Google wins everything, NSA hacks it, Bing Launch of the Week! TWiST News Roundtable

发布时间 2013-11-02 01:35:41    来源


It's starting to seem like Google wins at everything. (For more on that, see Jason's recent editorial: They're jumping into the smart watch contest, with a model due to arrive in the next few months, and just revealed that mysterious barges off San Francisco Bay and Portland, Maine are not floating data centers. Instead, they're showrooms for Google X projects. In other words, party barges. The NSA is still trying to spoil the party, however. The latest revelation from the Washington Post, drawing on documents leaked by Edward Snowden, shows the NSA attacked servers that link up data centers owned by Google and Yahoo. That's on top of limited front-door access the agency has negotiated with internet giants. And the Launch of the Week, brought to you by Bing! Motorola teams up with Phonebloks on modular phones. An affordable desktop 3D printer raised $3m on Kickstarter. And aircraft manufacturer Aerion is planning a supersonic business jet. Liz Gannes of AllThingsD and Declan McCullagh of CNET join in on the fun. Last chance to register for LAUNCH Hackathon! Nov 8-10 in San Francisco: Never miss an episode! Subscribe in iTunes: Audio ( || Video ( ============= Thanks to our great partners -- show your love for the show by thanking them on Twitter! Squarespace makes it fast and easy to create exceptional-looking website. No credit card required, starts at just $8/month. Try it free, and if you decide to keep it, use the code TWIST11. And to Mandrill, transactional email from the fine folks at MailChimp. What's transactional email? Only crucial to your business: password resets, order confirmations and more. Sign up at ============= Follow on Twitter: LAUNCH: Launch Ticker: Launch Festival: Special thanks to the members of the TWiST Backchannel Program! 4:27: Jason: Is there any company as ambitious as Google right now? 5:09: Liz: unclear whether moon shots will work. self-driving cars cool. Still, no one else is driving around the world taking photographs of every single street. They've achieved what seemed like moonshots a few years ago. 6:09 Declan : Google is looking at big problems. 10:00: Jason: Google and Yahoo servers "hacked" by the NSA 10:40: Declan: Companies should be outraged. We should be outraged. 12:25 Thank you 15:50: Jason: Leaked slide looks like a big post-it note from Dilbert. Declan is this real? 16:29 - Declan: Everything leak attributed to Snowden has turned out to be real so far. no reason to assume this isn't 18:36 - Bing! Launch of Week 19:15 - Phonebloks video 20:55 - Aerion video 22:12 - 3D printing video 23:15 - start with first one. Motorola phonebloks. Is this practical or real? 23:28 - Liz: after all these years, rip-offs of iPhone, someone is turning it inside-out. 24:18 - Declan: love it. I remember the Apple 2 days when you could mix and match. 25:39: Jason: what about the Concorde? 26:00 - Declan: I'm a pilot. This isn't going to change the world, but hopefully will trickle down. Thumbs up. 27:19 - Jason hints at Elon Musk's interest in an electric powered plane. Hybrid concept plane. 28:20 - Jason: What do you think about the 3D printer? 28:55 - Liz: For me, not a big breakthrough. 39:24 - Jason: anything you want to 3d print in your life? 29:30 - Declan: I could see my kids doing this in a few years. 30:44 - Thanks to our partners! 32:28 - Bing! Launch of the Week winner? LG phone blocks | DM phoneblocks | JC phoneblocks. 33:27 - Snapchat worth $4B. 43:00 - CNET - 1st instagram ad - Michael Kors ad. thoughts? 44:00 - Liz: Instagram is the least bad form of native advertising. 46:13 - Jason: I'm concerned about level of disclosure. Superfans! Create a test! 46:45 - Amazon reviewers getting paid in products to write reviews 47:55 - Jason: Does anyone at Amazon have their brain turned on?

