All #AskJason: What are big video trends shaking up market, and how to take advantage of them?

发布时间 2016-01-15 18:04:12    来源


WATCH FULL EPISODE: In episode 612 of This Week in Startups, it’s #AskJason time. Jason sat down to answer 14 questions, on topics such as scaling, hiring, pitching, and more. Many questions focused on the topic of growth, and Jason shared plenty of wisdom on the topic. If you’re starting a business, looking for investors, or still in the ideation stage in 2016, growth should be in the front of your mind. Read on to find out why. Never miss an episode! Subscribe in iTunes: Audio ( || Video ( Find us on Spotify Now. ============== Follow on Twitter: @jason @twiStartups Launch Festival: Special thanks to the members of the TWiST Backchannel! Support TWiST and join the Backchannel:

