Julie Fredrickson, CEO Stowaway Cosmetics, is direct-to-consumer innovator taking on $60b industry

发布时间 2015-07-28 20:44:48    来源


Direct-to-consumer is one of the hottest trends in our industry. No retail, no malls, straight to the customer, and please pass the savings. Today Jason talks to direct-to-consumer entrepreneur Julie Fredrickson, who is innovating in a $60b market ripe for disruption: cosmetics. Stowaway creates make-up in small sizes that you can carry and finish, thereby reducing the inefficiency and waste that characterizes an industry which is 70% controlled by 10 conglomerates. Stowaway, co-founded by Julie and Chelsa Crowley, is also one of Jason's investments, so it's a great conversation about how he became involved, his thoughts on the space, Julie's experiences as a female founder, the power of a simple message for your product, the importance of a good referral program, what it's like to take on a backwards but powerful industry, and much more. Never miss an episode! Subscribe in iTunes: Audio (http://bit.ly/TwiStA) || Video (http://bit.ly/TwiStV) ============== Thanks to our sponsors. Click here to tweet your support (can edit before sending): http://ctt.ec/FY1s8 HostGator.com, your one stop shop to getting your business online. Your domain name, your website, your website design, and even your marketing, they've got you covered. Have questions? Their team is there 24/7 via chat, phone, and email to help you. Start today for 30% off hosting with coupon code “twist.” Scott Walker at Walker Corporate Law. Scott loves startups and shows it, with fixed-fee pricing. Have a question? Email him directly, [email protected], and tell him Jason sent you. ============== Follow: http://twitter.com/almostmedia http://twitter.com/stowaway http://twitter.com/jason http://twitter.com/twiStartups Launch Ticker: http://launch.co Launch Festival: http://festival.launch.co Special thanks to the members of the TWiST Backchannel Program! Show notes powered by The Podcast Wire. Subscribe here: www.thepodcastwire.com

