Behave by Robert M. Sapolsky

发布时间 2020-06-10 14:00:00    来源


Human action has multiple layers of causation. Our behavior is complicated.  It can’t be explained by biology and genes alone – as evolutionary biologists tend to do. And it can’t be explained by environment alone, as a sociologist might.  How we act and think depends on a subtle interplay between ancient urges and fears, social and cultural influences, and reasoning.  Sometimes, as Sapolsky explains in comprehensive detail, this can lead to the very worst actions in history – the blights of humanity – but he also offers hope.  As much as we are bound by aggressive behavior that is deeply wired into us, we can be equally influenced towards do-good, prosocial behaviors that maximize benefit for all, not only friends and family, but people that we don’t know and even people that we’ve never met.  Sapolsky’s key question is, how can we capitalize on these capacities, rather than those that lead towards aggression, hate and violence? 2:41 Part One: Causes of Behavior 10:20 Part Two: Genetics and Environment 19:00 Part Three: Free Will and Peace HEAR THE FULL INTERVIEWS MENTIONED IN TODAY'S EPISODE HERE: "The Daily Show | Robert Sapolsky - How Science Influences Culture And Politics In 'Behave' - EXTENDED INTERVIEW" "TedTalk | The biology of our best and worst selves" THANK YOU FOR LISTENING TO BOOK INSIGHTS. READY FOR MORE LEARNING? Get unlimited access to our entire collection of Book Insights on over 100 nonfiction bestsellers with a subscription at Please keep in mind that the information provided in or through our Book Insights episodes is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for advice given by qualified professionals, and should not be relied upon to disregard or delay seeking professional advice. Full Title: Behave Year of Publication: 2017 Book Author: Robert Sapolsky

