CEO AdamLudwin demos Chain & wallet-to-wallet transfers of diff. virtual currencies (i.e. reward pts

发布时间 2016-09-21 15:38:54    来源


WATCH FULL EPISODE: CEO/Cofounder @AdamLudwin demos @Chain & wallet-to-wallet transfers of diff. virtual currencies (i.e. reward pts, $)-w/@jason-THX @Braintree Entrepreneurs are driving all of the innovation today, and this episode's guest is no exception. Adam Ludwin, CEO & Co-founder of Chain created a tool that's helping top financial firms (NASDAQ, CapitalOne, Citi, Fidelity, Visa & more) deploy the blockchain. Adam demos his technology, and offers a fascinating and super clear explanation of how/why bitcoin & the blockchain were developed, how it works, common misperceptions, how the DAO hack happened & long-term effects, and how he got that insanely amazing domain name. Jason and Adam venture deep into other tech & culture territory, including whither Apple, who will buy Twitter, Snapchat v. Instagram, religion, oppressed societies, Hamilton (The Musical), and the hardest part of a startup (hint: it's not the starting up).

