Bring a Trailer King: The Largest Seller of Interesting, Odd and Weird Cars in America!
发布时间 2024-09-05 09:00:48 来源
Welcome to the Car Dealership Guy Podcast. In this episode, I'm speaking with Andrew Glaser, CEO of Vantage Auto, where we ...
Hey guys, I'm super excited to build on the success of my industry job board by announcing the launch of CDG recruiting a more hands-on White glove automotive recruiting service our team has decades of experience and has successfully placed over a thousand rolls in the automotive industry So if you're ready to find your next rock star employee try CDG recruiting today by visiting CDG or clicking the link in the show notes below in terms of how many cars are out there We have no idea and that's what's so crazy about this business I flew to Indiana last week to look at a collection If I tell you like I thought I was in a movie and no cell phone service in the middle of cornfields in these sheds Surrounded by rusted out pickup trucks and I was told that the sky passed away had hoarded 80 cars They never drove over the years sure enough you open up these doors like candy store crazy cars All these Dodge Chocks in the 90s with under 50 miles on them cars from the 80s with no miles on them And you'd never think they existed it never be marketed anywhere So how many of those barns exist? I don't know. I've always got to keep finding them though Today, I'm excited to speak with Andrew Glaser founder and CEO of vantage auto group the country's largest seller of interesting odd and downright weird cars Yes, you heard that correctly We dig into how he carved out his lucrative niche in the modern classic car market and uncover his secrets for finding these hidden gems a big Thank you to our sponsors for making today's episode possible dealer DMV CDG recruiting and a lot links and now let's get into the show excited for this man
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今天,我很高兴能与Vantage Auto Group的创始人兼CEO安德鲁·格拉瑟对话。这家公司是全国最大奇特、奇怪乃至怪异汽车的销售商。没错,你没听错。我们深入探讨了他如何在现代经典车市场中开辟出了一个有利可图的市场,并揭示了他找到这些隐藏宝藏的秘诀。
特别感谢我们的赞助商,使今天的节目成为可能,包括Dealer DMV、CDG招聘和Allot Links。现在,让我们开始节目吧,我对这次对话充满期待!
What are you you have a quite an unconventional office that you're sitting in over there? What is it? Yes? It's a Maybach My office is currently being a government of aided so saw this is on our calendar I was like oh my god. Where am I gonna do this from? Like you know what? No, we're better than a Maybach I'll be the first person to ever have done your podcast from a Maybach So I'm living in luxury now. I'm comfortable got the massage seat on air conditioned. Let's get over here Unbelievable. Um, I'll tell you well by the way for anyone listening. This is your cue that if you don't yet Subscribe to card. Yes, we are on youtube you should because you can see it right now Show show it can you show us around are you and are you streaming from your phone or laptop or um? I'm on a laptop. I didn't turn around so this is actually my favorite Maybach ever made this an old school one 2009 Why why is it your favorite Andrew? I'm gonna show you this divider $30,000 option for $475,000 back in 2009 which today makes it like $14 million with inflation and Mercedes lost like 300,000 euros per Maybach produced which is wild. I mean the craftsmanship is unbelievable the new ones They're just s classes with a Maybach sticker. This is like real deal Private jet on wheels incredible. You can almost lie flat in the seat. It's the put of money I think there's nothing better. So we hang on to it just for I don't know really because we can't sell it So we're hanging on We're in it. I thought I thought that you know, do you sell plenty of these Maybacks in general or No rarely ever sell them when I saw one with the divider I was like we got to get this It's just like for somebody wants to travel in privacy and comfort There's nothing Anything we're close to this where you have complete privacy from driver with a power divider. I mean it's sick
Well, we're not that different. I used to do my interviews in Hyundai Sonata's so you know, we're pretty similar there Oh, yeah You'll go a lot farther on a tank of the I used to when we were renovating our offices maybe like Nine or eight years ago. So We had serious shortage of space and we had like, you know temporary trailers and all that but I I used to just take interviews in my car And I sort of adopted this method which by the way worked really well where I would interview someone it's sort of like walking side by side, which is a nice way to interview believe it or not Because it's a very kind of one-to-one interview. I've had very successful interviews that way but also just having someone in the car with me and You know going to grab a coffee or so. I mean making it super casual but getting them to really open up I was always a nice way to get to know someone I kind of got used to it And I ended up, you know recruiting some pretty good people that way. So that's my uh, that's my little cdg Lifeless and other day For my experience. That's awesome actually Just and when they're not good you just say hey get out kind of stimes out I will can't do that but that but but the nice thing is you can you can definitely um calculate your route So if you want a 10 minute route or you want a 30 minute route Uh, which keep which keep which keeps a nice.
Well, dude, I'll pumped to have this discussion. You're definitely a different type of dealer um Where Well, you know what? I don't want to introduce you. That's your job. So go ahead introduce yourself Tell us a little bit about yourself and what do you do? All right A little bit about myself. Uh, so I'm born and raised in new jersey. I was born into a car dealership family Uh one where my mother Wanted to make it known to me at young age. I was not permitted to go into the car dealership business That was not a place for me. I would go to college and get a degree and Where tie I suppose and suit and have a miserable life. So, um, I started on that route Actually, let's go before college. I started my first business at 15 in school Um, I was doing parties in Manhattan for underage kids without drinking Uh selling tickets these parties and that was like the kick off my entrepreneurial Life, uh fast forward. I got into marketing and sponsorship sponsored events. Um, I owned a few restaurants in Manhattan But a friend of mine And then I always realized I was flipping cars on the side and I was making more money doing that than anything else
Uh, I went to Syracuse University where their cars are trusted worse than I've seen anywhere else So I was bringing cars from new jersey up to Syracuse and selling them out of the airport parking lot there So kept flipping cars and one day in my 20s. I'm like, you know what? I'm going to the car business like That's where I belong. So I kind of brought this This different perspective to you know, I say I was like a good person in a bad industry if it makes any sense because the whole sale business at that time Had a pretty um, pretty bad connotation. What was this injury? What what what years was this? I made I made the full time move to the car business. I believe, uh, I would say 2014 Oh, sorry, but I'm not down low. Yeah Got that long ago. No, I started messing with cars and I was probably 16 or 17 Um, and at that point, uh, we were just wholesale. My dad was um, and the wholesale business doing probably About 30 cars a week And um, he never really wanted to push the limit with anything and that's when I kind of started to shake things up
Uh, we we grew to a company doing about 4,000 units annually Um, predominantly wholesale, but we didn't retail at all Uh, we started retailing. I believe 2017 at a very small level Website minimal marketing Um, and things really changed for us when covid hit, you know, we grew this beast of a company in terms of wholesale And now there were no cars because there were no new cars. There were no used cars. So what were we going to do? I didn't want to let everybody off Um, so I decided to know what but I had a some specialty cars. I said, let's just try selling these we'll put them on bring a trailer We did that and I was like, all right. This is interesting um, I took a big gamble and uh, We had done well when covid started because when everyone was fire selling their inventory I made the bet to buy which ended up really paying off And so we started because I said the let's make the goal to be the largest seller of Interesting odd and weird cars america not knowing where I was going with it But that was the goal and that that's the path we're on my goal is to actually Reduce volume a bit and increase margin. We continue to wholesale, but I don't actively Pursue new clients like I used to and we're really um Pursuing those specialty interesting odd and different Quote-unquote collector cars modern classics or really doing while we still wholesale At the same time.
呃,我们发展成了一家每年销售大约4000辆车的公司。主要是做批发,几乎没有零售业务。呃,我们在2017年开始了一点点零售业务,当时规模很小,网站和市场推广也很有限。但当新冠疫情爆发时,一切发生了变化。我们的批发业务做得很大,但突然间市场上既没有新车也没有二手车了。那么我们该怎么办呢?我不想让所有员工都失业,所以我决定尝试一下销售一些特别的车。我说,"我们把这些车放到Bring a Trailer这个网站上试试"。我们这样做了,结果很不错。
So your goal is to be the largest seller of interesting odd and weird cars in america. That's a very unique Mission tell us more about that. Right. So I have a couple questions on base what you just said first of all And this is a quick one right like covid you have all this conviction to double down and buy inventory whenever i'm selling why Right everyone is scared for their life. Why are you buying? I In my mind I was like, okay, if Everybody stuck at home. They're all gonna want cars to drive Those are like those weird interesting cars porches, Ferraris, GTRs, fun cars. They can just go out and rip No cops are on the road. Everybody's in a wild one I knew the government was gonna pump money into the economy So I said to myself eventually this is going to work out It's gonna take some time or it'll have to hold for a bit But really made this gamble that would I thought pay off and it did People thought I was nuts like my family and he told my wife and my glisten like I'm going all in on this and it doesn't work like sorry But it worked it was a Few very hard months, but ultimately it was the best decision I made for our business.
Okay, so now You what what before you do this what cars are you primarily wholesaling like everyday cars? Every day cars anything cars the way I built my business was by going into a dealership and saying to them What do you do with your wholesale? This was really before ACV and before I would say online auctions really took off and they'd say well, you know, I've got a guy for the five thousand dollar cars I got five to twenty thousand dollar cars Um, and I see these used car managers like how much time do you spend wholesale in cars? Well, every Monday I spend like three hours then Thursday three hours And I say to them what if I told you I'd buy every single car you traded They'd say that's impossible. How are you gonna do that? I said I'll buy every car you trade it could be an o2 camera with 500,000 miles or it could be a new Ferrari with five miles I'll buy them all pay you the same day. I'll pick them up within 48 hours You'll never hear from me with any of any issues and a lot of them are like done great Um, I predominantly did that in central and south jersey and word kind of just spread about what I was doing I was paying fair money for the cars. I didn't need to make thousands per car and how are you valuing them? At that time, I really just using a memoir. Um, I began using vauto in 2000 I wasn't early adopted a vauto. I guess 2014 13 15 right around there. I was using vauto just to keep track of everything and yet mmor was what I was using I would say gals a little bit but most more And let's let's fast forward to today, right? Where are you getting your supply as does as you know on a maybe a kid you're on a mission for to sell the most interesting Odd and weird cars in america.
我主要在新泽西州中部和南部做这些,后来我的做法口耳相传开来。我给汽车支付的价格很公正,不需要每辆车都赚上千美元。那你是怎么给这些车估价的?当时,我主要使用的是MMR(Manheim Market Report)。我大约在2014、2013或2015年左右开始使用vAuto,不算特别早。我用vAuto来记录一切,但大多数时候还是用MMR。
Where are you finding these cars to begin with? Everywhere you could possibly think of have a team of great buyers that are sourcing all day long A lot of people now actually call us to sell our reputation is that we're going to pay a fair amount people know We have to make something but I'll still Pay really fair amount. I'll even overpay for the right car and I do that daily And we're finding them everywhere. I'll be honest a lot of the cars that we're buying We're paying full retail from dealers across the country paying their dock fee paying tax if we have to Um, and then we're still reselling those cars. So we're really looking everywhere. There's no honey hole It's just so many different sources.
Now your buyers are all in house or are they you know, outsource team. How does that work? So none of our buyers work in house My wholesale buyers are all local to where we operate in northern New Jersey And I would say they cover like a hundred mile radius My specialty buyers are all remote. They're in uh, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Texas, Florida California all over the country then they all work at our schedules Got it. So what's their incentive? Like do you pay them per deal per profit on a deal? Sure, so there's different pay plans. We offer them it really depends on their appetite for risk It's either a flat per car that they find or we're paying them a percentage of the net profit Okay, and If they're losing on those cars, do they pay you back or are they just fired? How does that work? Uh, they pay us back and I honestly I've Maybe had two months where I've had buyers of negative months. It's extremely extremely rare for it to happen I want it does. I'll just deduct from the next month
Yeah, I always like these uh, you know, I always like to get into intricacies of the business That's uh interesting to me. Well, it's it's a real thing right if if you have a buyer that that leaves you and let leaves you with 50 problem cars Real issue And getting and I know a lot of people that have I've been in that position and I really try and ensure that we don't hold on to cars For so long to defend that from happening. There's a problem car and it's gonna lose money It's losing less today than it's gonna lose in six months from now So let's just take the loss now think too many guys like just wait and wait and wait and wait Just get rid of it. Write the bullet and move on
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你在社交媒体上的表现非常有趣。请问,你是不是数字平台上的销量冠军?目前我无法确切告诉你我是否是今天的销量冠军,但我在 Bring the Trailer 上已售出约1400辆车。在某个阶段,我每周在 Bring the Trailer 上运行15到20辆车。
这个1400辆车的时间跨度是多少?这是 Bring the Trailer 上的总计销量,也就是大约四年时间。
Why bring why bring a trailer like what do you what do you find about selling on them by the way? I have no affiliation to bring a trailer. I know of them Um, i've never used them, but i'm curious to know why do you sell there primarily and to be clear I have no affiliation with them either It's my job as the person selling the cars here and the reason i can attract Great buyers is because i I take pride in being able to get the most money possible for a car And in what i've done i find that bring the trailer brings the most money and it's a place where we're able to really create reputation I like the people that work there. I think that their community while it might not be the largest Community it's i believe the best community in terms of the amount of people that are there that are just commenting versus actually bidding Um, so that's really what i like about it I also love that i'm able to keep the cars in house and turn the cars quickly You know our goal here is to get a car in on a monday Have it cleaned on tuesday Serviced wednesday photo at the i know on thursday so now it's been four days Have it live on bring a trailer within a week and sold within a week so that car that came in It's gone within two weeks
为什么选择通过 Bring a Trailer 销售?你觉得在他们平台上卖车有什么特别之处?我声明一下,我与 Bring a Trailer 没有任何关联。我知道这个平台,但从未使用过它。不过我很好奇,为什么你主要在这里卖车?同样明确一下,我也和他们没有任何关联。作为卖车的人,我的职责就是吸引出色的买家,而之所以能吸引到这些买家,是因为我为能够以最高的价格卖车而感到自豪。
在我的经验中,我发现 Bring a Trailer 能带来最高的售价,并且这是一个能够真正建立声誉的平台。我喜欢在那里工作的人。我认为他们的社区虽然不是最大的,但在实际投标而不仅仅是评论的人数上,是最优秀的。所以这是我喜欢这个平台的原因之一。
另外,我喜欢能够把车子保留在手中,并快速周转。我们的目标是在周一收到一辆车,周二清洗,周三进行维修,周四拍照,这样在四天内完成。然后在一周内让车在 Bring a Trailer 上上线,并在一周内售出。也就是说,一辆车从进来,到卖掉,不超过两周的时间。
When we're doing when we're selling it on bring the trailer and are you primarily putting classics on there or what are you really putting on there? What type of cars? So we specialize in modern classics Um, I really believe that's where we're headed. You know the bell curve of of people that are coming into wealth I really in their 30s 40s early 50s so 50s 60s and 70s cars I find are just a bit too old and we're looking at 80s 90s and early 2000s cars So that's predominantly what we specialize in We do whatever was cool when you were growing up at over mom's road whatever your friend's mom drove, you know You went to Soccer practice in 93 plimeth grand voyager. Well, we're gonna find one with 10 000 miles. You're gonna like oh my god That's the plimeth voyager from from uh kindergarten I want that van and you're gonna pay somebody will pay 25 rem for that that voyager just to own that piece of Of their history. It's really about the nostalgia factor for us. I was just gonna say dude. You're like monetizing nostalgia That's unbelievable 100% that is that is what we uh That's what we thrive off of bringing back those those memories Which hopefully are a great ones for people's childhood or when they were growing up had that car on the wall They couldn't afford no he's dreamed of and now they found they can't and some yeah, which is fun for me because those are That's how I grew up also.
请问当我们在 Bring a Trailer 上出售车辆时,您主要放的是经典车吗?或者说您到底在卖什么类型的车?
Yeah Man so many thoughts running through my head like I've I've been I've been thinking a lot about this this theme in general Because you see it in so many industries like you see disney put out you know, um like a revamp version of like lion king or whatever and You know movie theater sold out right stuff like that I'm giving you like a bad example. There's been more recent ones that I can't think of no It's a great example. You get you get the idea like all everything that's nostalgic Is just really really has taken off in different ways whether it be you know films um Snacks literally like people are you you know on ebay like you can buy snacks that you had when you were a kid It's of course. It's not it wasn't made 20 years ago Or maybe it was but you get the idea like all these just the the nostalgia economy is Massive and I never thought about it From a transportation perspective frankly, so I think that's super interesting. I was looking what say dodge does right bringing back the challenger um charger all Names that are nostalgic the hemianjin so we're doing the same thing but for a different generation Um, you know, they always say like what's all this new? It's it's it's difficult you see cars now coming out in these browns and greens that were cool in the 60s the 70s now They're back. Um, so that it really is a proven way I believe to to generate interest from people.
Yeah, what are you making talk to us about little, you know economics here Right, what do you make on average on on uh when you saw car and bring a trailer? I couldn't tell you on average you make on bring the trailer. I could tell you on average um our retail gross and our wholesale grosses in 2023 Our retail grosses were 5500 a copy And our wholesale gross profit per unit was 15 Oh eight per copy. We did 3300 cars and for 2024 We're tracking at uh It's really interesting what we've done We've done less cars as an on 2024 we're at 1329 cars Our retail profit 5 000 129 a car and a whole wholesale profit 1484 a car. So our we're pretty consistent in terms of our our gross profit Per car, but as you can see that volume is coming down a bit Which I would attribute to a number of different factors
是啊,你要和我们聊点经济方面的事情,对吧。那你通常在“Bring a Trailer”上卖车能赚多少?我没有具体的平均数据,但我可以告诉你,我们在2023年的零售和批发毛利的平均值。我们每辆车的零售毛利润是5500美元,批发毛利润是1508美元。我们一共卖了3300辆车。
So anecdotally when you sell a car and bring a trailer I know you don't have the exact numbers in front of you at the moment But do you find that it's better margins than your in-store retail or worse margins? I wish I could give you a straight answer to that. There is no Exact answer it it it's hit or miss we're talking about cars that we can't value right What's an o1 grand Cherokee with 4 000 miles worth? It's worth what someone will pay And whether we find that person online on a traditional marketing site or on bring a trailer You know, I couldn't tell you which one's gonna pay more
所以,基于实际经验,当你卖车并在 Bring a Trailer 上发布时,我知道你现在可能没有具体的数据。但你觉得这比你在实体店零售的利润更高还是更低?
我希望可以给你一个明确的答案,但实际上没有一个确切的答案。这种情况有时好,有时坏。我们说的是一些无法准确估价的汽车。比如,一辆里程只有 4000 英里的 2001 年款的 Grand Cherokee 它的价值是多少?它值买家愿意支付的价格。至于我们是在线上或者在传统的营销网站上找到这个买家,我没法告诉你哪个会付更多钱。
The one the most interesting thing I've learned about the wholesaling industry Again as a retail guy my life in my entire life is that just how much of a gambler really is Like you think that these things people have a down to it tea. They really don't I mean obviously you get good at it, but like you said there's a lot of You know, you just can't predict what someone's gonna pay on some classic vehicle. It's just it's really tough to know Yeah, I think sometimes the cars that we think are gonna make the most Make a least in the cars that we least expect that sometimes do the move right he just you never know Um with wholesale, it's obviously a bit more predictable, but all right, so you've had a pretty interesting Um career as well in that you've really promoted yourself for social media, which I always love to have these conversations on the podcast Tell us a little bit about how you got into social media You know how you started promoting your vehicles and bring in on on for sale online via social media Just give us a little insight into that side of the world because this is not like yes You're putting cars on bring a trailer, but you are also promoting it on the back end It's not just necessarily turn key. You're also promoting yourself out there
I got into social media completely by accident. We realized that we had these amazing cars in a warehouse in Munak, New Jersey that nobody knew existed essentially. So how could we get the word out there about them? We hired a full-time marketing person paid the guy really well and his job was to create these Instagram reels, Facebook videos, things of that nature, which looked really great, but they weren't getting much traction. So here we are spending all this money. He's putting out these videos again, which look fantastic but they're getting three, four or five thousand views each. So I said to my CFO one day and she's also a COO, "Mike. This just doesn't make sense. We're putting out these videos, I'm not getting views.
Do we really need his professional person?" Um, so we ultimately decided we didn't. So one day a car came in off of a trailer and parked around my detailers and I was like, you know what? I'm gonna take a video of this right now and post it. The car was dirty. It was not a professional video. It was just me being who I am being authentic, which I think has contributed significantly to our success online. And I post this video of a 1995 Ford Mustang Cobra convertible. It still was in the plastic with 12 miles on it. And I posted it and next thing I knew I'm getting these notifications on my phone, "Your reel has 20,000 views, 50,000 views, 100,000 views, 500,000 views million views" and like "oh my god"
Overnight went from 3,000 followers to 50,000 followers or maybe it was 20,000 followers at the time um. Few days later my brother-in-law who runs our sales says to me, "You wouldn't believe it. We're gonna sell this Mustang that you posted. Um, that you posted on Instagram." I was like "Who are you selling me to?" It's like "Gabriel and Glazier's assistant just called and wants to buy the car." And I was like "That is the craziest thing I've ever heard in my life. Like let's do it." Um, I wonder if this is actually real so sure enough, it was real. Gabe bought the car and that was the beginning of a great relationship.
Gabe and I have. He's bought I think six cars from me in the past six or eight months. Yeah, he's a really awesome awesome guy. And I said, you know what? I'm just gonna start. Putting myself out there I I never wanted to I always thought that I was afraid to I guess, you know people don't want to see me. Um, they want to see the car. I'm like, you know what? They don't have to see me. Let's just show them the car. So that's what he did. Um, and I began just posting these real showing people the cars and the cars. As they say like the cars are the stars and they were when, when you are a car enthusiast.
Gabe 和我之间的关系特别好。在过去的六到八个月里,他从我这里买了六辆车。他真的是一个非常棒的人。我当时想,你知道吗?我该开始把自己展示出来了。我一直不愿意这样,总觉得有些害怕,担心人们不想看到我,只想看车。后来我想,没关系,他们不一定非要看到我。那就只给他们展示车吧。所以我开始这么做了,我开始发布一些展示汽车的视频。对车迷来说,车子才是真正的明星。
And you want to see a 04 Tacoma with 10,000 miles or 03 Dodge Dakota RT with eight miles on it, people are going to watch. And that's just what I kept doing. I just kept sharing the inventory that we have. Nothing special. No lighting. No effects. I do not do retakes. I just am myself. I record them for a minute and a half and post them and that's been really successful for us. Yeah, it's been really fun. Um, so what does that drive for you? Does it mostly drive demand? For vehicles that you already have or how does that really work for you? How does it work just into your business?
如果你想看一辆跑了 10,000 英里的 2004 年的塔科马,或者只跑了八英里的 2003 年道奇达科他 RT,人们都会来看。于是我就一直这么做。我只是不断分享我们的库存。没有什么特别的,没有灯光效果,没有花哨的特效。我不重拍,就只是做自己。我录个一分钟半的视频然后发出去,这对我们来说非常成功。对,这真的很有趣。那么,这对你来说带来了什么?它主要是增加了对现有车辆的需求吗?这对你的业务运作有什么具体的影响吗?
As of right now, it's working in getting people to buy cars from us. You sold a bunch of cars off Instagram and now we're starting to buy cars off of Instagram. Which I'll admit i'm not great at because there's just so much follow-ups or now hiring for that position just for. You know somebody to respond to all these messages. Um, and it's been a huge huge driver of traffic to our website. It's the number one driver of traffic to our site, the links in our bio that I post the listing, the car and buy a huge margin. Uh, you know it outperforms car grooves where we're spending 8500 a month. where we spend 3 000 a month, auto trader car facts by a large multiple.
目前,我们的策略确实有效,成功吸引了许多人从我们这里买车。你通过Instagram卖掉了一大批车,现在我们也开始通过Instagram购车。不过,我必须承认我在这方面不太擅长,因为需要跟进的事情实在太多了,所以我们正在招聘一个专职人员来处理这些消息。而且,这个策略大大增加了我们网站的流量。Instagram上的链接是我们网站的第一流量来源,效果远远超过我们每月在Car Gurus上花费8500美元、在cars.com上投入3000美元以及在Auto Trader和carfax上的投入。
So explain that to me when you say link in bio you're saying you put that in the caption on the post on the social platforms you say link in bio and that's the driver or is it another way? How do you actually generate that traffic? I'll either verbally say it in real and if the link to this car is it can be found in our bio. And i'll always include it in the actual caption there right at the bottom saying like, you know, let me know your thoughts about this car in the comments below by the way. Click the link in our bio to view the full listing. And uh, that's by far the number one driver of traffic. And you do all the social yourself like physically you yourself. You go out there you put it up you write the copy you do everything.
所以,你说的 "link in bio" 是什么意思?当你在社交平台的帖子里说 "link in bio" 时,你是把链接放在你的账户简介里吗?这样做是为了引导流量,还是有其他办法?你是怎么实际生成这些流量的?我会在视频里口头提到,比如说这辆车的链接可以在我们的简介里找到。我也总是在帖子的最后写上,“在评论区告诉我你对这辆车的看法,顺便点击我们的简介链接查看完整的列表。” 这绝对是引流的头号方式。你所有的社交媒体内容都是你自己操作的吗?比如你自己出去拍照、写文案、发布所有内容?
I do everything and i'm extremely protective of it. A lot of people the work here want to get involved like let me take a video like now step away. We actually just hired somebody's helping us our website and a few other things and I noticed who is posting Instagram stories and I was like dude you got to stop but that's my baby. So i'm a little two hands-on maybe but It's you know at this point people know me they know this terrible voice of mine Um, it was funny when I met when I spoke to to gave on the phone for the first time. And uh, mostly polynomas fluffy I'm on the phone with them and i'm like, this is crazy like this is gibrio and glaze. Is more fun with tigles yet. I'm on and i'm on the phone with angel with the instagram voice i'm like, oh my god You actually recognize your voice. Yeah, for a few authentic, you know He authenticated me by by hearing my voice So so how else do you make money?
Do you sell you sell classic cars? You said you sold 1400 cars in a couple of years on bring a trailer, right? What other what other profit centers do you have it to the ocean? Like I've read something on your website restoration, but just kind of give us a rundown of how you know, what are your other profit? So we do the things the most dealerships do we sell warranties we do ceramic coating things of that nature Um, I'm a big believer in that I will not endorse a product or sell a product that I myself don't believe in I don't sell window edge. I don't sell any of these what I call like honestly BS products I know that they can be big revenue drivers for dealerships for sell so the thing that a lot of people leave regret buying So I'll only sell them something. I myself i'm into so ceramic and warranties But we all entire insurance also which around here you really do need and then in 2000 and 20 I embarked on this journey of restoring and customizing Mercedes G wagons and Land Rover defenders I really did so because I was passionate about these cars and I couldn't understand why they were all 200 000 dollars, right? There's got to be a better way to do this
你们卖经典汽车吗? 你说你在几年的时间里在“Bring a Trailer”网站上卖了1400辆车,对吧?你们还有哪些其他的盈利渠道?我在你们的网站上看到有修复服务,但能不能简单介绍一下你们的其他盈利方式?
So I was like, all right if we've already got our bills paid this can only be gravy on top other companies doing it rely on The funding their entire business just by selling these restored cars So I began going to year Really often and partnering with some people in Poland and Spain and Lithuania Or we do these builds so clients come to us They can pick out every everything about the car the color the interior motor transmission and we do a complete nut in both restoration um by the way, I'm barking on that journey was very risky um has been extremely stressful in the end has not been A money maker at least not yet because of the lack of control you have over people in other countries And now we finally I think I earned out the kinks and Will be you know profitable unless stressful But um, it has been a you know An interesting experience for me and it will continue I believe to grow into a profitable, you know profit center
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Well, and what's the economics on that like when you restore these vehicles? What are you really making on this? How much time is this take? So that's that's what it comes down to right? It's this whole thing about time being money in my life The three biggest dresses i've always had were money space and time And i'm very fortunate that the the money piece, you know for inventory I used to not sleep at night wondering if checks were gonna clear um space Still a little tight on space. We've storage facilities you use now But time is the biggest one you can't create more times How can you be as efficient as possible? These cars the amount of time it took of me to deal with the people overseas flying there was tremendous so If we were selling a car for say 140 000 they were making 40 000 a car Maybe even more but the amount of time it took was just wild and and stress and sleepless nights and Parts missing and things of that nature now at this point. We really have the process dialed in Our target profit per unit is between any it really ranges But it's from 20 to 60 000 per unit and that just depends on how Much work we're doing are we doing a full body of frame restoration or are we doing Completely custom interior with aspen martin leather. No, what are we building? That's really how we come up with what we're able to make on it and in terms of quality Our competitors are charging north of 200 000 for a defender that we're charging 154 And I believe our quality is actually superior Which is really because like of my obsession with being involved with being so hands-on and Insisting that anything we put out there is of like the vantage quality that I wanted to be You know, that's what I was going to say. I think one one theme I've just realized with you at your you're talking while I'm scrolling through your instagram page and just thinking And it's clear that you are just really passionate about the vehicles Like I could never do what you do because I would not I'm just too desensitized to the cars I wouldn't I wouldn't have an attachment to it I would take the video for instagram and I wouldn't really be that excited I'd be like get this thing off my life. Like let's sell this thing already Like I'm not to me, you know, I come from a high volume, you know, like off-least vehicle play And so that's um, I actually admire that in you how you really care about the cars. It's like your babies each one it seems like Right and and that's why I'm transitioning the wholesale stuff I could not care less about a 2021 explorer. We sell 10 of them a week When I see these cars, I'm like my god and 99 s 320 you're 30 000 miles people become nuts But these to me are like amazing cars that bring back so many memories to me I'm passionate about them. I lose sleep being excited about the cars are coming in the next day Like that genuinely is what keeps me motivated keeps me coming to work Yeah, it keeps me working hard. All right.
So a couple of different questions like first of all Is this market More recession-proof than the normal use car market like traditionally the car market is pretty recession-proof You know up to I'm giving you a ball park figures here, right? 30 35 grand maybe even 40 you could say right because you need a car you need a car to get to work You know the car is right next to the home like it's super important transportation great but is this market actually more recession-proof because you're Target customer has you know higher disposable income is potentially wealthy And they have money even through a recession or is it like what's your thoughts there?
So that's a really great question and something I'm asked often in that something internally we really try and decipher So here's what I'll say I have a lot of clients that are big-time collectors. I'm talking 20 30 40 50 hundred cars Let's just make up a number. They're not worth so hundred million dollars and the stock market tanks tomorrow Cuts in half their wealth. They still have 15 million dollars. They're still going to spend they're still going to buy that 96 911 turbo with 5,000 miles and maybe it'll sell for 290 instead of 300 when we look at people that were buying cars like the 2001 or 9 11 the 97 boxers the 2011 Jaguar XJs that market has almost cut in half Which is wild it fell off a cliff And that's because those people need that money for other things now They're thinking twice about buying it during covid and just after covid people had so much money They were didn't matter they're paying 40 grand 50 grand for 99 9 11, which was wild now that same car is 30 And unfortunately we see a lot of the cars that we sold at that time Being resold for half people coming back to us. Hey, I want to trade it in imagine telling them it's worth half It's really hard And then on the wholesale side we see it at least in our world The more expensive stuff like the 2024 Range Rovers far easier to sell than the 2020 Range Rover Person spending 120 grand on a car is going to spend it the person spending 50 or 60 The rates might impact them The actual amount of money they're laying out might impact them differently So it is really interesting to say I will say that it it is more recession proof But it is not recession proof that makes any sense we're selling
这是一个非常好的问题,也是我经常被问到的。我们内部也在努力解读这个问题。我想说的是,我有很多客户是大型收藏家。他们拥有二三四五十甚至上百辆车。假设他们的这些车总价值一亿美元,而明天股市暴跌一半,他们的财富减少到一半,他们仍然有1500万美元。他们仍然会花钱,仍然会买那辆开了5000英里的1996年款911 Turbo。也许价格会从30万美元降到29万美元。
但是,当我们看那些购买2001年款911、1997年款Boxster、2011年款Jaguar XJ的市场,几乎减半了,这很疯狂,这个市场简直是崩塌了。这是因为那些人需要用那笔钱去做其他事情。现在他们在买车时会三思而后行。在COVID期间以及COVID刚结束时,人们手里有很多钱,所以无所谓,他们愿意花四五万美元买1999年款911,这很疯狂。而现在同样的车只值3万美元了。不幸的是,我们发现很多当时卖出去的车,现在被转售,价格只有一半。客户来找我们说想把车换掉,告诉他们车只值一半真的是很难的事。
在批发方面,至少在我们的世界里,更贵的车,比如2024年的Range Rover,比2020年的Range Rover更容易卖。花12万美元买车的人还是会花这笔钱,而花五六万美元的人,则可能会受到利率的影响,他们花钱的方式会有所不同。这真的很有趣。所以我会说它确实更抗衰退,但并不是完全抗衰退的,如果这有意义的话。
Because it's You know when somebody's looking on your dealership to buy a 2018 sonata. They'll say to you. Okay, what's your best price? Well, it's 15,000 Well, I'm gonna go look at 10 more tonight when you come here to look at a car and you're looking at a 92 Wrangler with 10,000 miles. There's no other car to look at you're buying this one or you're not buying Right, so that's the difference. And that's why I much prefer being in this space No, I can understand that and I like how you said it's more recession proof. It's not recession proof You know, I wonder how many Andrew Glazers can we really have in the country? Right like how and I don't know the answer to that But I'm saying that how many of these cars are really out there You would know better than me Like basically how repeatable is this strategy? What's your thoughts on that?
因为是这样的,当顾客来到你的汽车经销店想买一辆2018年的索纳塔时,他们会问你“你的最低价是多少?” 你可能会说“15000美元”。他们通常会说“好吧,我今晚还会去看另外10辆车”。但是如果你来到这里要买一辆行驶了10000英里的1992年款的Wrangler,你就没有其他选择了—要么买这辆,要么就不买。这就是区别所在。也是我更喜欢在这个领域工作的原因。
我明白了,我也喜欢你说的它更具抗衰退性。虽然它并不是完全抗衰退的,但相对较好。我想知道在这个国家能有多少个像Andrew Glazer这样的人呢?比如说,这种策略到底有多少辆车适用?对此,我不清楚答案。我在问的是,这种策略有多大的可重复性?你对此有什么看法?
So It's really hard The hardest thing We deal with is finding people to work for us and know how to value these cars If you want to hire a guy or for your dealership and they're just buying a late model inventory They go to man. I'm they buy it that it's easy I'm not kidding when I tell you I interview over a hundred people before I give one the opportunity to do this So it is a repeatable. Yes And a lot of people try and copy this model And a lot of people lose a lot of money really quickly and some other ones succeed We keep trying to stay ahead of the curve keep innovating ways to close deals faster Um have a better process than other people maintain the reputation And there always will be more cars much as we think there's never a car like it. Maybe not exactly like it Remember something every year that passes You know another we increased the year that we're looking for so if last year we were looking for Let's just say 2010 and older under 50,000 miles now we're looking for 2011 and older under 50,000 miles It's that bell curve keep sliding to the right and we keep looking for newer cars So I I don't think that the lake completely dries up. It just refills with new water, right? It's uh, we're just we keep moving right
Um and in terms of how many cars are out there. We have no idea and that's what's so crazy about this business Um, I flew to indiana last week to look at a collection If I tell you like I thought I was in a movie and no cell phone service in the middle of cornfields In these sheds surrounded by rusted out pickup trucks and I was told that this guy passed away had hoarded 80 cars They never drove over the years sure enough you open up these doors. It's like Candy store crazy cars. You know all these dodge trucks in the 90s with under 50 miles on them Cars from the 80s with no miles on them and you'd never think they existed. They'd never be marketed anywhere So how many of those barns exist? I don't know we've got to keep finding them though uh, but I do I do believe that we'll We'll keep finding more and we also will change our parameters, right? If you're only looking for under 50,000 miles well, maybe that will buy a car with 70,000 miles That's really clean and rust-free and in awesome condition. So it's just changing up what you're looking for You can't be so specific and narrow-minded If you if I right now give you you know a half a million dollar vehicle Said Andrew go sell it. What do you do? Look? What's the next steps for you?
Half a million dollar vehicle. Um, I don't sell many of them, but the first thing I would do is put on instagram Uh second thing I would do is call a bunch of collector clients I had and the third thing I do is probably put on bring a trailer Um if it was something that was unique and you could say to yourself like put on bring a trailer myself Right, I could do it yourself. Everybody says I could do it myself try doing it yourself That's what I tell people It's it's not as easy as it looks like people that work here that their only job is dealing with people from bring a trailer Questions comments Some somewhat ridiculous requests and people know when they're buying from us that they have that there's that reputation Which I keep going back to we've proven our ability to get more money for the same car than other sellers So what's next? Look what's next for your company for your business? You've grown tremendously, you know by leveraging social by deploying a very unique Playbook focusing on like you said odd, uh, what is it odd interesting weird cars in the marketplace? What's next for your business? What's next great question?
价值五十万美元的车辆。呃,我不常卖这种车,但我首先会做的是把它发在Instagram上。其次,我会打电话给我的一些收藏家客户。第三,我可能会把它放到“bring a trailer”的网站上。如果这是一辆很独特的车,你可能会想自己把它放到“bring a trailer”上,对吧?你可以自己做。每个人都说可以自己做,这就是我告诉人们的:尝试自己做。这并不像看上去那么简单,我们这里的员工唯一的工作就是处理“bring a trailer”上的客户提问、评论、甚至有些荒谬的请求。人们在从我们这儿买车时知道我们有信誉,我一直强调我们已经证明了我们能够比其他卖家为同样的车获取更多的钱。所以,接下来是什么?看看你们公司、你们业务的下一步是什么?你们通过社交媒体的力量和独特的运营方式,比如关注那些奇特、有趣、怪异的车,在市场上取得了巨大的增长。你们业务的下一步计划是什么?这是个好问题。
So I hope to continue increasing the volume of those odd weird different Nostalgia cars Um now we're also getting into doing the social side of things and not just online really bringing it back to being in person I think that since covid these car clubs, um cars and coffee events Cars shows have become tremendous experiential with our name Exactly people want to see these cars touch them talk about them So the goal of this renovation that we're doing is to really bring people here to create that experience for them Hang out amongst the cars Hope to be doing a lot of events in our space and really doing them nationally Taking like you know doing a van de jolo roadshow say, you know if you're a car dealership You have a new car dealer and you don't know how to bring in people Will help you because you know, nobody wants to come and see you know the latest grand Cherokee But if we say hey, we're gonna do a vantage auto sponsored Cars and coffee event on a saturday morning and by the way, they're bringing these two ridiculously rare early 90s jeeps You're gonna get people in your area to come see those cars bring their 90s 80s cars and really create a cool event your dealership to create a different type of experience That's something I really hope to do
比如说,我们可以做一个巡回展示,如果你是一个汽车经销商而且你不知道怎样吸引人群,我们可以帮你。因为没人愿意单纯来看最新款的大切诺基,但如果我们说,“嘿,我们将举办一个由Vantage Auto赞助的咖啡与车的活动,而且还会带来两辆罕见的90年代早期吉普车”,这样一来,你所在地区的人们就会被吸引来看看这些车,带他们的80年代、90年代车子一起参加,真正为你的经销店创造一个酷炫的活动和不同类型的体验。这就是我非常希望做到的。
Uh, you know in q4 24 and then into 2025 And we also hope to Start Going to more existing events whether they be concourse events things of that nature We're gonna be putting our cars and those events and really ourselves Joining that community which I never did simply because I didn't have that time So i'm okay with doing a little bit less volume, but putting ourselves out there Um sharing, you know my team's expertise helping dealers understand these cars a bit better and really getting in front of that Car enthusiast community nationwide. That's uh certainly a goal
Do dealers ever ask you if you do consulting or if you share information and stuff like this how to buy and sell your way Had a great question people ask me but not in appropriate ways They'll like message me on facebook like hey, can you appraise this for me? And i'm like hey no like it's it's weird Um, I never came up with the right way to approach the consulting thing And I hope to start doing that now because the amount of money dealers leave on the table is Mind-boggling like absolutely insane they're looking at mmorr You know take a car 97 Porsche bokster with 20 000 miles and mmor's like six correct And they'll think they're at 7500 they have praised this car at the moon. They lose the deal We're gonna put like 13 000 on that same car
So imagine really deals these dealerships are losing when they take those cars in And then get nine grand for that car that they took in for 7500 They think they just did great at the sale We're buying it for nine and selling it for 15 So they're not really doing as great as they think and when you're selling it for 15 Are you selling it on bring a trailer? Is that what you're what you mean? It could be anywhere. It could be our website. It could be bring a trailer Um, you know, there's no conventional way to look up the values of these cars
所以想象一下,这些经销商在收车时损失了多少利润吧。如果他们以7500美元收进一辆车,然后以9000美元卖出去,他们觉得自己捡了个大便宜。但实际上我们是以9000美元买进,然后以15000美元卖出。所以他们并不像自己想的那样赚了很多钱。当你15000美元卖出去时,你是在“Bring a Trailer”上卖的吗?这有可能是任何地方,可能是我们自己的网站,也可能是“Bring a Trailer”。没有一个传统的方法可以查到这些车的价值。
You're basically saying your brand your brand your brand your reputation the way you sell your cars is able to generate An extra five, you know three four five thousand dollars of alpha to weigh to which means you just have a competitive advantage No, what i'm saying is that the dealer that took that car in if they asked for example on their website 99.95 They'd think they did well the auto says it makes sense They did well We'll go to their dealership. We'll buy that car. We'll pay their dock fee There whatever there is and resell it for 15 on our website or wherever else just because they don't understand that market So you're saying so i am trying to clarify you're saying that dealers are underpricing these cars because they don't understand the market I was in percent
And they're underpricing the vehicles because they're going by book values or you know market values that are just incorrect They're going by book values. They're going by vie auto and in a lot of cases their wholesaling cars That they shouldn't and they're losing tons of deals people that have trades that they say can't be worth that kind of money They just lost the deal When they might ask us about that car we put a number on it that blows their mind and makes no sense to them But us makes complete sense So my goal is to really help dealers understand how to value what I call the unconventional trade
Now what's an o5 lexus ls worth with 10 000 miles or 2 000 miles? I don't know I mean, I do know but they don't they're just using the tools that they have in front of them, which is vie auto mmor Blackbook kbb things of that nature. So I think dealers lose a lot of deals I think they're selling that their whole selling cars. They shouldn't be or in their retailing cards They're just not there's no The method they're using the price is not the method they should be and then so how do you value the unconventional trade today? We look at all different websites to see where these cars have traded We use really our knowledge we sell enough of them to know that I'm gonna go back to the boxter I just spoke about it that a corrado white boxer is worth significantly more than arctic silver boxer Boxter red interior is worth significantly more than a black interior when I say significantly We're talking thousands of dollars an arrow kit on a 99 911 is worth 15 rent People just don't know that you wouldn't know that unless you live in this market day in and day out Or you really dive deep into all of the complete this things out there So we just build a rolodex of this knowledge
现在,05年款的Lexus LS跑了1万英里或2千英里值多少钱?我不知道。我的意思是,我确实知道,但他们不知道。他们只是使用眼前拥有的工具,比如Auto mmor、Blackbook和KBB之类的东西。所以我认为经销商丢掉了很多交易机会。我觉得他们在卖车的时候没有用正确的方法给车定价。那么,今天我们该如何评估非传统的交易呢?我们会查看不同的网站,看看这些车在市场上的交易价格。我们主要依靠自己的知识,因为我们卖了足够多的车,知道市场行情。我再说回Boxster这个例子,一辆珍珠白色的Boxster比北极银色的要值很多,带红色内饰的Boxster比黑色内饰的要值很多。当我说“很多”时,我们是在谈论几千美元的差价。99款911的箭包值1万5千美元。人们只是不了解这些,除非你每天都在这个市场里,或是非常深入地研究所有这些细节。因此,我们累积了这种知识库。
Um, to understand them that way in we praise cars in seconds. So excuse me, look, we can handle so many of these cars. And um, there's just no good way of doing a no good conventional way. Yeah, it's definitely different. As they say, riches are into niches. So yeah, exactly, someone's junk, someone's treasure, right? Dude, this has been super fun, man. Any closing thoughts, any questions for me, any closing thoughts?
Yeah, I'm curious. What do you think? What do you think? What do you think? What do you hear? What's your opinion? Look, first of all, you mentioned the fact that people try to trade in cars a couple years right after COVID and whatnot prices dropped in half. That's very common across almost all asset classes, I'd say. You know, barring some real estate, obviously, but you know, let's say watches, right? I hear the same thing, right? I spoke with a watch dealer who's a friend of mine. Just hey, what's up at the market because I'm interested and he said hey, um, you just give me some anecdote. So, you know, this guy reached back out to me. He purchased a watch a couple years ago for 100 grand. Now it's, you know, 60 grand, whatever.
So I just feel like that, you know, that normalization or whatever you want to call it reversion has happened in many markets that doesn't surprise me. I like these markets, man. I like markets where you are, it's like you said, it's more recession proof. That person that has 100 million maybe now they have 50 million. That's still a lot of disposable money. It's a lot, it's a lot, it's a lot, it's a lot, it's a lot of money just to have and you know net worth or whatever. Um, to spend on what you'd like and you're not selling, you know, 10 million dollar assets. You're selling, you know, 100,000 200,000 20 grand 50 grand. I mean these are, you know, relatively very affordable for the wealthy customer.
I love that, man. I think you're on a great path. I love how you're leveraging social. I think if I had to give you one piece of feedback I'm trying to think very critically if I could be helpful to you here. I would probably say find ways to scale yourself. Um, on social media. Uh, and I can help you with this, but I think I've also had that struggle especially when I launched cardioshup guy. It was, I said how am I ever going to be able to scale this business? Uh, or back then it was a brand. It wasn't even a business. It was just like an account. Today were you know seven media properties and growing you know over 100 million cumulative impressions per month across all the properties. Um, and I wouldn't be able to do that without my team. Period. It's just impossible.
I wouldn't even want to do that without a team because it just I would have I you know, I'd be killing myself. So I think if you if you isolate everything you do right if you try to really break down what you do it's a very specific things. Then it makes life easier and you don't scale it all at once right it takes time and it's gotta make you know, it's gotta be it makes sense, you know financially. Uh, but like for me, right when I asked myself like how do I create, you know, x type of content or this type of content? Whatever then I said, okay, well, you gotta be able to write copy. You gotta be able to write a headline. You need to be able to tell a story. You need to be able to record a video. Like if you isolate things. You can slowly start scaling yourself up in a way where you don't feel like today you're completely relinquishing control and losing your touch.
You know, you kind of go one by one thing by thing and over time Um when you really isolate all the different competencies, you can really you can really grow well. So that's my two cents. Uh, you can take it for what it's worth. You're clearly doing an incredible job at what you're doing. Thank you. No, I think having a great team is so important. I have a few people on my side that without them I we'd be nothing but it is that it's time and it's it takes up a lot of time. And you have to be willing to give it up, which I am the right person. So I really value that feedback and I hope to be able to scale that's something that we're really I'm really hoping for and I appreciate any uh any help press for t so you can offer.
Well, dude loved having you on this is such a unique type of episode people are gonna love it. You're probably gonna get a ton of messages afterwards. So uh follow our Advantage Auto Collection on Instagram. Oh, yeah, Advantage Auto Collection on ig baby.
好吧,兄弟,真的很高兴能有你参与,这真是个特别的节目,观众们肯定会喜欢的。你可能会在之后收到很多信息。所以,记得关注我们的Instagram账号——Advantage Auto Collection。对,Instagram上的Advantage Auto Collection,伙伴。
What's who we can find you? That's right. All right, Andrew. Thanks for coming on brother. This was awesome. Cool. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. One of the craziest things about the car dealership guy platform is our direct access to literally Thousands of dealership and automotive employees. So naturally I often hear this question CDG can you use your network to help me fill an open role at my company?
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