Andy Elliott On Failure, Brainwashing, His Past, and What Makes a Leader
发布时间 2024-08-08 09:00:24 来源
Welcome to the Car Dealership Guy Podcast. In this episode, I'm speaking with Andy Elliott, CEO of The Elliott Group where we ...
Listen, I'm going to tell you right now, we're going to make a decision. Either you really want to be a leader and we're going to go out here and we're going to grow this team. We're literally going to brainwash them that they're powerful, that they can make it, that they're going to be the best. We're going to take care of them because that's our responsibility as a leader. Leadership in a position of skill of influence and we're going to influence them to rise and we're going to do it with them and we're going to show them love. We're also going to be super direct how to win. I would say if you're not willing to do that, we need to replace you. That's it. A big thank you to our sponsors for making today's episode possible. Dealer DMV and the car dealership guy, industry job board. And now let's get into the show.
听着,我现在就告诉你,我们要做一个决定。要么你真的想要成为一个领导者,我们会出去壮大这个团队。我们实际要洗脑他们,让他们觉得自己很有力量,可以成功,他们将会是最优秀的。我们会照顾他们,因为这是我们作为领导者的责任。领导力是一种影响力的技能,我们将影响他们崛起,我们会与他们一起完成,并向他们展示爱。我们还将非常直截了当地告诉他们如何获胜。如果你不愿意这样做,我们需要更换你。就这样。特别感谢我们的赞助商,使今天的节目成为可能。感谢Dealer DMV和车行家行业招聘平台。现在让我们进入节目正题。
How did you get to a point in life where you have this type of mindset? Like most people you asked of house life, like, Oh, life's great. Yeah, it's cool. Like, no, but like, just give us a little bit about your story. Like what have you been through? What's the Andy Elliott story in like a Spark knows version? Yeah. So we'll then, well, I'll answer your question because, look, here's the reason why here's the reason why we're kicking a lot of people's asses. Okay. Number one, most people, they're trying to run towards a life they weren't. Okay. Like, like, I want this. I want that Lamborghini. I want that for our one, that big house. I want that income. And I'm running from a life that I hated. And that pain that bet against me mentality has really allowed me to change my life.
你是如何形成这样一种思维方式的?大多数人问你生活怎么样时,都会回答“哦,生活很好,很不错”。但是,请你给我们讲讲你的故事,简要地概括一下。什么是“Andy Elliott的故事”?好的,我会回答你的问题,因为这里有一个原因,这是为什么我们能够超越很多人的原因。
Plus I lived mediocre for a long time. Um, I was a pushover for a long time. I surrounded myself with the wrong people for a long time. And once you wake up, I always say there's a day you're born, the day you die and the day your life changes forever. And one day I just, everything changed. And I was like, dude, that guy's dead. And by the way, I'm a leader. Okay. I wasn't always a leader. I always thought like, yeah, I'm a manager, a material manager. I'm an owner, but I wasn't a leader and a leader is not a position. It's a skill of influence. And I wasn't influencing anybody to be better. I made a lot of money. I made a lot of good deals. I did a lot of things, but I never changed anyone's life.
And when I decided to change my life, leaders live for a bigger vision than themselves. I literally opened my eyes. I changed my lens. I saw the world different and I didn't care how the world saw me at that point. I knew what I wanted. And then literally I started running from that life that I hated. And along the way, we built the LEA group. You know, we did 160 million last year. We've been in business for years. We literally, literally defied all odds. When everybody told me, don't do that. I wouldn't do that if I was you. I did it. You guess what? Smoked everyone changed millions of lives. We get a hundred to 150 million views every 30 days on social media. I built a badass team, the loyalty is through the roof. And do the cool thing about it is is that everyone can do this. Everyone, everyone's qualified for this. But you asked me in my perspective and I'm running from the life that I hated. And I can give you the story, but I wanted to answer that question. I, I, I want to hear the story. I mean, tell us.
So today you run the LEA group, which we'll talk a lot about today, your previous life, you were in the dealership business. Tell us a little bit about your upbringing in the business, your, you know, your journey. Yeah. All right. So grown up, my mom left when I was two years old. Okay. It's not a victim story. Like a lot of people have split families and. But my mom left when I was two, most of the time it's the dad that rolls out. Mine was the mom. So that's like the love creature. So, and then my dad marries like 20 crazy step moms, right? So I've, she's been married six times. My dad's been married six times. It's a broken ass family. I'm raised by kids. Basically we run the streets. Um, where was the sad? Where was the sad? Just Oklahoma.
Yeah. Yeah. Uh, more, more Oklahoma tornado alley, right? Um, matter of fact, in 1999, the world's largest tornado that was five miles wide, F5, F6. Which everybody seen the movie Twister, right? Smoke, high school. And I was, listen, I was a D student. I was going to fell and I had to take my semester test, which means I would have got held back. I, dude, I never went to school. I have no idea how I passed. I never took any tests and I'm going to tell you something. No one ever told me it was important to learn. And you think that's common sense, but dude, listen, like no one ever told me that I was going to become anything. My dad said, did a job stay out of jail. Okay. So here's the goal is that was no one of my families ever made more than 60 go in a year. No one. I literally graduate because a tornado took out my school. When if you had passing grades, you got to walk. So bam, I graduated. Yeah. Tornado was the best thing that ever happened. Next thing you know, I did construction for one month and I have fiberglass all in my body. I'm working from six AM and the morning till 11 at night. And I'm like, dude, I've never had any money. I've never had more than $5 on my hand at one time. I'm, oh, we were poor. People labeled us as poor broke. We're the same two pair of clothes every day, same two shirts every day. If I wanted something different, I'd have to go steal. And I'm not a bad kid. It's just when kids raising kids on the street, you didn't do stupid stuff. Who you're around. So you become so literally at 18 years old, I got a job selling cars. My best friend's older brother goes, Hey, man, you can make five grand a month selling cars. Long story short, I show up at a car dealership. I got a lay down the first day, which we all know what that is. I made $1,700. And next morning, I got the high gross of the month, Smith, which is 500 cash in my hand and a $1,700 check. My blood started running different through my body. And I was like, Oh, man, this is the world of cells. And so I became obsessed with cells. I bought every grandcard on cassette tape, everything you could get, every event I could go to. I became a self development junkie in cells. I got it. I took it serious. I worked from seven in the morning till 11 at night. I made 125 grand at 18. I made 225 at 19. I made 500 grand when I was 20 years old. I broke it wide open. My manager told me no one to make that much money in the car business. Rule number one for anybody in the automotive industry. Don't ever let anyone tell you how much you can or can't make.
OK, they have no idea they could boundaries on themselves. Don't let them put boundaries on you. Long story short, I made about seven, 800 grand max. The most ever made selling cars got into management. I'm going to tell you something. The car business is a great industry. Transportation space is great. I think everybody should have to go knock doors for one year or sell cars for one year. I really think the whole world should have to. I think they should learn how to have thick skin, work hard, get rejected and learn how to hustle. And you know, like customer service, you know, hospitality, you know, like train a stranger, everybody should have to do the world being a better place. Matter of fact, they should put that in college. You have to go knock doors or you have to go sell cars for one year. Just do something to get uncomfortable that way people can up their communications.
Well, going back to kind of where I got in trouble, I started my own training company in 2011. OK, I'm making 10 grand per account. I have five accounts, which paid me 50 grand a month. And just for context, you were were you working on a deal ship at the time? I quit the car business in 2011. And I quit it to train car sales. That's what I wanted to do. But it only lasted about five months. And then I went back into the car business, which I'm sure that you've seen that happen a lot of times or somebody try something and then they're back yet, right? How many times the big issue with the car business is not issue. I mean, you can say it's a blessing or a curse, but it's you get hooked to the opportunity, right? It's the golden handkerchief, yeah.
Yeah. Well, well, let me tell you this. There's a lot of great stores and then there's a lot of shitty stores. OK. And by the way, the right ones, they're my good friends. I have a lot of very good friends in the car business and I love every one of them. There's also a lot of pieces in the car business. OK. So but there's that way and everywhere around the world. This episode is brought to you by dealer DMV. And today's climate, you probably find your dealership selling more and more vehicles out of state. More sales, always a good thing. But then comes time to title and register and everyone knows out of state. Tidal link is a major headache. It does not have to be this way. Our friends at dealer DMV have created a program called dealer 50, a revolutionary approach to 50 state titling with dealer 50 or dealership now has 24 seven portal access to calculations, pre filled forms, checklist, inquiries, plus white glove processing and specialist support.
本期节目由经销商DMV赞助。在当今的环境下,您可能会发现您的经销店越来越多地向外州出售车辆。更多的销售总是好事。但是,当涉及到车辆登记和注册时,外州登记通常会让人头痛。不过,这不一定非得这样。我们的朋友在经销商DMV推出了一个名为dealer 50的计划,这是一个革命性的50州登记解决方案。通过dealer 50,您的经销店现在可以24/7访问一个门户网站,该网站提供计算、预填表格、清单、查询、以及一流的处理和专家支持服务。
You can even acquire duplicate titles in all 50 states directly through the dealer 50 platform and the best part, it's DMS integrated. Visit dealer That's d L R five zero dot com to learn more about this game changing solution from dealer DMV or click the link in the show notes below. We're going to talk a lot about training to Ellie group. What are you doing today? You know, you've risen on social media tremendously, right? I'm obviously very active on social to say the least. And so I'm, you know, I'm an observer and I've seen some of the stuff you do. You really carved a niche for yourself in a very successful way. Before we get into that, tell me more about before we got on this podcast, I asked you, I said, Andy, how do you want us to go? You said, you see open book, talk to me about anything. I think something, you know, I wouldn't call it the elephant in a room, but you know, lots of people have asked me about your past. Lots of people submitted questions.
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我们今天将讨论很多与培训有关的内容。Ellie Group,你今天在做什么?你在社交媒体上的影响力显著提升,对吧?显然,我在社交媒体上非常活跃,这是毋庸置疑的,所以我一直在观察,看到你所做的一些事情。你确实在一个非常成功的领域内为自己开辟了一片天地。在我们深入讨论之前,告诉我更多在这次播客开始之前的事情。我问你,Andy,你希望我们如何进行?你说,你是一个开放的书,什么都可以谈。我觉得有件事大家都知道,也不能算是避不开的话题吧,但是很多人都问过我关于你过去的事情,很多人提交了相关的问题。
You know, people have commented on Twitter, blah, blah, blah. What, like, what happened with your past? I mean, what, what went wrong? What went right? Tell us a little bit about your time in a dealership business and, you know, you're learning from that. Just give us the background. I worked in a dealership that was Sheaterburg, Toyota. They were, they were, um, it was, it sold. They're no longer around, but it was 800 credit scores. Great credit. I mean, it was the Chevy GMC, but it was the greatest credit ever. I mean, it was very rare that someone ever had to go, we had a special finance apartment and he wouldn't visit him once a month. Like there was never any bad credit. Well, I became a general manager and got an opportunity. Remember I told you I opened my training deal for five months in 2011?
我曾在Sheaterburg Toyota经销店工作。他们以前是卖车的,现在已经不在了,但那时候他们的客户信用评分都很高,通常有800分左右,都是极好的信用记录。我记得我们有个特别的金融部门,但几乎没什么人会去找他们,因为我们客户的信用都非常好。
Well, I was training, but I was traveling everywhere. And one of the general managers that I was training was a company called Big Red. And it was a guy named Chris May, he owned it and he literally goes, Andy, I want you to be a general manager for my company and not train it, but be a general manager. Now I've never been a general manager at this point. I was a lead manager. I had very good at sales. I, I done stuff. I made a couple of hundred grand, you know, in the car business, five hundred grand as a manager before I made more of sales than I did as a manager.
嗯,我当时在接受培训,不过我一直在各地旅行。我培训的一个总经理,来自一家公司叫做大红(Big Red)。那家公司由一个叫Chris May的人拥有。有一天他对我说,Andy,我希望你成为我的公司的一名总经理,不只是负责培训,而是真正成为总经理。那时我还从未担任过总经理,只是一个主管。我在销售方面很优秀,赚了一些钱。在汽车行业,我作为经理赚了五十万美元,作为销售人员赚得比做经理还多。
And anyways, long story short, he goes, I'll pay you whatever you want to come be a general manager for me. Well, I said, no, no, no, no, no. And one day my wife calls me and she's like, Andy, you haven't slept at the house for the last three nights. You're traveling on the road. You're doing this training. I understand you're trying to get out of the car business because you want to be a trainer, but the problem is you're not home anymore. At least when you're in the car business, you're home every night.
And so I go over to the sky and I'm like, all right, I'm going to give you this offer, this crazy offer to come work for you. This is how much money I need. And he literally looks over and he goes, we'll do it. OK. So that was when I started working for this special finance store. Now, when I went into the store, everybody was bad credit, good credit, bad credit. No credit. Your fruit. That was the commercials they ran everywhere. So everyone that came in had to have a thousand down to buy all of them, all of them.
Well, no one had any money down. So they have this little thing that they put on the contract called King Cash, which means like you would come in and, you know, Debbie would have a paste up utility bill. She'd have everything, but she'd have any money down. So you just put King Cash on there and then boom, you'd roll it through and do like every deal was that way. The whole company was doing it. By the way, I knew other companies that were all doing it, but this company was doing like it was just like, you know, we're in the car business. I was raising it since I was 18. It's kind of like, I didn't really know that you could like get in trouble trouble. Does that make sense? Like this is 2011, 2012 compliance isn't really hard yet. You know what I'm saying? Like it's not real hard into the companies, not in this one.
好吧,没有人预付任何钱。所以他们在合同上有一个叫做“King Cash”的东西,这意味着你可以来,比如说,Debbie会带着一张拼贴好的水电费账单,她有一切东西,但没有预付款。于是你就在那上面写上“King Cash”,然后砰的一下,你就完成了一笔交易,每一笔交易都是这样操作的。整个公司都是这么做的。顺便说一下,我还知道其他公司也都在这么做,但这家公司就好像在车行里,我们是从18岁起就干这行的,感觉就像,我并不知道这样会有麻烦,明白吗?那是2011年、2012年,那时候的合规要求还没有那么严格。你知道我的意思吗?在那个时候,公司并没有像现在这样严格执行 compliance。
But anyways, long story short, I get close to the owner and I start to realize that one day he's pissed some people off. I don't know who it is, but the FBI comes in and every little thing that was going on in that company, they're like everybody's in trouble. Well, at this point, I'm a Christian. OK. And I told my wife, I'm like, man, like I didn't want to talk to my wife about this problem because, you know, as any man, you're making good money, you know, and making a million bucks a year, whatever. And I'm like, this is a hard conversation. I go into my wife.
Well, number one, I go the owner when the FBI comes in calls us all into a meeting and basically says like if you if you don't say what I tell you to say, I'm going to kill you. Like, first of all, let's just get that out of the way. OK. And by the way, this is all on record. Like, so it's fine. But they said, if you don't do what I say, I'm going to kill you. And at that point I went home to my wife and I really thought like, what am I going to what am I going to do? Am I going to like try to protect my family and be the hero? Or am I going to come clean and just tell her like, Hey, babe, you know, we're doing some stuff wrong at work and like we're in trouble and like this guy's like saying he's going to kill me if I don't lie.
And guess what? My wife's like, the truth will set you free. You're not going to lie. And that's the way it is. Long story short, we told the truth. Every step of the way never lied. Um, I started my coaching company. I literally had to recreate myself. Let me explain this to you back then. Remember I told you I was a pushover. Remember in the beginning of this call, I told you I was a pushover. Told you I was like, I was a coward. I didn't stand up for myself. And you know, my biggest problems.
I didn't listen to my wife. This is a big lesson for a lot of people out there. Andy, wait, how, how, when did you meet your wife and within this journey? Well, I met my wife. I met my wife when I was 26 and she was 24. We met in 2006. So it was this was that was so this was way before five years ago. We got together. But after we started working for this guy, my wife told me that this guy. I don't trust him, Andy. My wife has a very good intuition. But honestly, I'm going to go back to this. I was making such good money.
And my wife was nagging me because I, I, instead of trusting her, I called it a nag. I should have realized she wasn't nagging me. She was protecting me, but I was telling you, like, babe, stop nagging me. Like I promise you, everything's good, but I was making more money than I'd ever made. So guess what happens? How many times have we seen people get in trouble because they make good money? By the way, it's more money than I ever made. I was helping people. They got cars. I wasn't hurting anybody. I never showed up and we heard anybody. I just didn't understand. You can get in trouble. I don't know the law. I never been in jail, never gotten any trouble. I'm like, dude, this is crazy.
Long story short, best thing that ever happened to me. I'm going to tell you. That was going to be my next question. I mean, do you. That was the best thing. Well, do I regret it? Well, I wouldn't be where I am right now if it didn't happen. Listen, that's like saying, listen, I got a guy right now that works for me. He's a seven figure earner. I got a hundred guys on my team. He changes more people's lives than anybody else. And literally he did drugs and overdosed when he overdosed. That's the day his life changed.
I'm going to tell you something, man. Some don't. Sometimes people need a near death experience to happen or they need to feel like they're going to lose their freedom or they need to almost lose their life. For people to realize how precious life is and they need to wake up. And I'm going to tell you this. So he asked me, do I regret it? I'm not proud of anything that I did, but I would tell you that the man that you're sitting in front of today that literally is changing millions of people's lives around the world. This guy, this good man, that guy, even as we talk about him, that guy is dead to me. That guy doesn't exist. I don't even remembering it is very weird, but it's important for me to have the story and to tell you and let me tell you why.
Every person in the world at some point is going to do something that they're ashamed of. They're going to do something and most people can never come back from it because the world are so afraid it's going to get out. So everybody sees that they're not perfect. Here's what I'll tell you. Okay. What you can overcome, you're immensely qualified to help people overcome that same thing. I was around the wrong people. I made bad decisions. You know what? Because I went through that because I was a bad leader, because I had bad leaders, because I made stupid decisions.
Guess what? Now, now my decision-making abilities are freaking fire. Now I see trouble from 10 miles to a million miles. Well, now I listen to my wife. Now I only surround myself with good people. Now I never make decisions based off money. Period. You know, what do you make? What do you make decisions based off of? Heart number one, heart. Do listen to me. If the heart isn't good, we don't hire them. All my people that work in my company, my loyalties and through the roof, my companies insane, every one of them are amazing.
None of them were good at what they did when I hired them, but their heart was good and they wanted to help people they wanted to create impact, just like me. Do listen, I didn't know when I started my company that we were going to blow up and make this much money. But do you know what I know or change as many people's eyes? Do you know what I know? I know that I never wanted to be a part of my old life again. But you know what I know? I'm going to tell you this.
All those people that are emailing you that are texting you that are like, I can't believe this. You don't know what he did. Can I ask you a question? Should we be building leaders that actually help people overcome and become comeback kids in their life and literally, you know, like change their lives? Or should we hang them based on their old mistakes? Because I'm going to tell you, man, most people run around and they're trying to hang people off everything, everything they did when they were in the past. And most people that are highly successful at some point, just like in the Bible, the apostle Paul was once, once Saul. He was a Christian killer and he took the Bible the furthest.
Some of us need to do it all wrong so that we can understand how to do it right. And if you see my passion, if you see my energy, if you see the way I am, dude, it's because I know that this is the good life. You know, part of my part of what I do here is like, I'm not a journalist, right? I just have conversations with people. And of course I want them, I want them to have, you know, I want them to look good in front of my audience. But I was, I would say like, if I'm being honest, I was pretty surprised at how open you were to just talk about anything.
Just because, you know, I know I've had enough people on this podcast. We're on episode 105 and, you know, everyone has different sensitivity to different topics. I'm curious. Have you always exuded this confidence? There, at least since leaving the dealership, have you had had this innate confidence? Have you been this outspoken? Is that something you've built up over the years? Has you become more financially successful? What has it been for you?
No, dude, listen, when, when I really like put myself in a bad situation, okay, and by the way, just so you're aware, I remember I told you that guys like, I'll kill you if you lie. Or if you don't lie, okay, we told the truth. Every step of the way we told the truth. Notice, I don't have a felony. I don't have a conviction. I went to court. I told the truth. And they said you wrote. Everybody had a decision to make. When I started telling the truth was the day my life changed. And so, and so I just want to tell you, you asked about this confidence. I was a pushover. I, I was trying, I would maybe cover for someone or help someone do something up, you know, there's a little gray because, you know, like that was my buddy. You know, I realized none of those people were my buddies. None of those people were my friends. The only, the only person that was really with me was my wife.
And I'm going to tell you when I went home, I, I decided and we decided to gather me and her that like for the rest of our life, the automotive industry is great. I trained, I trained, I trained thousands of stores in the automotive industry who appreciate the fact that I tell their gods, hey, you're going to mess up. And guess what, dude? I mean, you're going to do the right thing. And I know what the right thing is because I did the wrong thing. But my training is amazing. My training is great. My training builds confidence. I was good at sales, but this knew me. I'm not getting pushed over no more. I'm not getting ran over no more. I'm going to speak up when, when something happens, but I always believe that people can come back and they're overcomers and they can change.
我要告诉你,当我回到家时,我决定了,也就是我和她一起决定,为了我们的余生,我们要投身于汽车行业。这个行业很棒。我曾在汽车行业培训了成千上万的店铺,他们都很欣赏我对他们的员工说:"嘿,你会犯错误的,但你会做正确的事。" 我知道什么是正确的事,因为我曾经做过错误的事。但是我的培训非常出色,能建立信心。我以前在销售方面很出色,但现在这个新的我,不再被推搡,不再被欺负。当事情发生时,我会站出来说话。但是我始终相信,人们可以重新振作,他们是能够克服困难并改变自己的。
So my confidence, yes, where do I get this confidence? I always had it. No, I didn't always had it. And I always was a good closer and I was a good salesman. But I wouldn't stand up for myself in this way until I almost lost my freedom. And when I felt like I could go to jail and not see my family, something changed in my body. And I totally recreated and a new level of maturity came into my life. And I really realized how when you're running with the wrong people or when you don't stand up for yourself, you can really put yourself and your family in a really bad spot. And because I changed, I put a beautiful financial fence around my family. I put good friends around my life and I changed everything. And so like, yeah, I always had this, I always had this, this confidence, but I have it now. Tell me, tell me a little bit about the Elliot group, right? Tell us a little bit about what it is. What do you do? Like give us some more context for those that don't know. 2019, the Elliot group officially started. It was me and my wife at a kitchen table from 2019 to 2021.
And then from 2015 to 2018, I think, 2018, all I did was wholesale cars, bought cars at the auction and sold them. Like that was kind of what I did. I just kind of hung around in the car business. Yeah. Yeah. And I just really didn't know what to do. I was kind of lost, but I will tell you what I did do is I started to get in really good shape. I started to take care of my physical fitness, which I hadn't done in a long time, especially in the car business. And I should have done that. I got really close to my wife. I got close to my kids. I'm going to tell you what I did is I started learning and educating self-education with Tony Robbins. You know, Tony Robbins, just on social media a week ago or two weeks ago. And from a couple of million people said, Andy Elliott's, my number one student. I've had Patrick bed, David. I've had all the greatest influencers, the ones that I found on social media.
从2015年到2018年,我想,应该是2018年吧,我一直在批发汽车,在拍卖会上买车然后卖掉。基本上,我就这么做的。我整天都在汽车行业打转。是的,是的。那段时间我真的不知道该做什么,有点迷茫,不过我可以告诉你,我做了一些事情。我开始锻炼身体,注重身体健康,这是我很久没有做的,特别是在从事汽车行业期间。我应该早就这样做的。此外,我和我的妻子、孩子们关系越来越亲密。我还开始自学,从托尼·罗宾斯那里学习。你知道托尼·罗宾斯吧?就在一两个星期前,在社交媒体上,他对几百万观众说,"安迪·埃利奥特是我最好的学生。" 我还听过帕特里克·贝德·大卫(Patrick Bed David)和所有社交媒体上我关注的那些顶级影响者。
Dude, I'm going to give you a quick story so you can understand this because I know everybody understands the sacrifice of building a business. In 2019, my wife, when I said I want to start the Elliott group for real and we're going to do this. We, my wife, we had a million dollar house in Oklahoma. I was paid off and Oklahoma. That's a nice house. We sold it. And my wife was sold all the furniture.
We had a conversation with our kids. Mom and dad are going to recreate. We're going to become different people and we're about to go on a journey to start a business together. We're all going to do this together. It was a family decision. Three kids involved and my wife. My wife got a super in house. We put mattresses on the floor. No furniture, literally plastic tables like an FBI stake out lap with tables. Why? Because we weren't playing on staying.
We literally needed to build our business out of that million dollars that we sold our house for. I spent 700 grand on self development. I need you to understand this. I needed to recreate my identity. I needed, I needed to learn and train. I'd never been on the internet. The only thing I knew about the internet was an internet lead to call one. But I started researching Tony Robbins, Dean Graciosa, Bradley, Patrick, David, David, Goggins. I started looking at all these guys and Andy Frissella.
And I started realizing that these people, I wanted a little bit of what all of them had. So I took the best that I left the rest and I started to build my identity and my new self. And I called total recreation. And basically in 2021, we were making a couple million. I was doing all the calls myself. I was fulfilling all the stuff. And I told my wife, I was like, this is where we grow. We're ready. And we packed up from Oklahoma. We moved to Scottsdale, Arizona.
Listen, I'm going to give you a trick. If you don't want to completely change your life, you move from here to there. New people don't know anyone. No one knows who you are. You have the best chance of just changing everything about you. Start fresh. I started fresh and I'm telling you. I started building Elliot Army at that time. Now we're up to 100 people in our company and we're just shaking the world, man.
听着,我给你一个秘诀。如果你不想彻底改变你的生活,就搬个地方。从这里搬到那里。新地方的人不认识任何人,没有人知道你是谁。这是你改变自己一切的最佳机会。重新开始。我当时也是重新开始的,现在告诉你。当时我开始建立了Elliot Army。现在我们公司有100人,我们正在撼动世界,伙计。
We're not going to say yes. So so what do you do today? Right? Like sales training for who to who what type like tell us a little bit about that. So number one, we have 10,000 companies on our training system. OK, these companies range from automotive to solar, you know, to home service, which home service is huge. Some blanket of businesses, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, stuff like that. SAS companies, every industry that a company can have. I mean, tree training companies, people that communicate, anybody that can communicate trains their sales teams.
I built a general in all sales training program. Now I have like RV training, I have automotive training, I have specific training furniture. I'm sorry. I'm laughing because this morning, the, the guy that came to the pest control rang our doorbell at like quarter of seven. The kids are still sleeping. And as you're speaking right now, I'm like, what would you tell this guy that rang by frickin doorbell at 645 and woke up all the kids earlier than they should have woken up today?
Dude, I number one, I would. I would say whoever's in charge, whoever told you to ring my doorbell, 645, have them come see me this afternoon. Because it's probably not that kid's fault. He probably had someone tell him to go start ringing doorbells at 645. I'm just, I'm just telling you like number one, you listen, these, these kids, they're, they're, their leaders are telling them what to do. Okay. So like I'm always like, kill the kid, but the, the kids just trying to do what his boss told me to do. The fish stinks from the hat. As we used to say in the dealership, the fish stinks.
Yeah. So like, I mean, so I was just saying, what would I do? I would say like, Hey, give me a favor. Have your boss call me. I want to talk to him about this pest control deal. And then I would have it out with that guy and be like, dude, are you kidding me, man? Like I got my kids asleep at summertime. You should know better 645. I know what's hot outside, but how about respect for the client? What do you view as the number one blocker to the best, you know, call it sales at a dealership today? Like just give me, I know you can get more of a, give it distillate for me very simply. What's holding back sales teams from, you know, outperforming and, you know, being number one in the region. Like what is that?
It's the leaders. First of all, look, the quality of your life will always come down to the level of your leadership. Our leaders right now, they literally all the leaders in the automotive space, 90% of them don't train anymore. They don't train their team. They talked on their employees. They have toxic atmospheres. They literally weren't an error right now where people would rather work for their mentors over money. They're still preaching. You can make more money if you do this and you do this, but they don't make anyone better. They're not physically changing their life. So they're not someone that anyone else can look up to changing the psychology of the leader will change the business faster than anything else. And by the way, leaders live for a bigger vision than themselves. And it seems like all the leaders are completely selfish. How much money can I make? And that's it. And plus when someone comes in, a lot of the times people get promoted in a car dealership by who's the manager's best friend, not who's most qualified. And people see that. Dude, I'm trying to tell you right now, we don't train our people. We don't hold them accountable. We don't teach them how to have skill and it all starts up top. You know what I know? All the salespeople, they want to be the best in the world, but all they're doing is following their leaders. And guess what? When things get tight, this is funny, when things get tight, the first thing to go is training. It's listen, people spend more money on toilet paper than they spend on training their people. And that's a leader's decision. Okay. So the ones that win, like Paragon Honda, Brian Benstock, the big companies that train their teams, break records that make a lot of money that kick ass, like those, those guys all train with us because they know that human capital is the most important thing in their world. There's marketing inventory and building human capital.
这是领导者的问题。首先,看看,你的生活质量总是取决于你的领导力水平。现在我们的领导者,尤其是在汽车领域的领导者,90%已经不再培训了。他们不培训他们的团队,他们对员工发号施令,营造有毒的环境。我们正处在一个人们宁愿为他们的导师工作而不是为了金钱工作的时代。他们仍然在宣扬“如果你做这个,你可以赚更多钱”,但他们没有让任何人变得更好。他们没有真正改变别人的生活,因此没人会仰望他们。改变领导者的心理,比任何事情都能更快地改变企业。顺便说一句,真正的领导者拥有比自己更大的愿景,但现在的领导者似乎完全自私,只想着“我能赚多少钱”,仅此而已。再加上在汽车销售行业,很多时候,晋升不是基于谁最合格,而是谁是经理最好的朋友。大家都看在眼里。我现在告诉你,我们不培训员工,不让他们承担责任,不教他们技能,而这一切都从高层开始。你知道的,所有销售人员都希望成为世界上最好的,但他们只是跟随他们的领导者。而你知道有趣的是,当情况变得紧张时,第一个被砍掉的就是培训。听着,人们在卫生纸上的花费都比在员工培训上的花费多,这就是领导者的决定。那些成功的公司,比如Paragon Honda、Brian Benstock,那些培训团队并不断打破纪录、赚大钱、表现出色的大公司,他们都和我们一起培训,因为他们知道人力资本是最重要的。营销、库存和人力资本建设,这些才是他们的世界。
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这期节目由我自己的汽车经销商伙伴赞助,他们提供行业工作板。CDG Jobs 正在革新人才与顶级汽车公司之间的连接方式。令人惊讶的是,我们并没有使用任何高科技或人工智能。我们只建立了一个简单的 HTML 工作板。就是这样,但它效果非常好。最棒的是,CDG 听众可以完全免费发布和填补公司职位。所以,你可能会想,是什么让我们与众不同?好吧,通过 CDG Jobs 招聘的公司可以从行业内最了解情况的候选人中选择。不要等待,无论你是在招聘还是在寻找新机会,请今天就访问 或点击下方节目备注中的链接。那就是。
Do you think that, again, broad question, do you think anyone can sell or be taught to sell or do you think it's a process thing? What do you think charisma? Like what goes into it? I think I think anyone can sell. Period. OK, like people are made not born. You know that, dude, listen, I stuttered at 18. OK, I didn't even I didn't even know how to talk. I'd say what I'm like, what, what, what, what, what, what? This guy's like, listen, dude, you got to learn how to master a stranger. You got to learn how to shake a hand. You got to learn how to look at someone and I.
You got to learn, hey, like, see this right here. This is what we say to people when we go say hi to them. You're going to write this down 25 times until you got to memorize. And then you're going to go say it in the mirror and then you're going to look at yourself in the mirror and when you feel good about it, you're going to come back and shake my hand and you're going to do it. And then I'm going to go let you start talking to people. Like do my first manager drop me off at the mall, literally and made me go shake a hundred people's hands and just say, Hey, my name's Andy. You know, how are you doing?
Are you having a good day at the mall? And it felt really stupid and I felt really weird. But I at least got over the fact that, you know, I wasn't thinking about people judging me anymore and he beat the weirdness out of me. And I just want to say that like that was a good leader to me. And I want to tell you that like, dude, we're not doing that anymore. And I promise you, do car dealerships. I swear on my life. These guys are sitting on gold mines. I don't care about interest rates. I don't care about, you know, values of cars. I don't care about marketing. I don't care about none of that.
Dude, there are people suck. There are people suck, man. And the reason why other people suck is because the leaders tolerate sucky people. And by the way, the people don't suck because they're bad people. The people suck because they never been trained and the leaders don't train. They're entitled babies. What do you see as the biggest blocker to a new salesperson and up in comers, right? Is it objection handling? Is it confidence? Is it all of the above? What do you see as that, you know, that barrier from success, typically?
Yeah. So well, number one, I think that because they're not trained, right? Their confidence is really low. And then number two, I do think they are horrible at, you know, objection handling. And I think objection handling is just a little piece of it. I always say this relationships kill objections. So if you're really good at relationships, if you're really good at connecting with somebody, if you speak to someone with familiarity, there's a good chance they're going to like you and they're not really going to object.
Okay. I mean, you got to realize we're in an era where if somebody's in front of you, they're probably going to buy something because they could be anywhere, especially with the internet. So the fact that somebody's with you, if you do a good job building a relationship, more than likely they're going to buy you. Now I would tell you that common sense says the same objections are going to come into every dealership every day. I need to think about it. You know, prices too high payments too high. I need to talk to my wife.
I got a couple more cars to go look at. Like those five things are going to come every day. And what I learned in the car business is that people are there for 10 years and they still don't know how to overcome money to think about it. It why? Because no one's ever trained them. They don't work the service drive. How many times do you see a sales people? Well, we're in service shop. Never. You know why? Because their managers never trained them. They don't know what to say. So they walk over one time and say something and sound stupid. They get rejected. They never do it again.
Dude, I am telling you it's a leadership problem. Massive. It's not a and so that. So listen, I built my company off salespeople because managers wouldn't do their jobs. I went out and sold courses to salespeople. Then the salespeople got good, made money. They got promoted into management. And then those managers now that were my salespeople that I trained, now they pay me to train their salespeople. That's how we built the L in the automotive space. You know, my private company, we were building all this tech and all this fancy, you know, stuff, whatever, but there's a thing called bottom going bottoms up in SaaS and right.
And we weren't a SaaS company, but all this new trend of software, right? It's like, you know, these communication, those your bottoms up. It's easier to infiltrate the organizations. So what you're saying is very interesting that you've, you know, you've developed this strong social strategy marketing, you know, you've really branded yourself. Like you said, with the salesperson, you got into the dealership through the sales person. Now the salesperson is growing within and they're, you know, they're coming back to you for more training. Yeah. That's why it took two years.
And then we did the same thing with solar. We did the same thing with the home service space. We did the same thing with SaaS. We just, we, we did the same thing across the board. Everywhere. Now leaders is really what I do. Just so you're aware, I've created, I've created a thousand to 1500 videos based off every objection, every scenario, everything you can imagine. I still update it whenever something changes in an, in a company or whatever in cells. So we're dominated the sales industry.
Now I'm getting into the leadership industry big time. Leadership is what I'm attacking now. Total recreation, dude, I'm getting a hold of leaders and I'm literally changing everything about them because until they change, their teams can change. And so that's been my big kick now. And that's really where I'm crushing it. That's where I'm killing it. Andy, is it more of a creativity thing or is it more of a process thing? Right. The best salespeople you know, like the consistent process, extremely creative. Curious what you think. Yeah. I mean, number one, I mean, look, they have self esteem. They have self confidence. They have self belief. You know, how do they have these things?
Is it been just do what they say they're going to do? You know, I'm going to wake up at this time. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to walk my inventory 20 minutes before work. I'm going to make 200 calls a day where I'm going to sell two cars. That's an unnegotiable. Like, like the top salespeople, like they just, they do what they say they're going to do. And that's where we train and we train. We teach them discipline. Well, I'm a father figure to a lot of people and it never intended to be that way. But that's really what I've become. You know, I had, I had George Saliba on the podcast and he was telling me that something that I thought was a cool strategy where the customer, when the customer gives him an objection, he actually pulls out these cards that have objections written on them.
And so you'll tell me, like, you'll tell me, Hey, Yossi, I got to think about it. So he'll literally pull out this physical card that says, I got to think about it. And he'll turn it over and it'll have like the, you know, the rebuttal to for the customer. And you know, kind of breaks the eyes, ha, ha, ha, ha, and then they get over it. Do closers are funny. Closures got to be. We got to take all the pressure out of the deal, man. I mean, people get stressed out over money, especially when it costs more money. You know what I always hated?
Like when I was just coming up in a business, like, I know, I did say, you know, the first car I sold, we had a trailer. There was like these, like wooden steps. And I remember standing there. My dad looked at me and there was a person that came on the lies like, Hey, go to that customer, go help them out. I was super scared. You know, I was in my teens and it was just scary. I was like, how is he going to react? What am I going to say? Like, da, da, da, da, da. But anyways, I'll tell you what really bothered me. It bothered me that when we made our first, like, you know, big time hire, call it. I there was there was no way for me to see how he was closing. Like it was always like the closer, like took the person into the room, closed the door.
And I felt like I wanted that knowledge, you know, and I ended up, you know, figuring out my way into it. Because, you know, we got really close to whatnot. But it feels like it was so opaque, even myself as an up and coming to business, I'm talking, you know, years ago, probably like 15 years ago, I didn't have that opportunity. Yeah, that's the way it was a long time ago. Remember is that like if somebody learned, well, number one, back then, that's when you would get your deal split in half, right? Remember that? Like if you couldn't close, you know, so if the guy, yeah, so it's a good little split ski. Well, my point is, is so if I knew how to close and I taught you, that means I can't split your deals anymore. So like, I'm so so we went around and everything that we knew we didn't share it because we knew that the managers would page us in to cut everybody else's deals up because they knew that we could close them.
So if we taught everybody how to do it, then we couldn't cut everybody's deals up. That was the old days. And by the way, that's how that's why people learned and got better because you got your deal split and then you were hiding around corners trying to listen to what people were saying because you just wanted to learn how to close those deals. Do we're the generation? Yeah. Yeah. They called me, they called me the sponge. That's what they call me, the sponge because I would just ask tons of questions in order to learn, you know, but it was hard. You had to really push yourself into it. It wasn't there wasn't training available like that, you know, it's so readily available and so, you know, demystify that anyone could just get it.
Yeah, well, I told people weren't talking, you know, man, 20 years ago, people used to fistfight you. You know, if you stepped in front of them and now you walk into any dealership, people are just like, Oh, yeah, you take that word. Do you think do you think there's sales as an art in the car business is going to go away? I mean, digital retailing, AI, right? Like, do you think that that's over time going to go away direct to consumer or do you think that you really believe car business and, you know, human connection that's going to remain? What's your thought?
Yeah, I mean, look, dude, AI is real. OK, there's robots are real. Like all that stuff is real. But the realest thing is, is the connection between people. At the end of the day, people may want to buy online. But look, dude, there's always going to be a need for a person always. There's always going to be a need for a sales person. I can't ever see. I can't ever see that industries want to replace salespeople. I think that it will take down gross profits. And by the way, if you just want to be a commodity, look, if you just want to be a commodity, this is a commodity. You can buy it. This is what you get. It is a transaction. There'll be zero relationship with our company to yours, except for a good experience. That's fine. But I'm going to tell you, there's a lot of people, man, that still love a relationship and they don't know that until they get a good one. And then they're like, man, that was really nice. OK, so I still think a great relationship. Now, if you're going to have a sales team, if you're not going to train your company, if you're going to have a poor culture, if you're not going to treat people right, or you're better off to just be a commodity. But I would tell you, though, I can't see it going out. I can see businesses going out of business because they're not good enough to keep up. But I don't see them going out, man. I'm just telling you, dude, I just know ways, man. God, God made people to talk to people, man. I'm telling you, I can't see it.
Tell me about if you go into an underperforming store, like what's the first couple of things you do? Well, number one, do the people believe? Well, OK, first of all, I would say something along these lines. The leadership is a big deal. OK, I mean, you can go in stats and go into the numbers. But the biggest thing is I want to go and talk to the leaders. Look, the eyes of the window to the soul. I can walk in and I can tell somebody's dead of their life. I can go talk to any manager and I can tell if they care about the company. I can tell if they care about the people. I can tell if they're passionate about the business, still. I tell if they're burned out. I tell all that real quickly, right? So I don't have a conversation with the leaders and I would literally tell just what a simple conversation, no training involved, where these people are at and how much they care about the company. Secondly, I'd go talk to the salespeople. By the way, I'm going to tell you what I do.
I'd go talk to the salespeople and I'd say, Hey, guys. So I'd be like, Hey, Jerry, Bob, you guys are the managers. Come on in here. You have 15 salespeople. You guys come on in here. Look, you guys are the team. I appreciate you being in here. Everybody do me a favor. I want you to grab a piece of paper. Okay. Here you guys go. I want everybody to write the name of their mentor down on a piece of paper. Fold it in half, put it in the middle of the table. You guys can walk out of here. I'll see you guys in a little bit. Okay. So who do you look up to? Who's your mentor? Write the name because what we're going to do is we're going to look them up tonight. Guys, we want to see who you look up to. That's all everybody write it down. No pressure. Don't put your name down. Just write down the name of the person. When they walk out of the room, I grab the managers. Hey, Bob, guys, come on over here.
So we're going to open these papers and I want to know how many times each one of your names are on these papers. Here we go. Open them up. Damn. Your old name ain't on one of them, which means they'll work for the boss for a paycheck, but they work for the leader for blood, sweat and tears. We got to get you guys to be the leaders. These guys are on their phones all day long, long watching social media and looking for someone to look up to. And they got two leaders right here in front of them that they don't look up to. That's got to change. So I need to change those leaders and those people will change when those leaders change. And you can't train those people and not train the leaders. Because if you don't, if the leaders don't change, you can't change the people because then the leaders stay the same and then the people resent the leaders because they're not even changed. It's it's death. You know, if there's any, well, there's many deal of principles and GMs that listen to this, but if there's, you know, anyone out there right now that's going through this or they're like, maybe unhappy with their GM unhappy with their whatever sales manager. Right. What's your message? Don't you think that it's a do you see a high probability from your experience of people being able to adapt and change with that proper training? Or do you think in, you know, in many cases, it's like, you got to replace. How do you, what's your kind of take on that? Okay.
So look, so, so look, so leadership. Okay. It's pretty simple. I'd have a conversation with you. I'd say, Hey, do you have kids? I have kids. Yes. Three. All right. Cool. And you love your kids, right? And you're going to and your kids are going to you have more than anybody in the world. And when your kids get bigger, you want them to go to work for someone that literally takes care of your kids and teaches them everything they need to know in business and really help self-developed them and is a leader to them and help grow them. Would you agree? 100% Okay. And just like you want that for your kids, everyone of your people out there is someone else's kids.
好的,这样说吧,领导力。非常简单。我会跟你谈一谈,我会说:“嘿,你有孩子吗?” 你会说你有孩子,对吧?有三个孩子,真棒。你爱你的孩子,对吧?你比世界上任何人都爱他们。当你的孩子长大后,你希望他们为一个真正关心他们的人工作,这个人不仅会教会他们所有商业知识,还会帮助他们自我发展,成为他们的领袖并帮助他们成长。你同意吗? 当然,同意。就像你希望你的孩子被这样的领袖照顾和教育,每个在你身边工作的人都是别人的孩子。
Listen, I'm going to tell you right now, we're going to make a decision. Okay. Either you really want to be a leader and we're going to go out here and we're going to grow this team. We're literally going to brainwash them, but they're powerful that they're strong, that they can make it, that they're going to be the best. We're going to train them. We're going to have them look through a different set of lenses. We're going to have them believe different. We're going to alter their identities. We're going to take care of them. Because that's our responsibility as the leader. Leadership in position, it's a skill of influence and we're going to influence them to rise and we're going to do it with them and we're going to show them love. We're also going to be super direct out of when. And guess what? That's what we're going to do. I would say if you're not willing to do that, okay, we need to replace it. That's it. That's the only way to build the culture.
Remember, the culture and the environment builds the team and the leader's job is to build the. The culture and the environment. And if you walk into a company and you don't feel a culture and environment, there's a good chance there's not one. And by the way, if a good environment exists, people don't talk negative. They don't gossip and they don't complain and they don't and they're not lazy in a good culture and a good environment. And so that's the reason why where I will have a direct conversation with the leaders and I'll say, Hey, I love you. Do you really want what you say you want? You said you want to break the numbers? You said you want to sell this many cars? You said you want to, you know, do this thing? You said you want to financially put a great fence around your family and you want to take care of your people. That's really what you want. Then changing is in a problem. Do once you become uncoachable, you're dead of all or not. And you know that, look, we all know this. And so like that's where we decide.
No, no, but but it's really internalizing it. It's really internalizing it. You know, it's like, yeah, I love being coached, right? But like do you like when that insecurity gets brought off, right? How do you feel about it? Right? Are you willing to talk about it to get better at it? And here's a crazy part, right? Like we don't see, we don't see our faults, right? Else as humans, that's always one of the biggest things. Like we're blinded to it. We don't actually see it. And so being in a position where you you accept that and, you know, and really internalize that feedback so more. Yeah. Why why tell them losers give away the power to change something and winners look in the mirror and own their own their. They change.
Do you have any like what are your insecurities nowadays? Seem like a very confident person, you know, dude. I mean, honestly, dude, I, uh, I just don't want to become ungrounded. You know, like our goal in life is to create impact. Truly. And, you know, when you're kicking ass and you're doing great and you're making a lot of money and, you know, everybody, you know, not that everybody loves us, but everybody's like, man, you change my life, change my life. You got to make sure that you don't ever let that flattery get to you. You say, Hey, I appreciate you. Love you. Let's keep going. Um, and you keep moving because, you know, like it's not about us, right? I mean, listen, all I want to do, you, I told you I was in a bad place. I told you that, you know, I didn't, I looked in the mirror. I wasn't proud of who I was. You know, I felt like I'll let it, I'll let my family down. And, you know, so I just know what that feels like.
你现在有啥不安吗?你看起来很自信啊,哥们。老实说,我只是想保持脚踏实地。我们的生活目标是创造影响力,真的。当你表现出色,赚很多钱,大家都说你改变了他们的生活时,你得确保不会被这些赞美冲昏头脑。你要说,"谢谢你,我也爱你们。让我们继续前进。" 因为这不是关于我们的,对吧?听着,我只想说,我经历过低谷,不为自己感到骄傲,感觉让家人失望了,所以我知道那种感受。
So like I just, I want to help as many people as I can, like no BS, like this is our ministry. I wish I would have had me when I was 20. It's a great way to put it. Yeah. I needed, I needed some wisdom. I needed some maturity. I needed someone to be really direct to me. I needed someone to tell me what, you know, like like what the law of the lay in, in business was, and to be honest with you, the car business doesn't educate anyone. Work hard, show up, get on the phone, do your job. I mean, honestly, like I, I, I wish there would have been a little more self development inside of that, you know, I know some industries offer it. And some industries don't. And it's very rare that, and that's why I say I leadership so important because that would be something that a leader provided, which would be a father-like figure that would say, Hey, all right, you're my responsibility now. Let me teach you about money. Let me teach you about relationships, you know, go home, be good to your wife. Work hard when you're here. And then when you go home, put your phone down, be present with your family. They'll support your job a lot more.
You know, Andy, when, when I see you talk and everything you're saying, I think about this, I, and I don't even need to bring up this chart because you know this, I'm sure, but like, you know, Wall Street Journal put out this chart of like the decline in like family values in America. And it feels to me, it feels to me like I suspect that many people come to you like what you just said, like a father figure, like they're looking for that. They're looking for that, you know, that, that purpose in their life and they don't have that. It's like, it's like an all-time low in our country. And I can only imagine that what we see in automotive is just a simple byproduct of that, of a much bigger root, root issue. Yeah, it's everywhere, man. And, and the cool thing is that that's why I said, it's we. So when we built the Elliot group, listen, we have our company, we have a charter school in the back, all of our kids go to school here.
What do you mean by that? You, you run a school yourself. Yeah, we have a, well, we have our own, our own, our own teachers back here. They teach all of our kids. It's amazing, man. We teach our kids entrepreneurship. We teach our kids about God. We teach our kids, you know, the curriculum of work that they need to do. But ultimately we teach them the art of communication. We teach them physical fitness. I mean, we're raising killers. I mean, we want to, I mean, I'm saying like we want to raise kids that are going to go impact. We're not raising followers or raising leaders. And I'm not saying my kids can't follow a good leader. They're like, we're raising our kids to be leaders and understand that the God of this generation is comfort and like they're not going to be comfortable. And, and since our children, remember, you know, I had a pretty crappy upbreeding bring my kids since they have a very good upbringing. We don't want them to be entitled.
You know what I'm saying? Like we want them. So how are you? Yeah. And how are you? How are you doing that? Like that? I can only imagine they see, you know, the Instagram, the fancy cars, the money, like they just have to be exposed to it. So how are you, you know, how are you, how are you balancing that with your kids? Well, well, so like my wife's right here and she'll, she'll say, to our kids, you know, they're eight, 11 and 13. And by the way, like we do things our way. Other people do things their way for the last five years. It's been pretty simple since they've gotten bigger. It's like, she's like, look, do you want me to treat you like a two, three, four and five year old and feed you ice cream? Or do you want me to treat you like the bad ASS? I know you are. Like you tell me, how do you want me to talk to you? You want me to talk to you like a little kid? Or you want me to talk to you like the leader? I know you're going to become you tell me, you tell me how you want to be treated. And they say, well, treat me like the bad ASS. Okay. Okay. All right. Cool. Cool. You do that. You can die. You do that. You're going to get in trouble. You do that. That's not good. You do that. That's what losers do. Okay. Like, you know, we tell them, like God puts people in this world that that aren't bad as a sort of you can see if you don't get your together, which you're going to look like.
Okay. So, you know, I'm saying like, it's just, it's just like, if you want to be a winner, you just take what a loser is and you flip it. And so any loser can become a winner just with a couple of changes. You know, I'm saying. I do. Andy, tell me a little bit about something that's I think you've done very well is your social strategy, your marketing game. You know, anyone that's listening here that's been to, you know, NADA has heard you and your team. You know, you guys have your, your, your chance. I mean, you're very distinct. You've branded yourself in a very distinct, unique way that I would call is very noticeable, very provocative. I, you know, I say provocative. Like if you see, you know, it grabs attention and, you know, I feel like it's like people like, and you could tell me I'm wrong here, but I feel like people like either love you or they like despise you.
Right. And again, you could tell me yours. You're wrong. That's just my hot take. Yeah. No, you're right. Man, I mean, listen, here's the deal. At the end of the day, look, dude, you've heard it a million times, you know, you know, losers don't like winners and winners don't like losers. Okay. You can say it like that. You can say people that are lazy don't like hard workers and hard workers don't like lazy people. Okay. Like people that go out and try to build a life for themselves, try really hard, love culture, love to motivate and inspire people. Right. And then people that want to keep their mouth shut, you know, not speak up, not try to build their self, anything.
People that don't want to be remembered don't break generational curses. Don't break the bloodline in their family. They don't like people that are trying to. When you see us out and you hear the chance and all that stuff, what that is, is we are winners and we are taking winners with us. And who wants to win? Let's go. That's the chance. And if you hear that chant and you're like, oh, I don't like that. Well, then what you're saying is you don't like winners. Okay. And by the way, like listen, I don't, I haters, haters are algorithm feeders. I love them. Okay. Like, if you want to know how I reach so many people, well, it's really simple. Number one, we inspire the hell out of a lot. But then the haters leave comments just so you're aware. Winners don't leave comments. Winners send me DMs and say, hey, Andy, you changed my life. I appreciate you. I love you telling the truth. Thank you so much. Haters, one of the comment sessions. If anybody wants to learn anything about social media, if you ever see somebody's channel. I know. Yeah. Well, that's where the haters live, you know, and, and the deal is, is that, listen, man, don't ever take advice from somebody you don't want to become. If you don't want to be them, don't listen to them. And, and, you know, and that's a big one, you know, and, but what I'm, I'm really trying to tell you what our message is.
And, and so like as we go around is I'm an underdog. Very clear. I'm an underdog. I'm an overcomer. I'm the comeback kid. OK, I'm, I, I work from a state of madness. I'm a person that's like, bet against me. Like bet against me. Like I'll rip your throat out. Like, I, by the way, I won't say anything to you. I will bankrupt you. I will. I will make sure that we put you out. OK, in, in a loving way. Listen, I'm a Christian. I love people. But I am very competitive and people that don't, that, that aren't good people. I don't like that. And so like I won't say anything, but I'm going to build up companies around them to put them out of business. Good companies, companies that take care of themselves. And so you can be a hater for a long time. Here's what I'll tell you. It's the right message to the right person at the right time. OK, you could have hit me with this message at me and you were talking about when I was 30 years old and maybe it wouldn't hit. But then when I had something happen in my life, I was like, oh, my God, I'm like, I need to wake up. And, you know, I realized I was letting my family down. I wasn't playing my max potential. And then I'm like, I would have loved to have found this because this is this was the best version of me that I always wanted to play.
And so like, you know, I get it. You know, it's like when I talk about fitness, you talk about fitness a lot, right? I have people that say like, what are you? A fitness guy or a sales guy? Look, I'm going to tell you this fitness changed my life and wait until you get about doctors your port and you lose your your health. You'll agree with me. OK, it's maybe not today, but one day. OK, and if you don't, you know, I tell people all the time, like, take care of yourself.
Maybe maybe you don't. Maybe like screw this guy. I don't have to. And maybe your kids are watching you and now there will be, you know, and one of them gets sick one day and. You did that. I'm like, you showed them that way. Like I didn't. I have, I tried to tell you and you got mad at me for telling you the truth. You know, I tell people this all the time.
I'm like, dude, four years ago, you said you were going to do something different. Three years ago, you said you were going to do some two years ago, one year. And then now I'm telling you to run a new play now. And I know the play and you're mad at me because you're not getting results. You want you're talking to it on me. OK, cool. Stay the same. So, and by the way, I am crazy. I know you're crazy. You take any successful person. You need to crack them open their craze. Just the way it goes.
Your ethos. I love it. Andy, you know, we're about to wrap up. This has been awesome. First of all, and I appreciate it. I mean, you're super passionate about what you do. First thing I want to ask you before we wrap up is what's next for Elia group? You've done all these great things. You've built a massive social media following. What's next? Really, dude? I just want to keep doing what I'm doing now and just things are going to evolve. I mean, God's connecting the dots, man.
你的精神,我很喜欢。 安迪,你知道吗,我们快结束了。这次谈话真的很棒,首先我要表达我的感谢。你对你做的事情充满了激情。在结束之前,我想先问你一个问题,Elia集团接下来有什么计划?你们已经做了这么多伟大的事情,建立了庞大的社交媒体追随者群体,接下来呢?真的,我只想继续做我现在在做的事情,顺其自然地发展。上帝会安排好一切的。
You know, I always, I told you I want to stay grounded. Like that's like what I meant to say is like, like never lose. Stay humble. Who I stay humble. Yes. Realize that all this can be taken away. It's not because of me. I'm doing the right work. OK, it just I need to I need to I want to stay here. And I have my wife. She is the backbone, the CEO, the leader of our whole company. She's the one you should be talking to. Truly, she's the best. She's built all of us.
And because I took my family with me, that was amazing. So I think I think what's next is this. And I'll finish with it. Never be one dimensional. Never believe that you can only have one thing. You can be financially free. You can be free in your mind. You can be a great father. You can be a great husband. You can be a great business person. You can be close to God. You can be physically fit. You can be all those things.
And so what I think is next is for me to continue to put energy in all the energy I have into all the buckets that are most important. And I never get confused or lost along the way. And then that's what I want. And then I think that I think good things are going to happen. If I just keep doing that before you share your closing thoughts, you were talking about coaching earlier, such an important topic. You know, my prior company at our peak, we were at about 200 employees. And I had hired, you know, an executive coach and, you know, we had other coaches trying to helping us to start the company.
But the point being is. I remember before getting to that point, how much I didn't know what the benefit would be. But I knew that, you know, I was like, Hey, this is what successful people do. I want that because you don't know what you don't know. I've really lived by that. So my question to you is, you know, if someone is listening to this and they're like, man, like, maybe I could use coaching, right? Like, what would you tell them? Like, what do they do? If I'm at a dealer's shape, whether I'm an owner or a salesperson or anyone in between, like, what would you do if you were that person?
Well, well, so number, so number one, like. Modeling proven practices are like what everybody should do. I mean, the whole goal is to crush the learning curve, to compress time frames, to get to the goal where we want quicker, right? So a team every day, if you, if you were a team and you wanted to coach, well, number one, there's three things that sells people should be doing in a car dealership. Number one, they should be selling something, looking for something to sell or training to get better.
Like it's pretty simple, right? So like, think about it. If I had a team, if you, if you came to work for me and I was a manager and I was like, Oh, I'm going to hire you. And I was like, let me tell you what the expectations are. Well, number one, you're selling something. That's pretty common sense. Someone's in front of you and you're selling them that you're spending the time to sell them something. OK. Number two, you're looking for something to sell. What does that mean? You're going to be working the service drive. You're going to be sending videos of cars on the line to clients or you're going to be making the dials. You're going to be calling customers. You're looking for something to sell. You're going to be posting on social media. You're going to be self-ginning leads. Okay. Selling something, looking for something to sell or number three training to get better. Listen, you're going to work eight hours a day. You're probably going to sell a car a day, which is two hours to sell a car. That means you're going to be doing nothing with the other six hours. Okay. So you're going to make calls for two hours.
OK. Now you have four more hours. Are those four hours, you can take at least another 30 minutes to do some training. That still leaves you with three and a half hours to screw around. You sold the car. You made some calls. You still did your training and you got three and a half hours screwing around time. That's on an eight hour work day. Most people work eight to our 12th, even 10 to 12 hours. Here's the point is that I would say coaching allows your people to come in and know what to expect. We're looking for something to sell. We're selling something and we're training to get better. That's all we do. We don't, we don't do anything else. That's all we do here. This is our job. We're going to go home after this has been done with our family. We're going to go to the gym. We're going to go do hobbies. We're going to go do something. This is where it works. We're going to work.
Okay. Like, like, I really feel like coaching allows structure to enter a company. And then with leadership, especially like, dude, I've watched managers. They don't even know how to have a sales meeting. I'm going to be honest with you. I mean, listen, there should only be a sales meeting when there's a meeting with something to say that literally makes the team want to do better. Kick ass want to reach for more and or build culture or maybe correct a situation, but then end on a good note. Dude, I hear managers just talking to hear themselves talk and most people have never they don't self lead themselves. They'd never let anyone. So to me, individual self coaching, like the leaders is different than the team.
The team is a digital training system. It's very simple. It's an app. I have one. They literally log into it. Every day you can say who see who did the training, who didn't do the training and what training they did. It's so simple, but but leaders are like one on one stuff. Like to me, like that's how you you figure out, you know, how to grow them and do. Yeah. And listen, in the car business, like I told you, dude, it's such a good industry. The transportation space makes more millionaires than anything else, but they kind of have training. And honestly, like, there's just a lot of people that don't believe in it. And the car business believes in hard work. And a lot of people work their ass off in the car business. But there's not a lot of people in the car business that make good decisions are financially free because they don't know. They don't, they never been coached. And you know what I mean. I've been through my own, my own fair share.
So I appreciate you coming on. I, your son really wants to go home. So I'm going to, I'm going to let you go. I know seriousness, this was awesome. I really appreciate you sharing your insight, your candor, your transparency. You're insight into sales training and coaching and leadership, which I totally agree with you on the need for leadership and really the thirst out there. Um, so it really was great having you on. And I appreciate it. We're going to have to do this again sometime. Yep. Anything you need, man, I hope somebody got a little bit of value today. Lots of good ideas.
Alright. Hope you enjoyed that episode. Please give the podcast a rating. Consider subscribing to the show and check the show notes for links to what we talked about. Thanks for tuning in. I'll see you guys next time.