20VC: Slow Ventures' Sam Lessin on How VC Forces Certain Companies To Exist and Makes It Difficult To Finance Others, Why Cities Won't Let Scooter Companies Be Profitable and Why Dapps Are A Concern and Where Emphasis Should Be Placed In Crypto
发布时间 2019-02-04 08:06:11 来源
“20分钟风投”播客的主持人哈里·斯特宾斯再次邀请到Slow Ventures的创始合伙人山姆·莱辛,进行第二次深入探讨,内容涵盖技术现状、风险投资以及未来的工作模式。讨论范围从人与机器之间不断演变的关系,到加密货币领域的复杂性,以及人工智能进步所带来的伦理困境。
Harry Stebbings, host of the 20 Minute VC podcast, welcomes back Sam Lessin, founding partner at Slow Ventures, for a second round of insights on the current state of technology, venture capital, and the future of work. The discussion spans from the evolving relationship between humans and machines to the complexities of the crypto landscape and the ethical dilemmas posed by advancements in artificial intelligence.
Lessin begins by reflecting on the shift in his investing mindset from angel investing to institutional venture capital. He emphasizes the vast difference in scale, where a successful $5 million exit is significant for an individual but potentially irrelevant for a $200 million fund. This necessitates a focus on larger market opportunities and companies with the potential for 10x to 100x growth.
The conversation pivots to the evolving relationship between humans and AI. Lessin contends that the initial vision of AI replacing human labor has proven misguided. Instead, he advocates for a symbiotic relationship where AI augments human capabilities, enabling humans to focus on the most creative and uniquely human aspects of work. He draws parallels to the Industrial Revolution, emphasizing that technological advancements require a reorganization of work processes to unlock true productivity gains.
Lessin introduces the concept of the "human knowledge work cloud," envisioning a future where knowledge work is structured and optimized similar to factory work. This involves centralizing and managing human work with advanced tools to enhance efficiency and quality. Measurement, he asserts, is key to understanding and optimizing hybrid systems. To that end, they are starting to open up a measurement technology framework at Finn.
Stebbings raises the issue of declining productivity in men, drawing on writings from Lessin's partner, Quartina. Lessin acknowledges the need for increased productivity to compete in a globalized world, emphasizing that technology and productivity are essential for job creation. He also addresses the reality of lower engagement during supposed working hours, due to micro-breaks and distractions, and suggests for the time spent working to be spent in hyper productivity in order to maximize free time.
Transitioning to crypto, Lessin highlights its potential to "complete" the internet by providing secure, decentralized memory and identity. He sees crypto as a counterpoint to centralized systems, offering greater freedom and privacy. He also highlights that its important for crypto to be a baseline in which freedom can be traded over security. He acknowledges the potential for centralized ecosystems to emerge within the crypto space, similar to the internet, but stresses the importance of maintaining a decentralized base layer. While they do invest in crypto, they generally do not invest in DApps.
The conversation then shifts to ethical considerations in the light of growing, algorithmically generated fake video. He discusses the balance between security and freedom, drawing a comparison to China's centralized approach to data management. He highlights the lack of structures in the west for discussion and choice as society needs. While concerned about security in general, Lessin expresses optimism about the future. He argues for a re-evaluation of fundamental principles and the need for more philosophers to address the complex ethical dilemmas posed by emerging technologies.
The interview wraps up with a quick-fire round, touching on Lessin's favorite book, The Lessons of History, his strategies for managing attention, and the benefits of being both an investor and an operator. He believes that the roles compliment each other. Lessin concludes by expressing his hope for a resurgence of consumer apps and highlighting his recent investment in Sveture.ai, an AI-powered recruiting solution.
Sam Lessin is a Founding Partner @ Slow Ventures, one of the leading early-stage funds on the West Coast with a portfolio including the likes of Robinhood, Gusto, Pinterest, Casper, Postmates and many more incredible companies. Sam is also the Co-Founder & Co-CEO @ Fin Analytics, the startup that provides precision measurement and coaching for high-performance operations teams. Before founding Fin and Slow, Sam spent 4 years at Facebook as a VP of Product Management following their acquisition of his prior company, Drop.io. In Today’s Episode You Will Learn: 1.) How Sam made his way into the world of venture with the founding of Slow following the acquisition of his company and 4 years in product at Facebook? 2.) How does Sam think about the difference between investing small personal checks vs managing institutional funds? What is the subsequent effect on mindset when investing? How does one prevent an increased conservatism? What does Sam mean when he says "VC forces some businesses into existence and makes others hard to fund? 3.) Why does Sam believe that man + machine must have a symbiotic relationship in the future? What does this look like in reality? When comparing today to the industrial revolution, is Sam concerned by the increased rate of adoption today? What does this mean for different categories of work? Why does Sam believe we will need more philosophers? 4.) Why does Sam believe that too much emphasis in the world of crypto is placed on Dapps? Why is he concerned by Dapps? What are of crypto does Sam believe is most exciting and investable today? Does Sam agree with Elad Gil that we will see the re-centralisation of talent back to the valley with the scaling of crypto co's? 5.) On governments, why does Sam not believe that both local and national governments will allow scooter companies to become meaningfully profitable in the future? How does Sam think about the balance and trade-off between privacy and security that faces many governments today? Items Mentioned In Today’s Show: Sam’s Fave Book: Lessons of History Sam’s Most Recent Investment: Fetcher.ai As always you can follow Harry, The Twenty Minute VC and Sam on Twitter here! Likewise, you can follow Harry on Instagram here for mojito madness and all things 20VC.