Why is email a better marketing platform than social? Noah Kagan Founder AppSumo & SumoMe explains

发布时间 2016-09-10 16:11:13    来源


WATCH FULL EPISODE: https://youtu.be/NrqV1QlkHGw Founder @noahkagan explains @appsumo & why email is better mkting platform than social-w/@jason-THX @ScottEdWalker Noah Kagan, founder of SumoMe & AppSumo, started his career as employee #30 at Facebook, before getting fired and losing $185m in company shares. Lessons learned showed Noah what he truly he excels at -- building small businesses and helping them grow. As Director of Marketing at Mint.com he built that startup’s first 100k customers, and ultimately created the Sumo Group (SumoMe, AppSumo, KingSumo), which now has ~1m subscribers and generates 8 figures in revenue -- completely bootstrapped, with no venture capital. Noah talks about all this and more -- including his best email marketing tips and other tricks of the trade to build your site’s traffic, lists, and audience. For full show notes, subscribe to: http://thisweekinstartups.com/about/#allsubscribe

