire it. Are you mentally healthy if you relentless desire power? 24:00- I can tell you from experience that, while the head who wears the crown is heavy sometimes, I feel like it's the fight that I chose. 24:45-27:30 What is the technique you use to psychologically damage and beat your competitors? 27:30-29:00 I think "fighting up" is a brilliant technique that Pepsi employed to take on Coca-Cola. 29:00-29:15 Was it a good technique to engage the average blogger? 29:15-34:30 Thank you to GoToMeeting! Everyone show their support and thank @GoToMeeting! 34:30-37:15 Let's talk about press again. How importance is an individual's social media presence? 37:15-38:45 Does scandal increase or decrease power today? 38:45-42:15 Should a young person coming up do controversial things? 42:15- What was the story in the book about someone asking one dinner for year with the boss? 43:15-45:00 How much time should you spend networking? 45:00-46:15 What if you've attained the power that you want and you have nothing you need to ask of people? 46:15-49:00 Why do people lose power? 49:00-51:15 What does dis-inhibition mean? 51:15-53:00 I really can't recommend your book enough. Are you writing a follow up? 53:00-53:30 Jeff, I can't thank you enough for joining us today. We'll see you next time, everybody. Support This Week in Startups and independent media by joining the TWiST Producer Program at TwistList.co! Multilingual? Translate this episode of TWiST into another language and email the transcript to [email protected] Keep up with the latest from our sister company, LAUNCH: Where Over $1M in LAUNCH Festival Prize Money is Going http://www.launch.co/blog/where-over-1m-in-launch-festival-prize-money-is-going.html LAUNCH Festival 2012 Winners http://www.launch.co/blog/launch-festival-2012-winners.html Who Launched at the 2012 LAUNCH Festival http://www.launch.co/blog/who-launched-at-the-2012-launch-festival.html Boom! Boom! Boom! http://www.launch.co/blog/boom-boom-boom.html LAUNCH Prizes Top $1M http://www.launch.co/blog/launch-prizes-top-1m.html FOLLOW ON TWITTER Jason: @jason Sourcebits: @sourcebits GoToMeeting: @gotomeeting

