Iain Thomson & Robert Scoble debate gun control, smart gun tech, NRA resistance

发布时间 2016-07-05 17:59:54    来源


WATCH FULL EPISODE: https://youtu.be/XrZaYxvaauE .@iainthomson @theregister, @Scobleizer @uploadvr on gun control, smart gun tech & NRA resistance-@jason-THX @AdRoll Esteemed reporter Iain Thomson of The Register and seasoned entrepreneur Robert Scoble of Upload VR join Jason for a gripping News Roundtable on this episode of This Week in Startups. Robert starts off the discussion with some juicy background on some of the cutting edge tech in virtual reality, while Iain explains why nobody should be worried about Tesla’s autopilot feature following the fatal accident. The group then rips apart some of the more fantastical ventures, such as a new military beta-tested jetpack, and Larry Page’s investments in flying cars. Finally, with the world on the edge after Brexit, this news roundtable takes a natural turn into both global and domestic political issues, including terrorism, gun control, and national security.

