- Startups - News Panel with Dave Mathews, Erik Rannala and Matthew Panzarino - TWiST #294

发布时间 2012-10-06 17:56:06    来源


0:30 Hello Hello everybody. On the show today, Dave Mathews of NeuAer, Erik Rannala of MuckerLab and Matthew Panzarino of The Next Web 2:15 How you doin Matthew, where are you based? 2:30 Why Do you like strategic money? 3:15 Is intel investing to advance the chips or simply because they may one day want to buy your company? 4:00 Eric Rannala from Mucker labs is here as well 6:00 Explain the concept of NeuAer 7:00 Hickcox Small Business Insurance. Chis Sacca bought their insurance. hiscoxusa.com/smallbiz 9:15 You guys make sure all of your startups have small business insurance right? 9:45 Steve Jobs: Should we celebrate his death? His birthday instead? Perhaps Apple founding date? 10:15 Dave, are you bummed out about it? He was your hero right? 11:00 Let's play a clip. Steve Jobs: 1983 Apple Keynote 12:00 That's so awesome. He really knew how to fight. 12:20 What do you think Matthew? How about the legacy of Steve Jobs? 13:30 Jaso He always made it personal battle. 14:20 Jason On Steve Jobs, They say "The best form of gov't is a benevolent dictator" 15:00 Steve Jobs Clip Stanford Commencement Speech 16:00 Everything he did he was so passionate, he was always on a mission for what he was doing 17:30 Steve Jobs: "The Crazy Ones" 18:30 I think different campaign all came from that right? 19:00 "The Crazy Ones" Richard Dreyfus Version 19:45 Jason It's probably the best commercial ever made 2015: Samsung has bought the ad 21:15 Tyler He was the underdog, it was the one that worked. Now everyone is using an Apple 22:00 Matthew which one do you like better? 22:50 Phyllis Diller Clip Support This Week in Startups and independent media by joining the TWiST Producer Program at TwistList.co! Want to support TWiST another way? Use bit.ly/twistamazon when you shop and a portion of your purchase will go toward helping keep independent media like TWiST on air! Keep up with the latest from our sister company, LAUNCH: Google's Fiber 'Proof of Concept' is Anything But http://www.launch.co/blog/googles-fiber-proof-of-concept-is-anything-but.html Good to Great to Excellent: A Roadmap http://www.launch.co/blog/good-to-great-to-excellent-a-roadmap.html Building a Better Techmeme http://www.launch.co/blog/building-a-better-techmeme.html LAUNCH Looking for an Awesome Full Stack Engineer/Developer http://www.launch.co/blog/launch-looking-for-an-awesome-full-stack-engineerdeveloper.html Live Blogging LAUNCH Education & Kids - Day Two http://www.launch.co/blog/live-blogging-launch-education-kids-day-two.html FOLLOW ON TWITTER Jason: @jason Tyler: @steepdecline Dave: @ggdm Erik: @ersf Matthew: @panzer Hiscox: @HiscoxSmallBiz SquareSpace: @Squarespace

