#AskJason: Mobile, Wearables & Internet of Things! Part 3, with Janice Fraser, Pivotal

发布时间 2015-10-29 14:53:05    来源


Today, it’s a special #AskJason: mobile, wearables & Internet of Things (IoT) edition, with special guest Janice Fraser, the Director of Innovation Practice at Pivotal. Jason and Janice lend insights to fans’ pressing questions on m/w/IoT, including why IoT is so important, the states of virtual and augmented reality, what the Apple watch really needs to succeed, whither mobile in emerging, global markets -- and will we still be driving cars in 5-10 years? This is the third in a series of special #AskJasons presented by Pivotal. LAUNCH & Pivotal teamed up to host Mobile, Wearables & IoT at Fort Mason in San Francisco, October 15-16. Learn more at launchmw.com and watch clips from the event at: https://goo.gl/2N7PZF Never miss an episode. Subscribe in iTunes: Audio (http://bit.ly/TwiStA) || Video (http://bit.ly/TwiStV) Thank you to Pivotal! Click here to tweet your support (can edit before sending): http://ctt.ec/gXOor Pivotal has helped the world's most recognized brands and startups learn and adopt the methods required to build reliable, scalable software products. For more info, visit pivotal.io and follow @pivotal. ============== Follow on Twitter: http://twitter.com/pivotal http://twitter.com/clevergirl http://twitter.com/launch http://twitter.com/jason http://twitter.com/twiStartups LAUNCH-Pivotal Mobile, Wearables & IoT: http://www.launchmw.com Special thanks to the members of the TWiST Backchannel Program!

