AskJason: funding hardware production for a software company?

发布时间 2015-09-11 00:45:55    来源


Today, it’s a special #AskJason: mobile, wearables & Internet of Things (IoT) edition! Jason lends insights to fans’ pressing questions on m/w/IoT, including mobile-first strategies for new startups, the security of IoT (everything is connected: where is too much?!), is mobile taking over design and content?, opportunities in the massive smartphone penetration in emerging markets, and the challenges of growing mobile hardware using lean startup methods. This is the first in a series of special #AskJasons presented by Pivotal Labs. LAUNCH & Pivotal are teaming up to host Mobile, Wearables & IoT at Fort Mason in San Francisco, October 15-16. More info at: Join us! Never miss an episode. Subscribe in iTunes: Audio ( || Video ( Thank you to Pivotal Labs! Click here to tweet your support (can edit before sending): ============== Follow on Twitter: @pivotallabs @launch @jason @twiStartups LAUNCH-Pivotal Mobile, Wearables & IoT: Special thanks to the members of the TWiST Backchannel Program!

