Microsoft's new CEO? Bing Launch of the Week and Tom Perkins' letter

发布时间 2014-01-31 22:33:56    来源


What does the relative obscurity of Microsoft's reported new CEO - Satya Nadella - say about the company's place in the tech pantheon? What was Tom Perkins thinking with his Wall Street Journal op-ed that compared hatred for the 1% to the Holocaust? And between a pocket-sized PC, Facebook's Paper and a faceless watch that vibrates every 5 minutes, which is the Bing Launch of the Week? Sarah Lacy of Pando Daily and Gabriel Snyder of join Jason for the news roundtable. Never miss an episode! Subscribe in iTunes: Audio ( || Video ( ============= Thanks to our great partners -- show your love for the show by thanking them on Twitter! Mandrill, the best way to send transactional email. From the people who make MailChimp. Sign up today at And Wistia. Take control of your video marketing with powerful tools and analytics built specifically for business. Go to to get your Free Wistia account today. ============= Follow on Twitter: @jason @TWIstartups @sarahcuda @gabrielsnyder LAUNCH: Launch Ticker: Launch Festival: Special thanks to the members of the TWiST Backchannel Program!

